Lesson Plan Template

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Daily Lesson Plan Organizer

Subject: Language
Grade: 8th

Day: Thursday

Lesson Objective: (the main focus of the lesson along with the student assignment):
The focus of my lesson is for students to understand and apply active and passive voice through the use of
verbs. They will also achieve particular effects through conditional and subjective mood.

Standards Addressed:
(Missouri Learning Standards and ISTE Standards)
Use verbs in the active and passive voice and in the
conditional and subjunctive mood to achieve
particular effects (e.g., emphasizing the actor or the
action; expressing uncertainty or describing a state
contrary to fact).

Materials/Resources and Preparation (Physical and

Go through an interactive power point

1. Provide essential and guiding questions that are aligned with unit objectives (i.e., questions that
focus student attention on meaningful activities leading to desired learning). (Indicator 1.2)
2. Indicate whether essential and guiding questions require higher-level thinking according to Depth of
Knowledge (DOK) level or Blooms Taxonomy. (Indicator 4.1)
Essential Question(s):
DOK or Blooms Taxonomy
How do you recognize the difference between
Sentence structure
Sentence fluency
active and passive voice?
Story outline
How do you recognize the difference between
What a verb is
conditional and subjunctive mood?
What a direct object is
What the subject of a sentence is
Past participle form of the verb
Guiding Questions:
DOK or Blooms Taxonomy
What is active voice?
Sentence structure
What is passive voice?
Sentence fluency
What is conditional and subjective mood?
Story outline
When do I use active voice or passive voice?
What a verb is

What a direct object is

What the subject of a sentence is

Past participle form of the verb
Learning Progression Instructional Sequence: Teacher says, student says

Include time allotment for each task or activity. Highlight any critical thinking, problem-solving, and/or cognitive

engagement strategy used within the lesson.

T Hello everybody!
S Grunts and Hiiiiiiii.
T Alright, today we are going to learn about Active and Passive Voice
~Pulls up powerpoint~
T Take out your notes and please write down what you think you will need.
S Meeeeeeh.
T Thats enough. Ok! So does anyone know what Voice is? Yes, Timmy?
S How a sentence sounds? Like sad or happy?
T Good! You are on the right track.
~Clicks to voice slide~
T Voice is a characteristic of verbs which indicates the relation of the verbs action to its subject. The
voice of a verb may be either active or passive
T Now lets start with active voice! Active voice verb is when the subject performs the action of the verb.
The pattern that active voice sentences follow goes as so.[Thing doing the action] + [Verb] + [Thing
receiving the action]
S Will Active voice pattern ever be flipped around?
T Nope! It will pretty much always follow this pattern!
~goes over some basic examples~
T In the example Timmy plays the banjo! Timmy is the subject doing the action. Plays is the verb and the
banjo! Is the object receiving the action/direct object.
T Next is passive voice! Passive voice verb is when the thing receiving the action is now the subject, and the
former subject now receives the action of the verb. The pattern that passive voice sentences follow goes as
so[subject] + [be verb] + [past participle form of the verb] + [by] + [thing receiving the action]
S So, with passive voice we just flip things around?
T Exactly! Now lets look at some examples.
~goes over some basic examples~
T In the example, the banjo is played by Timmy The banjo is now the subject, is played is the passive
verb, by is the preposition, and Timmy is the thing doing the action.
~BRAIN BREAK!!!~ about 2min.
S- MEEEEH, standing sucks. (and then they have fun!)
T Alright, everybody sit down! Now we are going to look at how to change a sentence from active to
passive voice! 1st - Move the active sentences direct object into the sentence's subject slot. 2 nd - Place the
active sentences subject into the direct objects slot preceded by the preposition by 3 rd - The former verb
also changes in form. It consists of verbs in different forms plus past participle form of the verb.
T Everybody good!? Okay.
T Now we are going to look at how to change a sentence from passive to active voice. 1 st - Move the passive
voice sentences subject into the active sentences direct object slot. 2 nd - Remove the be verb from the main
verb and change the main verbs form if needed. 3rd - Place the passive sentences object of the preposition.
~goes over some examples~

T Now, I want you to pair up with the person next you and together you are going to transform the
following sentences into their opposite voices. If the sentence cannot be transformed, just copy it.
~students go through examples with each other~ for about 5-10 min.
T- Okay guys tomorrow you will start working on a project where you will have to create a storyboard using
the passive and active voices throughout your story. Your story can literally be about anything you want, as
long as it is school appropriate, within your story you will need to use at least 5 passive and 5 active voice
sentences. After, you have created your storyboard you and I will meet and make revisions before you go
onto a website called Powtoon where you will make your story come to life! Any questions?
S Can it be about dinos!?
T Yes, of course.
S How long does it have to be?
T As long as you have the 5 sentences of each form it can be how ever long you want.
S When is this due?
T Depending on how things go it will be due in one week!
T Okay so now with the same person you were with earlier start to brainstorm!

Differentiation Strategies (Enrichment and/or Extensions):

Academic Strategies
Meet with the parents and set up an at home strategy were I, the teacher, would send home a basic
amount of homework with a sheet that the parents could sign off on saying that they have looked
over the homework and made sure it is done.
Meet with the parents and establish a time possibly after school that I could work extra with the

Have worksheets where they would need to tell the difference between an Active and Passive
sentence and then go over the worksheets with the student.
Add more instructional strategies to my lessons that would not only benefit the student in question

but the entire class as well.

Behavioral Strategies
Remove the student that is notable to focus at a desk with other students.
Be active in checking in on students as they work in groups.
Be overly excited about minor behavioral wins.

Build personal relationships with the students to enable trust.

What instructional strategies are used to support Continuous Improvement (i.e., CI classroom, NEE,
Missouri State Standards, 21st Century Learning, RTI)?

Gallery walks
Around the world
Flashcard Races

Describe the formal/informal assessment used throughout this lesson to meet students needs and
evaluate learning?

As the students work on their storyboards I would give them a deadline to when they would have to present
their story to me. During this time I would check their sentences making sure that they have the right
amount of each and fix any mistakes they have made on them. After this they would them be allowed to put
their story into Powtoon and make it come to life. The Powtoon would be graded on creativity, effort,
sentence structure, and how well they made their active and passive sentences fit into their stories.

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