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www. Vickersmachinegua.org.uk Gillette ts ealled'up. No more deferments for the Bluc and Thin Gillette or 7 o'alock Iladce, As stocks run out they miust get: into bartledress as Gillette “Standard” Blades, Dut ‘they'll still give you the finest shave you can buy, : Gillette in battledress Gilets “ Standaed” and “Standard Thin” Blades (pin = Beach ining Pinca das Piel Ciba tes Sic SMALL ARMS MANUAL By BRIGADIER J. A. BARLOW, 5.4.c. | Late Techical OfBcer, Mathine Gua School, | Assistant Supt, Design Department. Deputy “Supt,, Small, Arms Experimental Estab, ne and e ‘The London Rifle Brigade WITH MANY ILLUSTRATIONS | Reckied Hit LONDON , , Fie Edition 5 5s = January 94a Reprinted =. sss Rebreary 992 Reprinted oy adr qelieke “dae Second Edition November 1942 Bue July 1943 c Third Edition February 1944 . Uniform with this Book HOME GUARD TRAINING MANUAL By Mayor J. Laxanon-Davies, MBE. Illustrated with diagcams, ar, Revised and enlarged edition, FIELDCRAFT TRAINING MANUAL FOR HOME ‘GUARDS: By Majon J, Laxopon-Davies, M.B.E. Illustrated with diagrams and photographs, 2%, ‘Printed is Grist Britain by Wyman & Sima, Lit, Landi, Fakenham & Reading CONTENTS onarTER race INTRODUCTION «©. + os + 6 1, RIFLES ,. - irss % .goqinch Short Moguaine ee Bafeld (Rite 1 2. .gosinch Potter 'r4 (Rifle No.3) - + 16 3 peoindh RileNog = as 4 go3-inch Canadian Ross . . . . af § qooinch USA Model'i7 . ue 6, ‘joo-inch U.S.A. Springfield . 0; + 36 7. wgoo-inch U.S.A. Garand Self-londing = 388 8. 9 ch Sniping Rifle No. 3 Mk. 1° (1). 39 To. a -inch Sniping Rifle No. 3 Mk. 1* (1) A “4 11, .gog-inch Sniping Rifle No.4 Mk. 1* (I). 454 4a, gooinch USA. Browning Auto Rife. 46 13. 7.92 mm. Mauser (Germany) se |. German 7.92 mm. sclf-loading Rifle (G.4r W) 524 15, 26-inch Mannlicher-Carcano (Italy) sa 16. .s5-inch Boys’ Anti-tank Rifle . * _ I, LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS . «56-129 1. gogeinch Bren 56 as oy (i and ssertoch S.A) ke g. ge3sinch Hotchkiss ee % Jopinch Viekers-Berthiet (India). 98 §. 7pamm.M.G. 15 (Germany) » + +98 G. 7.92 mm. M.G. 34 (Germany) cee 3. qaamm, German M.G. gz + 10a 8. 6.5 mm. snd ae mm. Breda dias)” . on g, 8mm. Madsen (Denmark) + + 16 CONTENTS marten aan TI, MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS . 9. 130-161 tea + Ot a » 49 3 + is a - 159 S = os HO IV. MACHINE CARSINES . = KOa-18g 4. 45-inch ‘Thompson eee . 16 . pmm.Sien = 168 3 9mm. Solothurn (Germany) < 473 4 9mm, Schmelver (Germany) a7 3. 9mm, Parachute Troops Curbine : type) (Germany) 179 & oy Bergmann (Germany). Ba. 7.79 mn. Beretta (Lvalian) a 184, ¥. REVOLVERS AND AUTOMATIC PISTOLS’: 05s + aB5-aa2 1. .$53-inch Webley Revolver . «186 a. 80-inch PitolNo.a 0... ag 3+ 455; 45 end 38-inch Colt Revolvers 194 4 490 and 455 Cait Automatic Pistols . 199 5+ 368Colt Automatic Pistol =... 20g 6. .380 Colt Automatic Pistol =. ss 206 t 7 45, 8.and:-45:D-A.: Saiithviand “Wesson WiBac at BEE cers, 209 8 9mm. Borehardt-Luger (Germany). . 214 9 9 mim, Maurer ( ee sien: 9: cae 49. 9mm, Walther (Germany) 233 4. 9mm, Beretta (Italian). 337 PREFACE www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk INTRODUCTION Large sumbers of various types and kinds of anall-arm ‘weapons are in use in the prescat war by the Royal Ni the Array, the Royal Air'Foree, and the Home G "These consist of our own standard and reserve patterns of Rifles, “Machinesguns, Light Machine-gunt, "Machine ines, and Pistols, together with many different vazictics fand calibres of similar weapons from the U.S.A. Je may fall to the lot af anyone in any of the services in battie to require ta know how to usc any particular one of the Pera ees mae iu giant beisun wear cara cieantact Tt must be remembered that the man on service may also a, Seam ta te were deere 0 cal himself an efficient 'man-at-arms”. “This litle book, therefore, hat been produced with the intention of acumen main items of requisite Knowledge about each of the following weapons: i) Our own soul arm weapons. 2) Be sears warps pros Great Britain, and Ly eee oer cient information is aval i toate ‘The service Cael ees only an teary f of any particular light wmctune-gaat atpold infomatiin contained bere, br able ta ilies cay of the ether types in battle. "The be summarized at follows: a ey Oe eee (i) He toad, fi nd unload automatic weapons only. (2 Bes ie ad immediate ‘ction in the case of antosnatic (fe) Briel mnechaniom in certain cases where it helps to undes- stand immediate action, _ INTRODUCTION 7 (0) Stripping and assembly a4 far ania soceasary for main tenance in batt egning therealer. (vi) Cerzain paricclece ‘ice regard oo sriaminiton where mal (vii) Any particular of interest, In addition to the mechanical information given ia the body of the book it appear desirable to touch brief, in this Jntroduction, on the sBles fer which the various types of weapons ore designed in order to clear away any mlscon- ceptions which may arise a3 to their comparative efficiency. For example, in the case of rifles the extreme is touch greate? than the maximum accurate range, whilst With the Medium Machine-Gun the difference between the extreme range and the maximum accurate range is far smaller. ‘Brief notes on the functions in battle of the weapons are therefore given below, The Rifle. ty nila en, ough, a year the atmosphere is clear bility is ts Peles recorded at aiuness up fo one mil 7 ranges up to about 490 yards the ball sa at that a man who noms sesh no difficu! tt opponent, using the sight (shore oovided) witht tating to san doa mare eet Bye few at canes i le iat the bayonet" iris from the hip during an ahaa te apo osc Fetermceh, (var races sell he eae peieee te wrew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 8 INTRODUCTION ener Leos 2s there is a very marked tendency (Alban the greater nuniber ef LM.G.a now fagued have to some extent minimised the necessity for accurate fire, the ability to produce such fire is still a most valuable attribute of the rifle, particularly in the cate of the No. 1 (S-MLL-E.) and No. 4 rifles, both of which have the famous boit action. Goittre soe mare ‘either of these should etn aly fe with practice, a speed of to twenty aimed thom in one mime, whilst hoe arned with the (P24) oz the USA. Model 1917 a a ao pesca sheen peda ment, cutee with the aie to get ae ‘away accurately and at ne in any circumstances, will give the soldier a very marked advantage over a less skilled opponent. ‘The Light Machine-Gun. the main armament of the ee cis trolled by the pon i may be pon fe usr fy at a moment's notice, and since it fo not as Rnd ay ail om wcount of agate wei, for use at led with the fect that it i Seer aes bya bipod ie oot Tonrard apices oa oda ve ears eee nie, Gikcagh it rw the eae anuruniten, ‘The # Ser eto prelnes tie aed wr ike ranleen: CML ‘at ranges up to Boo or 1,000 yards, depending on visibility, INTRODUCTION 9 ar rm ama ai able to “deliver the goods” at even © ereith inane: LA Ga \tdelpomthle Gastirs eictar sings shots or bursts; with others bursts only are peasible. Bursts be of about four or five rounds. Iie is posible to fire the weapon from a tripod mount accurate be brought on-suitable targets 1 At any range in excess of 600 Gectatianinthge sere ee The Medium Machine-Gun. Since this weapon is normally mounted on a heavy tripod. accuracy-can be relied i at ranges considerably greater peli EMG. og thesife,. Tit the casa eee the Vickers gun enhanced is increage in accurate rang: ne fact that special (Mark VIII) ammuniti ised pene makes it possible to employ the gun in a minineure artillery réle nt ranges up to 4,500 yards. ‘The medium machine-gun should, therefore, not be wasted on short-range tasks which can be undertaken with L.M.Gs. (oe even by riflemen), but should be used on , the length of burst ‘with the Tanges up t@ about 3 rounds. ‘The Machine Carbine. Next to the rifle as a personal wea pon comes the “Tommy. gen,” and used intelligently it fs u very fine weapon for [cy tiegeetoaie ee en eae eee its icteriorates rapidly at are thas about 09, ‘e 52 Tar ‘This is" on scoount smeall charge behind the bullet—with a muzzle velocity—and the short barrel, The ne facia tReet www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk Hee 19 INTRODUCTION the place of the LAG, or even the rife exeept at very short iandiness and capability of producing rood Suse quickly make ft eminently suitable for ae and street fighting. : ‘weapon faust not be regarded as a "bullet-spray”s ‘aor ammunition must constantly be emphasized. ‘The comect way to exe it in to fire the shorvest burst which ze ll achieve the desired rerult, and to strive to make every ¢ tell. The Pistol. Revolvers and Automatic Pistols are essentially personal Weapons nnd their main rble thould be defence rather than attack, although its value maa weapon of offence in the hands of a determined and experienced man must not be Whilst experts ean do considerable damage aver, 10 achieve anything like accuracy, combined with the speed which will usually be essential, considerable practice will be necessary. ‘This also applies very forcibly to any attempt to shoot from the hip with the pistol, which ahould be strongly discouraged on the ground that it inevitably resulta in waite of artunition, until the fret is reavonabl Proficient in the more normal position with the arm raised. Notes on 9 mm. Ammunition ‘Weapons deals with in this book take theee different types of 9mm, ammunition. ‘The etsiest means of identiscation is fmeaausement of the overall length of cane and ballet jc, vera length of the cartridge as a whale, “These are as follows: 1, Parabellum, 3, Mauser. A Tian (costo) shove type. Approx: 12 inch, CHAPTER I RIFLES Preliminary Note, ae eee regular services or in the Home OW tO use a mevat least onc rifle Ls. the type With whieh be or his unit i armed, ‘AMl rifles are ‘eaiebaoal peculiarities, "Therefore little additional know- ledge is required co be able to utilize any other type which be is ‘will therefore merely furnish: py Bie marcela of exch ile: (6) Information as to how to remove and replace bolt and magazines (é) Description of mechanical safety device, if inyz and ~ ‘cy ecil ents o te parler ri under review. ok? Tg of ts fact that removal and replacement of the ft and magazine is anyone need be able to do, no attempt has been made to caver detailed stripping. stepping is a miatter for the armourer. 1. .303-INCH SHORT MAGAZINE LEE-ENFIELD (S.M.L.E.), Mks. III AND IIT*. (a) Particulars. Service designation. Rifle No. as: Til and 111°. . 3 5 ft thine ‘www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 2 RIFLES Capacity of ine, ro.rounds, Chi is ling Charger ids). Beer Sore oe and. ‘Cut-off for magazine. Mk. Ti—yes. Mk. [It ‘no, (b) Removal and replacement of bolt and magazine, @) To remove bolt, Frits foroar Sh eufey-caica whic wll be Toca on Isfe side at the rear of the action. Raise the bolt-lever by pulling it up to the left, and pull the bolt back es far as it ‘will come. wea right thumb on the left of che bridge: churger guide hook the forefingcr under bolt-hoad. ing saninat the thumb, pull up the bolt-head. ‘hia action will release it from the spring retaining-catch. Hit the balt-hend ia in ling with the bolt-way in the rear of the body, and withdraw belt. t Fe Note. Mefore stempting to lever up the bolt-head ores it retaining catch toake sure that the bolt ir folly to the rear. Rae wat atlas ber beans Witetiw the ese wn peste Sea eens ie eee, SE rice en taui Gr bettis ates tacos cea Reverse the process outlined in (i) above, but before doing nese (a) That the bolt-head is fully screwed home; (b) That the piece is in Hine with the lug on the underside of the bolt; and 2 Sle ‘RIFLES 4 "That, before forcing the bolt-head down over the e ug-catch, the bolt is ack to the fullest extent, fate (a, unel the bat is touching the resistance shoulder on the top fight rear of the a Gil) To remove magazine. “Push in, », the which is just in Gran tbe tehaes Recs tee tagetinc (lv) To replace magazine. Push the magazine into the magazine opening with the narrower ead first and pointing forwards. Snap home and ‘test that the magazine-catch is properly engaged by trying t0 pall the magazine out. (x) To remove magazine platform and spring for cleaning. Hold the magazine in your right hand, form upper- most. Push the rear of the Ilo dw tata the magazine oe cee Sets hand, and se Reon ofthe Paton up d the two lips of the ‘Sagazine. www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 4 RIFLES (c) Applied and mechanical safety devices. () Applied safety. Bafery-catch on the left rear side of the action. When fighed forward, ik is out of action. In this condition. the It can be operated and the rife fired. epee ae: fully back to the rear, the locking-bolt of the safet into the short etm slot atthe rear of the bolt thas rotation of the bolt. At the same time the half-moan ang ‘the safety-catch engages in one of two recesses in the lhe iece, thus stopping forward or rearward mavernent of the iter, When in the fired position, the rear recess is engaged in the cocked position the forward recess is utilised. (il), Mechanical safety. If the bolt is not closed when the i Peddie or te ara ofl carves isl cues {a} The bolt will mite inte the closed position by the cocking-piece going fo 1 OF (8) The action will go into half-cock, ‘The half-cock position is it about as Flows: With the bolt so far from beit that it will not ss in (a) abore, the stud on # foe cocing piece jae the stud which Lies between the oo car bs Oasiouaasiag tas sages eel os Fie s e' piece is freed from ference with the stud on the bolt, action opened. S.M-L.E RIFLES ty To remedy when the bolt int f-cock, pull sc it fo ee a lk 3 (d) Special features. ‘The locking-lugs on the Lee-Enficld action are at the rear ‘of the belt. One lug bears against the resistance shoul ‘on the right of the body, while the cherie Sore tusinst, the rear wall of cam slot on the Tak las of Tae system of locking has both advantages and dis 1 ior the sOuRh wear and. tear sezvice point of view, the former outweigh the latter, ‘The main when the shot is fired. racy, however, is suffici foal on the ere esi of re with eee of sni i prensa Folin nara eee Saat (i) Simple, sweet, and bolt action which celeron bolt-lever ae us is necessitated by front locking- () Able to function wall in adverse conditions 6f sand, dust, mud, ete, (ili), toclean, to the absence of fc Essy ee absence of forward locking ‘This accion is quite the best inthe world for ordina roayh wear and tear of service conditions i www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk RIFLES 2. +303-INCH PATTERN °14. (P.14.) (a) Particulars, Service designation, Rifle No. 3 Mk. 1%. Weight. e ¢ ibe. 6 ox. Weight with bayonet, io Ths, 7 os, ee h bayonet. oe A a it 3 3 ft. 38 ins. Capacity of magazine, jzounde «Goer or et loading, Charger (5 rocnda): of nights. i Range of adjustment, - 200 ta 1,650 yds. “There ia also a battle sight (aper- ture) sighted for Cut-off for magazine, Nil. (See Fig. 2, p. 17). (b) Removal and replacement of the bolt and magazine. (1) To remove the bolt. Push forward “{H) To replace the bolt, & ee ee ee in thes) we on theend af the bolt, (B) “tee the exeractos Sore divece Ga’ with oa solid Dog: ‘on the right of the bole. RIFLES a Qo Rifle Nad. Mic Se rf Rifla No.t. Mk. Rifle No.3, Mit Ges jae eae USA Model Iz oo ee eee U.S.A. Springfield Modal ‘03, Fis. wwew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 18 RIFLES: Towert the belt i the rie, depress the magazine platform and ease the bolt Note. ele of the mayazine platform Pepe deliberately to nct as an indication that the magazine ia empt For rapid-fire training, when learning to manipulate the bolt quickly, magazine. dept aaao's ura Ooe pet five filles bel on charge. "This depressor the magazine platform down out of cagpement while the bolt is being wor backwards and forwards without drill cartri In the event of these depressor not being obtainable, a 7 calf a/anteinuick wil acre tha pacposs equally’ well; ar, if a Tro remove magazine platform, spring, and attom plato. ieee ide down, and with the nose of a bullet ‘ora dall round, depress the sal spring eatch which ern be seein the cane othe bole nthe rer of the bosoms plate magazine. oe the nose the Balle tote the tigger gua : releases tom plate, u ch nbc caathes baveceorel o oaceneatin v) To replace magazine platform, spring, end ottam ie — ay eet af maehae Coen ple ite ton of te bus and push down and forwards until eel e spring catch engage. (c) Applied and mechanical safety devices. ) Applied safety. Bafety-cach on the sight side behind the, bolttever. the ed forward, it is out of action and the rifie can and the bolt operated. When pulled to the rear the Pil4 RIFLES 19 safery-catch into operation. acts in much the Beste is an eens (W) Mechanical s: atety. When the cifle is loaded ond the bolt-lever = fulyy down, ie 3 8 Rite Ne. 3. HECHANIEAL SAFETY Fig. a. the sear A (Fig. 2) is engnged in the ent of she piece. Meanwhile the safety-stud B is underneath Snail cut-away slot C in the under side of the balt, ‘On the tigger being pressed the nove’ of the sear i depressed, www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk the body just behind the rear end of the barrel. ‘These ing receasca are not easy to keep clean, “The advantage and dindva of this type of action are almote exvth fee mere of appertaining to the S.MLLE. (or to the fact that the Mauser action lends icself to a higher standard of accuracy, the | ‘rg rifle, when | suitably fitted with telescopic eight, is issued and used oa « i itt Vibes ied Ge ears kaw an oe G) Rifle No. 3 Mk. 1 (Tp, o Ber (B Rie Rog Me re ‘A ‘but merely just ‘These are dealt with later in this chapter. fact thar ihe eur _ Some P, ‘24 rifles are fitted with o fine adjustment back= secking-plece hms sight. ‘These were used for sniping purposes in the last theg he earewae war befare the telescopic sight came inte production. They rea of the bent tse denoted by the sufi (F) ined of (1). {E-—fioe ‘Thos the bole adjusmment; T—telescopic), ‘There fs nothing else special Sree the reer of about the (F) riffes. aes SOME GENERAL NOTES ON "THE P. 'r4, pe rer tie Bae of tbe ea turn the length of i Ed sour to be depressed, ‘The -f 5 wrew.vickersmachinegun.org.uk — a2 RIFLES mass production, They, however, ed to rth the newly-deaigned rile in a gap-tnos ea cord= inaly orders were placed with three firms, but a lite latitude had to be given, resulting in the fact that interchange- ability of some of the components suffered, ‘These slight discrepancies caused the rifle to be issued under three different sub-divisons, distinguished from one another by the following identification marks: Manutactoed bo Position of Mark howto on ts ‘fereniar On right top front of | ee | BRA RE eee Ww. On right side of but | LE. LR. LW. ‘On principal compon- eats « rn a notice that there is a common identifying letter in cach case, ie., E, Ry or W. Later it wos found necessary, owin to the cartridges on pate a pepe soit ing forward, not engaging by, the Hg, © mostly he belt by ieee owen: (Uae olga aeermretmerty cain fd their barrels 29 altered are Me. Phe bolt be of the later pattern it is with: star” on the lever. Nore. Unless the barrel has been modified, the “star” bolt ‘will not function with it, It is unlikely chat you >ill encounter any unmodified rifles or bolts in these days. All rifles should by now be Mk. I*, RIFLES: 23 3. .303-INCH RIFLE No, 4, (a) Particulars. Service designation, Rifle No, ¢ Mle T. Weight, 9 lbs. 3 02m. Weight with bayonet, 9 Ibs, 10 ozs. with normal batt. 3 ft, SP ins. 4 ft. 5 ins. (approx). 1a rounds, cit ine. : Changer or clip loading. Charger (5 rounds). sights. re and blade, Range of adjustment. _, Early models, 200-r,300 yd facieo model, 100- Cut-of, Buly models—Yes. Produc- tion models— neigh ee ERS ep ere peel sarcer = : oct ; ard ins, long, This makes for I aie hac ‘beat which more than nike up for what is latin length af ash, % BIT) General description, ‘This rifle differs little from the S.M-L.E., of which it ia a modern coy In fact when it was first produced it was known as the S.M.LE. Mk. VI,” www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk a RIFLES: Oy ee tates and shorter and more easily manu- (ii) Slightly ee and sturdier barrel, which makes For greeter necu: (ii) Iiaproved socking up arrangements, including a Bete foes of ose exp, whieh was help om. cire Gy) ae pide ‘surface for the bolt-head to ride upen inside the body. (0) A ecieller iad acta: cist Boke ead Gantt by fi} above). (vi) A now type of bolt retaining arrangement. (i) An aperture inktead of aa open sight. This omtin ‘improves aceuraey. (vill) The bayonet is fitted by means of a turning lock. ee ess oes of a century or A few thst les were mada parrots wbout 1930-31. Pea ud wide AEE prevented any caltive action piiec Gan Shesiee rent ruse sey further modifications to the design have taken place in order to assist manufzeture. It ix probable that substantial ‘numbers of the Inter design will be manufactured in the near fature. There will thus be two models in existence (>) Removal and replacement of bolt and magazine, (i) ‘To remove bolt. (o) Eanty Mopms. Soak as for the S.M.L.E., but so ee draw it right back fess the catch in front pesca malts rot eepeap ecieceeet, (a) Easy Movers. See that the eae sete a Tes the bolt-head down, - gach the san tos us he bee watt unt ae a tise behind the bolt-head (ey Proooerion iti: See that the bolt-head is serewed home. Place the bolt in ‘the balay od push forward. When the bolt«head is past the bridge charger mae eas it over to the sight unl it resta on the runner body. Porldon the bolt-head over the sut-aw Suid yp incmianl pk ae ee {lil} Removal and replacement of the magazine and magazine platform. » Wentical with the $.M.L.E. q (c) Applied and mechanical safety devices. Both the and mechanical safety sane as in the SMALE. SE ene (a) Special features and general information ‘of interest. ‘These are tabulated, description under {a) above. ‘in this instance, in the general wwew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 26 RIFLES: Advantage has been taken of the opportunity afforded by war production, in which time ia a vital factor, to dispense with a certain number of peace-time frills, ‘These are the o referred to in the general description under (@). The main modifications are: ree vice cruciform. @) Raney Taplified bolt retaining arrangement oo brief description-of icems (iii) and Gy above hore. are a lows: SIMPLIFIED BACKSIGHT. ‘This sight consists simply of two re battle sight eet at Hight ingles to one snother, ‘The shorter r range one is calibrated for 300 yards when the bayonet is fixed and is ‘correct for 400 yards when the bayonct ia not fixed. ‘The Becerra tc nee courie without net Presupposing that the normal practice of fing bayonets wher woben. too yards. of the eoeay edited to, toe SC ae ao @ eats use the aperture with the bayonet take ete fa the ‘without the bayonet (9 fap eee pee “oe i) At Geo the 600 {ob wot oo tie ne gies see aig 0 to a little, a ee Soe arte tesa arora tran at by intermediate range does not exosed # inches. RIFLES: 2 (9) At sop yards or thereabouts one the Gop aperrre and down. amount facoin ail toget i Ane ten egies ‘ange alters He fo bas to uve his ead a litte but all that , somewl yards fip one tight down and the otier cote up somcatialy. eee BOLT RETAINING ARRANGEMENTS. ‘These consist simply of the abolition of the boltshead Esicbed runner inte bey. The boetd Wi wit ony Totithasd miuner in. the body, ted fut of the body when it strictly coincides with this Seocawey.” somali 4 www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 8 RIFLES 4, .303-INCH CANADIAN ROSS RIFLE. (a) Particulare. Service designation. Pea ee "BROWNING LIGHT AUTO RIFLE feight with bayoact. TET oi 4 Length with bayonet. fe. of ins. eae eae Charger ar clip loading warner. Type of sights. Aperture and. Range of edjustment. Battle sight re, range Gut-off for magus geomet 2" SE magazine. ies. : 3 (See Fig. a, p. 29.) ; é — (b) Removal and replacement of bolt. MaUSER @) To remove the bolt. ‘The safety-catch on this rifle is on the right side on the bolt-lover. “It Ha a extch of the fering crn te 00. stich SRE tur she catch to te" READY” positon, f ion. 3 turned, in the: . “up”, & this thumb-piece MANNLICHER CARCANG in the centre position. ‘This will permit the bolt to be Pero. geet ee 230 www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 30 RIFLES means of the bolt-lever, The bolt action is of the straight gh ae eerste aoe (il) To replace the bolt, Ses: Has, Oe cad Tuga aze inthe same, ortzontal 5 is position the main spring is Ecenpseved and she taal pata ‘of the sleeve by about It is possible for the bolt-head to spring back fgoina the sleeve under the influence of the main spring. the warning to acc that the lugs sre in the same acetce cd glena tee (he oledieer dentate cxtcaded and sin spring compressed. the bolt in this condition insert into the rifle, seeing eee au gee ca Hs bole exalt orem on the body coincide, and push horn put the thumb-picce on the left aide to the top Position. Note, ‘The magezine is not made for ready removal from the wife. ‘Therefore no niention will be made here of how to remove sscstep. With practice it exa be clemned quite well when in che (c) Applied and mechanical safety devices. (1) Applied safety. es on the right side on the bolt-lever, It is of variety operating fore and aft. When pte Segre le es ed belt operated. the word “READY" stamped on the catch et an te ee a ulled fo the ree, the ehtch is in operation, the word “ READY" is ‘hidden undemesth, and “SAFE” is ~isibte. (Ul) Mechanical safety. ‘The bolt consists of two main portions, the bolt proper ‘the: od into contact with the pin in the ‘The bolt is then ‘to rotate by the action of the ribo on the bolt and bol sleeve. locking-luge on otaty Fate Io Tr ia necessary ap felt the mectanial les ‘This is as followa the pressing of eco es Eee Frcecdite co Sie tol neers aed eevee movement of the latter. Shoe ae tet oot ot be propels closed: on pressing the trigger the sear is rel ‘Sent; the casin pring carrres ‘carries the Firing-pin. i areas oe cocking-piece ee forces the eee in ont fy the spinals on the sleeve complete the turning movement of the Bolt, thus jocking i end the body together An the alecva travel forward the projections depress the pawl, mc rises behind the projections as the sleeve completes its ise cay of expended in ol is a the main spring is edin closiny ih pata that a mist-fire wi osc the bol no ropery cloned. Tn any event the Ce snot be fired unti mE the ection lt correctly closed (d) Special features and general notes on the Ross rifle. ously mentioned, this rifle is one of the very few t pall bolt action types in the world. www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk ded by the Canadians, in fa of the SM.L-E., during the war of 1914-18. est: ‘The sighting arrangements are as follows: (i) An aperture backsight from 0 to 1,200 yards-—readings ROSS: RIFLES u battle of the variety in ee eet dawes ‘This is correct for goo ynrds with Mk. VT) 2 oe a A lor re eee sight for whe ay am foealigcn Gre tamest poston, La tive at zero, the range catered for by the semi-open aigist ‘cur-in the toy ‘the slide is 1,000 3 Tee pgibekghyarerear long ran Ht will gi ol atever is provit MENS IE SOMES Soe We don required for 1,000 foltenal f the vaca lowed for: no : vee ct e) ‘adjustment 0 ight is allowed for} large on. at ee of angia (Le. s inches on the target for exch 360 yarde of range). Alterations af one minute of angle are made possible by the use of e vernier scale. wrew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk P.l7 RIFLES 8 “goc-inch cartridge, with, of course, the necessary adjust- "This was an obviously sound line of action since the jigs cy RIFLES 5. U.S.A. MODEL ‘17. .300-INCH. iy immedistely available, nd. three (a) Particulars. amature ud bd exper ora of produc. 5 aot ' "The rest “was, cl 17. Here in England Tee mon U.S. Model "17. ae quently miscalled the Springfield. 1 have even seen ‘the many unofficisl booklets on Bee sae ce A Dae ot ass to the Boriogtata (dealt a the next page) is thar they both take the same emmunition| Apy ‘imately the same as fe, be Bsiteh gosrinch sg mall brass type). | As for British P. 14, for magazine. Nil. (See Fig. 1, p. 17.) (b) Removal and replacement of bolt and magazine, etc. ‘Exactly the same: as for the British P. 'r4. (c) Applied and mechanical safety devices. ‘Same’ss the P. 'r4. (d) General information. (On ber entry inte the war of rorg-r8, the U.S.A. had to fo very aucober of men lid sacs of ti. vise eile wan the Springbchd goer ‘Having insullic ioonly had ee ee mich ig the le 1 41) 80 could it equally well bo made to sue the USA, www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 36 RIFLES. 6, U.S.A. SPRINGFIELD. .300-INCH, {a) Particulars, Service designation, US. .joo-inch. Springfield, ‘Madel 1903. Weight, lbs. 11 ozs. ‘Weight with bayonet. 0 Tbe. 12 ors. Length. aft. 74 ins. Length with beyonet. 4 ft. 11 ins. (approx), Charger or clip loading. Charger (emall brass type). ‘Type of sights. and open, (See below under (d) Range of-adjustment. 109 to. 2,850 yds. Cut-off for magazine. ‘Yes. Same typo as the Ross. (See Fig. 1,7. 17.) (b) Removal and replacement of bolt and magazine, (1) To remove bolt. Place cut-off in centre position as for the Ross. Raise the bolt-lever and withdraw the bolt, (il) To replace bolt. With the cut-off in the centre position, hold the rifle in the Sogers of the left hand with the thumb extending over the leit side of the body. Then, down the tangazine platform. with the thon of ete left as slide the bolt into the bolt-way in the ie bolt lever, turn the safety-catch and cut-o (omnes ek und pull the trigger to release the springs, z SPRINGFIELD) RIFLES i a7 To remove magazine platform, spring, and bottom plate, Proceed as for the P. "14. dy) To assemble magazine platform, spring, and ‘bottom plate. ‘As for the P. "14. (c) Applied and mechanical safety devices. (i) Applied safety. Safety-catch om the rear of the bolt, ee ‘operated in three positions as follows: 1 So aed ee ates mae a. When turned isto the vertical position, the bolt = be atri by unscrewing the cocking-piece assernl Pee Pn ‘body of the belt. . When turned to the Ei pare socpeeecton he * eye een and the rifle fired (U) Mechanical safety. _If the bolt in not properly closed, Sees ‘will strike the cocking-cam on bolt, and the enerj Bf the oysin spring wil be expended in clog, bal etme he im ec e cap He ae una the batt =e a ey ae haar tan (d) Special features and general information. rifle which attempts to ‘to correct 4 SE es ce a el ay ae www. vickersmachinegun.org_uk 3 RIFLES twist of the riffing. Drift for service is an une important item since the amount is negligible when Gompared with wind and other factors. A description of ihe fe petasaet ra yards. The ti 190 te 2, |. ‘The tines pana ats cet ox bach aeet Gales ee ye divisions, while the longer of the shert lines are so-yard, the shorter lines 25-yard divisions. seithe arf alte ta eeatesiele epee Thain has a smal’ aperture near the base, ig with ieleupee ge ke the alte a = ee ts upper the is move scale, 50 it Eee ed orer to the left the drift slide, thus wito- compensating for ‘With the leaf up, See oe ceneearer aes to obtained ‘the aperture; from 100't9 2,450 open notch the botwore of the triangular saing and from'qea to 24780 yards through the open sighting notch, in the upper ‘The 2,850-yard soit ge ‘open notch in the up; the leaf ee elit th ea down there ew battle sight which x eulibraed for 530 RIFLES ' 8A 7. U.S.A. .300-INCH GARAND SELF- LOADING RIFLE. (a) Particulars. Se U.S, Rifle eal. Mr. Service designation, Us R yo Mi Weight with bayonet. te} Ibs. Lenhowkh bayonet, ioe ff fa ios. Capacity of magazi § rounds. Charger ore indie. ep Ejection. eat side—upwards to Fight front, Bokt-lover or cocking-lever. Right side, ‘Condition of ireech on: {a) Cease fire. set E we yoo © Site shot only. Range of adjustment. . ite anon il. (See Figs. 3a and 3p, p. 988). (b) General particulars. “This is a self-loading rifle, postheta being pressed, a round is fired, the empty case is a fresh round is foal into the charnber and the breech fa closed withaut any, further action an the fart of the fier, “The above operations ape of the spent gases, wr ‘carsied spel wae ese are ard fe On @ pEston righ lian oe const tee eee is wvew. vickersmachinegun.org_uk 8B RIFLES: a —— servore “BOOLINCH USA GARAND $4. RIFLE. Fig. ga. When a clip is empry, it is ejected from the rifle and the ‘bolt is held to the rear, Le. the action remains “open,” in a ‘position in which another elip can be immediately londed. The and leave about 14 i r ;* ike a |2 ag. omacpscaraccel P| tiei Iai lyled Serres eee raeme BLY IEE le i wgaenemaycomrere: B (4a Ua! it afl |, iif stop, turn up to slightly left al | t z i e $4 aoe iH i Hel ele (Ede b SEER SRST pa eee Wilda UE (a) Preparation of the gun for firing. [eae iael sete i. 4. Normal points concerning cleaning, lubrication, and | £ Fi carried out. set no ie extractor ame ry eobust and | "spec ‘rearing ‘Toppa, (ec) Stoppages and Immediate Action. yee tome, Ba, = 1.0rg.uk LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 4. VICKERS-BERTHIER LIGHT MACHINE GUN (a) Particulars. ‘Service designation. .goginch Vickers-Berthier. Weight. aa ibs. ‘Length overall. 4st ins. Feed. Vertical box magazine, Bren type. Capacity of mogazine. ge rounds. ‘Weight of magezine: x Empty 12 om, Pull. a Ibe. 7 om, System of operation. Gas operated. ‘Locked or unlocked. Locked by rising rear end of ‘breech-biock. Feed opening. Top. Ejection. * Right side. Cocking*hendle, Right-hand side. Condition of breech on: (a) Cease fire. ‘Open. (6) End of ine. Open; held on breech (b) magadi ee ate h Calibre. .gog-inch. ‘Atamunition. Any .993-in. British service, ‘Types of fire. Single shot or auto Rate of fire (speed of gun). s00-6oo rounds per minute, (See Fig. 9, p. 92). YICKERS -GERTHIER LMG. OF REMOVAL OF BARREL eos ma saat dimenmeace sone Re LORET TION, la dndul BOT bo AST OTe Eo : Beal — ‘CAREYIEG HANDLE (EATEN gaTTOH Froywew.vickersmachinegun.org.uk 93 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS (b) Loading and unloading. @) To toad, (@) To Put Macaztur. Proceed as for Bren, (6) Lospino.. Pull the magazine-catch slide to the rear. jent just in front of the backsight. ‘The magazinc-catch lever will then spring up dear teas calc parisde sas bikie ef eee ‘With slide withdrawn open the magazine opening cover. Cock the gun by pulling back the’ cocking-handle as far ‘tg it will go. ‘This movement effects the withdrawal of the ection opening cover. the cocking-handle to its * forward position, = eal magazine on the gun in the same manner ee (il) To untoad. Proceed at for the Bren, Close magazine and ejection opening ¢ covers thereafter. (c) Stripping and assembling. ) To strip, 1, Bee that the working parts are forward in the fred position 2. Push out the leckingspin at the front of the’ trigger guard from left to right. ‘This will allow the butt group, Mulch iniiaden toa istal grip and che trigger mechanism , ta speeded ih (i) Re'te the butt at the rear end and unkook the butt group and return spring from the body. Gi) Remove the return spring fzam the butt. LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS oF cocking-handle sharply; bring ME Ta Ba aor eee Cue ue a eae Gicdihold of them as they come out, (iv) Remove ee fram piston by drawing it forwurds and uperards. 3. Remove bere me fellowes ee the carrying h: cate! thon, tum cay taal te to. its highest position, ive. Se at te bare) Teshingc etch en pu the oe ab of the aoe Seren oe Samer taien ee ‘the aus cylinder from the barrel (Bi) Holding the caring handle, etute prt Hae es gand park the bared forward ad oul of the gun. 4. Remove the gas cylinder as follows; i) Ball the enob of the barrel locking-pin catch backwards and ‘up into the goss bras the ferated portion of the barrel focking-pin out of engagement with the gas cylinder. (i) Bush hep pier complete wit biped formar = abated acai i eo Foe een eee cad foeweads shen seRIorENg the barrel, and withdraw to the left. (Gl) To assembic. Re the above procedure. Remember to assemble the breeeh-block to the piston before putting the latter back inte the gun. wrew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk BERTHIER: 95 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS (d) Preparation of the gun for firing. ‘Normal points concerning cleaning, lubrication, and Se rt ees a efue Gaamoad parm. ‘care al . seperlally cares emt hacrcly increases Imbility to fouling in the gas block, etc. (e) Stoppages and immediate action. Xf the gun stops firing, the breech-block will be found to be in any one of four positions, viz.: Grete (i) Not quite home, ‘About half the breech-block, from the rear of the | eee ae cr i tractor forwards, visible in the ejection opening. I Gv) Seat onewhird. of the breechcblock, fe,,. front portion only of the extractor, visible in’ the ejection j opening. ; i _In the event of a stoppage occurring, the cocking-handie,, i j i with one exception, gives ho indication of the cause of failure. > 2 ec mes 3 (|e Pi Hence the rinsr F saconade AcTiON AS To NOTE THE POSITION z ff i 2 \2 fof (OF THE BRERCH-BLOCK. 2 = a a aia Z a wew.vickersmachinegun. org.uk A Vag g)2 2 846 4 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS a 4 ia i (f) Particulars of interest. ile 4 i} 28 ‘The Marie 1 gun wos tho earlicet pattern. Subsequ 2 ee | coosin ceataumnss sere mle see ee at i. aa, porated in Mark IT guns, while all are included in the present zeadeas a ibe | gatteen, whichis the Mack IIL ‘The improvements are et a a follows! eee ES a] @ A simple form of muszle brake (receil reducer), q Re which also ucts a8 quite an effici sh reducer. i aay (i) A redesigned gt plug (already emenoned), a ite ey NR poe are i Hi better eungnt tthe foe endo awbrier : alt We athe eecerve on rauch the sume lines as the Bren, 2 Fee (7) Simplified trigger i = Note, The of piston and breech-block ace = = designated Mark I, Mark I pittow cannot be mated i q with « Mark [1 breechblock and wice versa. “The completa ee bly of Mark II piston and Mark 11 breech-block, . § i can, however, be into Mark I guns. ‘This substitu. a tion of later ‘components is infact being carried out on eg |t iy all Mark {guns which cotne into Ordnance for factory = | repair or other reasons. hoi 14 2 a a i wrew.vickersmachinegun.org.uk | 9 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 5. GERMAN 7.92 mm. M.G. 15 (Aircraft observer's gun) (a) Particulars. Service designation German M.G. No. 15 Weight. 15f Ibs. Length overall gad ins. Feed. ¢ Magazine; saddle drum typ2. ‘Capacity of magazine. 75 rounds. Empty st'lto: Full. of Ibs. System of operation. Recoil. Locked er unlocked. Locked by rotating threads ‘at rear of bolt. Feed opening. Top. Ejection. Underneath, Ca eee (oa ition ont (2) "Cease fire.” Open. mee Nie Wincsest ot (8) End of magazine Closed. olcaToaS: Calibre. 7.92 mm, Ammunition. Riess, German service 7.53, mum. cartridge. Length of barrel recoil. 0.8 in. "Types of fire, ‘Automatic only. 2 Rate of fire. 1,000-1,10eroundsper minute. Shingets com Other particulars: Platol Seip and triggers no Bags Tension lala Ene fitted, et r ae ee WaOs FLUNG pavcaai a ee GERMAN_M.G.15. Tho. WWW. vickersmachinegun.org.uk ror LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS ‘Types of ammunition Gorman Luftwaffe ue solely ‘used. armour-piereing or seri tion of the following types oa lowing types Beek PT x cara is used in German aircraft, (See Fig. 10, p. 100). (b) Loading and ealcan a ) To load, Macaztse. ‘The magazine is of the saddle dram fer from both sides alternately under the Tedoeace of a | When f full i contains aeventy-five rounds, ‘There ee ron, ings in the rear of the magazine five, fee By = ‘se -five rounds, “It'no ig herd are avaitable, those can extily be mado out of suitable di slots cut in the end 10 Sr the bars in the maga Eee ‘spindles, A. small tamay-bar imerted through the tubing completes the job. ‘Two keys ate required to load one magazine. meen ace wanted to fil'a magezine, ie., me bale it, one to take the tension off by means of the load and one to insert the rounds, If» suiteble bolder fer magazine can be mocked up, two men cin manage. (0) Loapine: i) See thar the mafety-catch are is positioned with the “EF opposite the arrow, N.B, To move the esfetycnich are i is oovesary Mopress the safety-catch are retaining catch alightly befure rotating the arc, M615" LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 102 Gi) Place a full magazine on the gun in the same manner as for the Bren, i.c., front end into the magazine opening first, and then pressing down the rear end Until the magazine catch « Gii) “Throw over the magazine catch retainer to the left. "The magazine is now completely locked in position and_camnot be removed until she magazine cateh is pushed over to the right again. (Iv) Bull back the cocking-handle as fares poestble, (il) To untond. 1. Remove magezine x, Press. the trigger. (c) Stripping and assembling. "Set safety-catch atc to "F." -_ Blace te face of the bot, pointing dowawn oie this ea ste oa at the same time exerting a dowm the a rip, in order to counteract me Paria. guide, and Gring- 7. Place the nose of a blunted nail or a suitable punch ee hale ® Body Sen eee poeta ly extension group) give wal blow Bn teen ‘of the axis of the gun. ‘This releases the bolt, return 6) weew. vickersmachinegun.org_ul 103 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS serrations of the cap retainer and cop and allows the latter te be unscrewed, i 8. ‘Holding the front end of the body extension down- wards, unscrew the large screw cap and semave. g. Lift out cap retainer. to. Press the trigger and withdraw the trigger guard about one and a half inches to the rear and remove, 3 be necessary for the trigger guard to be tapped seniy back with s rawhide mall. Do NOY use » hammer or ther steel object. an. Withdraw body extension casing to the rear and take out the buffer and buffer spring. ra. Returning to the barrel and body groups, remore barrel, barrel extension, aad locking-nut from the barrel casing. NB. To do this must firet lift up the ejector to its fullest extent and keep it up while the barrel, etc, is being withdrawn. ‘The ejector will be found at the seat of the cugarine opening. 13. Remove muzzle attachment by raising detent and unscrewing. 14. Remove the choke, if necessary tapping it off with a raw-hide mallet, att ‘Further stripping should be unnecessary, but if required, it must be done only by an armourer. (H) Assembling. te Replace ehoke and muzzle attachment. i 2, Re-osscmble barrel, barrel-extension and locking-nut in barrel-casing. NB. See that the wider slot in the barrel extension ia upper- most, 3 Replace body extension in body extension casing. M.G LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 1084 4. Replace buffer, cuteaway slots to the front, ensuring that the guide studs on the inside of the buffer enter the Portions of the body extension. 5. Insert buffer spring and withdraw buffer and spring until the rear ead of the latter is flush with the rear end of the body extension. 6. Replace trigger guard and push forward. NB. Do NOT press trigger. 7. Insert cap retainer in the rear end of the body exten- ion, Sco that the two nipples seat themselves in the two: lots of the latter. §. Hold body extension with forward end downwards, replace large screw cap and screw up. Retainer and cop are automatically locked by the pressure of the return spring and the ratchet teeth on bath eamponents. 9 Replace extracto; 10. Replace firing-pin 11. Insert fring-pin guide in, beeeeh-block, 20 that the fong arm of the ting-lever is in the recess in the bese of the eeoeceade 7 he fi 412. lace the return spring over the firing-pin guide and. plice the whole asseambly of return spring, fang-pin guide, ahd breech-block in the front end of the ly extension is 5 Holding: th 13. Holding’ these components together with the left tand, ‘place the front end of the breech-block vertica downwards on a piece of wood, and push the trigger extension hard down until hear or feel the Reset vack cock on the sear. a 14. Rotate the safety-catch arc to “S" position, 15. Insert body extension group complete in barrel Guing (to which the barrel has already been assembled) and rotate until safety-catch are catch engages. 16. Rotate safety-catch arc to F."" a7. Press the trigger. wvew. vickersmachinegun.org.. 105 LIGHT -MACHINE-GUNS (d) Stoppages and immediate action. In the event of a stoppage apply the following immedinte action: {) Cock the gun. Gi) Remove the magazine. iii) Press the trigger. iv) Examine magazine mouth—if rounds correctly (bec w magazine Gicken (vii) Continue firing, If at (iv) above # round is misplaced, i.e., magazine, remove it, replice magazine and carry on, & indicated. If the stappage persists, change the magazine. Tf similar stoppages still continue, stip and clean the mechanism, exatnine for burrs, damaged or broken eompon- vents, and ofl up. (e) Special features and general information, ‘The easiest and most suitable manner of utilizing this weapon is to fix it on to a “Mounting seat A.A.” (Motley Mounting), If no other cieans are available you can manage yuite: by the barrel casing and pistol grip to th font and rear Bren supports of the mounting arm. I did this myself in France and it functioned quite well. ‘Using the gun in this manner, its high rite of fire, which makes it an ideal weapon for A.A. purposes, is employed ta the best advantage. At the same time it releases an extra Bren for ground defence. : ‘If you tun out of captured ammunition, Royal Armoured 92 mm. ammunition is of the same calibre and can be used in licu. LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 6. 7.92 mm. GERMAN L.M.G. 34. (a) Particulars. Weight. Length. System of operation Locked or unlocked, ‘Method of feed. Beks. o (a) Cease fire. (0) End of belt. Sights. Range of adjustment. ‘Types of fire. Speed of gua. 26 Ibs. 2 oza. 48 ins. Reoail operated. Breech bolt locked to. barrel | by interrupted threads on bolt Metal belt (for detail Tlow), fed from letshand = Capacity vis. Metal links joined By collaal wire, The t link in each belt has an ing inte which fits «anal the end of each belt so that belts of uny multiple of 50 rounds may be made up. Undemeath. Right-hand side, ‘Open. Closed. Open. A form of opti sight is also carried ae with the tripod. ‘Open sights, 200~-2,000 metres, ‘Optical sight, o~3,000 metres: Automatic or single shot, 800-goo rounds per minute www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 107 LIGHT: MACHINE-GUNS Noe. Tow variations of the M.G. 34. have recently come to, notice (a) M.G. 34.8. Externally this ls very similar to the M.G. 34, co et a cetuin amiaunt of siopliBeation of the working pacts has been carried out, probably with a view to assisting: fodhition: fie fire the tame fr the BG. (0) MG, 3448 horter than the MG 5 bas © recat fas a no ir hen itthiled of eon sound per me are almost identical with those of ths (b) Loading and unloading. (i) Beit filling. ‘This is simply a matter of pushing cartridges into the lips uot the nib at the nd af cach atip engages fn the groove fvund the bese of tha carcridge. (ii) To can "The belt is fed into the irom the left and so that the belt is on top of the cartridges, ‘To load slide forward the cover catch (just in front of the gum butt) and lift the cover. GERMAN M.G. 24 Fig. 11. ‘Place the ee the belt guide se that the right hand cartridge ‘is against tho stoy =e the right side of the guide. Close the cover and pull back the cocking-handle. ‘Tho gun is now ready to Gre, losing the cover always ensure that the rib on wd estes e Saunged with the slorted stud at the rear of the ee (iii) To untoad. Push forward the cover catch, open the cover and remove MG. 34 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 108 the belt. Press the trigger. Close the ejection opening ‘The ejection opening cover ix hi the left side oc gach Ge Peeples leary (c) Stripping and assembling. (i) To strip. Open it to oe ine taco wot of the cine Ragen ge fo the cover, care mot to let feed bicel side att 2. Pross up the ee ae protruding, ‘body (about 3 inches ii ‘of the pistol grip) and with aie ie tebeeo cee eee and allow the return ring to fores it out of the back of the St) nist aed fie voeurh seine BS ee eee aE Paae ieee re Gn a below be epress te i sand in rear ofthe back sight, and twist the body anti-slocke fica ; ee out of al i from the barrel casing. pape ee the rear of the cusing) twist the body anti-clockwise until it tess completed a ball turn from the fully cloned position kad ‘withdwe i Note. ‘The foresight must bs rainéd before this exh be dot. weew. vickersmachinegun.org-ul 9 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS side of the barrel casing juit behind the bipod and twist the Joreer in either direction until the secai-circular aide fe free ‘of the guides. (Gl) To assemble. Reverse the we procedure paying attention to the a) ie reac ng the bods Pp he fare casing oa ate werted, press in the inge-pin eateh an be ne hingé-pin fully home, then release the catch ‘and, easing the hinge-pin ‘out of its socket slightly, tum the body clockwise until the catch snaps home. (ii) Do not forget to insert the barrel before twisting the body home into line with the barre! casic; (diy Bee that tse rollers on the bolt are in line with the jugs on the bolt carer and that the cicctor is forward before inserting in the body. Press the Hers and ease the bolt and cartier forward. i 1, running through the bolt, at an gone fm te ea of the bolt to 8 postion jit abore the right (d) Additional stripping. 1) The buffer group. Is removed from the butt by pressi underside of the butt und twisting the tum in either direction, (il) To separate the bolt from the bolt carrier. 1, ‘Twist the bole ao that it slides into the carricr and so thatthe tigger lever is tipped and the Bring-pin spring trigger lever is situated just in rear of tise right- tut eof erate bt nis pped by bang en ore a dloplng surface on the bolt carrier ‘curmards, 3. Pull back the grips on the covking-piece aad unscrew the eatch on the jer group a quarter M.G.34 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 10 it from the Sring-pin, ‘The bolt and cartier ay now be separa ‘When assembling be sure that the cocking-piece is dolly incest wad then evi ita ole each die ales ee line with the lugs on the carrier, (il) To remove the cocking-handle, Press the eatch under the rear of the body, pull back ie ciigints sk Apt taee toe ‘out of its groave. Witt eee ‘will release it entirely. To assemble reverse the process. (iv) The feed block. Is removed from the cover by setting the slide half and slipping-the block f of the cover. The feed alide then slips out of the feed block. ee acaimag oe and lever may then be removed from. the cover. e) General information and ints of inact ae Slee actls ottua enn os og the: is unscrewed i should be for fire ) ee eee 4. A number of ingenious contrivances have been incor- ted in this weapon which will become apparent on ion. Bach peta ef tas macttiod or ek ft adjustment for differences of too metres, the method of attaching the sling to the pistol grip and the method of securing the by legs when folded against the barrel casing are worth noting. 2 www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk rren LIGHT {MACHINE-GUNS 7. 7.92 mm. GERMAN M.G.42. (a) Particulars. Weight. Length cation eka op ie apt. ins. Recoil operated. Breech bolt locked to. barrel by roller wedites, Method of feed. As for M.G.a4. on: ota) (5) End of belt etre 7 io Ee TS one ne Optical giaht, Ae for MGas, of fire, Automatic anly. Speed of gun. About 1,150-1,200 rounds LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 118 (b) Loading and Unloading. (i) Bett fitting. ‘The belt used is the same 4s that used with the M.G.34. Each round must be pushed into the belt until the nib at the rear of each clip engages with the extractor groove at the base of the cartridge. ef 50 rounds may be joined together by interlocking first and last Links and inserting a (ii) To toad, Pull back cocking-handle, push forward breech-cover sich, eve sae nears ke fro let oat Da ‘of cartridyes so that ¢ cartridge is against the ce Tight of the feedimay, clare cover. “The gun is now ready to fire. Note, On closing the cover see that the lug on the of the breech-block engages in the groove of the focd= (lil) To unload. Push forward the cover-catch, raise the cover end remove the belt. Close the cover, press the trigger and close the ejection-opening cover. Note. ‘The cjectionsopening cover is, hinged on. the 2 (¢) Stripping and assembling. ( To strip. 1. Press catch on under side of burt, twist bott through one-eighth of a circle and remove from bufier spring housing. www. vickersmachinegun.org-ul ec LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS a. Preas rear end of catch on uncer side of body, twist bofler spring housing through n quarter um clockwise and remove together with return spring. Push forward bod: wcover catch and raise body cover aod feed -block to vertical position. In this position only is it ible to withdraw the Motysiver hinge-pin to the left. Fiavi done thit, remove the cover and the feed-block. 4, Pull Dak the cocking-handle sparty and th breech EAE will altde out of the rear af the body. ‘Push forward the barrel locking-catch, mnie is on s. the if the in just forward of the body, and swing the Ponce galas anne aces ae earl {ii) To assemble. Reverse the procedure outlined above. LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 7. 6.5 mm. MODEL 30(BREDA 7.35 mm. MODEL 38| (TTALIAN). Ante. “The only difecnce between thet two models che um (a) Particulars. 5 Weight. ae Tha, Length Ba sssaik ieee eso and projection of spent Reeiae locking-nut (Ferme- Locking system, [eee ere a Magazine fed by 20-round peat: chargers. Feed min Right side. Bjezion opening. Tee cc abtas cing -handle. Right side. ‘Type ol Gre. Automatic only. : fa te 5505. por minute Breach onen o closed 02} ciosnd, memo. fCmA Sights. ‘Open (Barleycorn and V). jo2-1500 metres, clicking ad= ence area tone ‘Range of adjustment. { tight joo metres. (See Fig. 12, p. 112) (b) Loading, firing and unloading. ‘To load. 1. Release magazine catch and allow magazine to swing wrew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk ua LIGHT MACHENE-GUNS BREDA LM.G.-65 NH. MODEL 30. Fis. ra. a, Inserecharger in magazine, push home until last round in caught by cartridge eatch and withdraw charger. 3: Swing magazine into position at right angles ta gun. _4 Pull cocking-handle smartly to rear and let go. 5. Apply safety-catch at rear of body by turning dewn- (il) To fire. 1. Pull back section opening cover on ieft af gun. a, Ruse sstety-catch to vertiea! position. LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 13 3g, Press trigger. Note, On a temparary ecasation of fire always pall bckcack» oe hamlla aie revel lariat cecaditoan pepe eee ‘handle catch just behind the cocki ‘To make ready fre asin ka only neceasnry to ive, the cocking-hanle rk to the rear when the eatch will jump out of engage heat allowing the breecheblotk to go fally forward. {iif) To untoad, 1, Press magazine catch and allow magazine to swing forward, * 2, Cant gun ever to right to remove loose rounds in magarine mouthpiece. f 4. Pull back cacking-handle and let go, twice. 4. Press tringer ta cate aprinus. 5. Push forward ejection opening cover. 6, When necessary, remove magazine from magazine (Ringe and swing hinge inte magazine mouthpiece and sccure. {c) Stripping and assembling. i) To strip. 1, Pullout barrel catch plunger on left of gun and lower ‘barrel catch. a, Tur barre! about 90° to left, slide barrel forward to ‘clear bedy and withdraw to rear. .-Puah forward fingerpigces of butt catch (under back- ), twist butt anti-clockwise and remove to rear, together th return spring, return spring guide and buffer spring. 4 Pull back cocking-handle and remove firing-pin, firing- ‘spring and breech-| Remove cocking-handle by pulling fully to rear and Tiftg off riehe 26. ‘Tum body cover catch (at rearof body corer} to right, wwew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk ry LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS lift body cover, pull out body caver hinge-pin and remove cove: 7. Slide magazine off magazine hinge. 8. Lift out magazine mouthpiece retaining plate which is justin rear of magazine mouthpiece. ‘9. Slide magazine mouthpiece to rear and Lift off to right. 10. Lift out ejector. tt., Turn gun upside down and with the point of a bullet press in the locking-nut catch cover retaining atud, 12, Slide eateh cover off to the rear. 13. Push out the locking-nut eatch hinge-pin and remove locking-nut catch and spring. Bat bs 14, Turn gun right side up again and li ing-nut Fete tea ee ler ce Oe ie eel eon withdraw to left, 15. Mave locking-nut H-piece as far os possible to the rear and lift it out. 16, Lift out locking-nut, Note, No other stripping (li) Te assembte. Reverse the process in (i) above taking care to see that the locking-nut is twisted as far as possible anti before attempting to replace the bocking-nut catch, (d) General information and points of interest. @ ee spore partly by receil and partly by fe apent case, the recoil being used to normally necessary or desirable. BREDA 3oy, LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 15 Gil) Since the major part af the ene ulred 16 operate the weapon t derhed trary the projection of the apent ‘case it is essential that both this and the breech-block should be lubricated. ‘This is brought about by a amall oil pump in the body cover where a lunar is forced upwards by a rib on the brecch-block at evs forward movement of the latter and forces oll throug! small feed-way on to the round next to be fired as it waits in the magezine mouthpiece. The raising of tthe plunger also allows some oil to find its way on ta the breech-block. : (iil) One important disad of this gun is that on cessation of fire the br lock is forward and there a live round in the breech, If the gun is hot this janeously (this is technically k and = special retaining cate is therefore provided behind the cocking-handie which can be wed to hold the maving part in the fully backward position in order to obviate this possibility. (See note to para (b) (ii).) (iv) In order to ensure that the striker spring is compressed sufficiently to give a blow strong enough to lire the round, and also to ensure thi round is not fired before the breech-block is dully forward and locked a forward sear is provided on in cof the gun just inside the body cover. Assuming the trigger to have been held’ pressed thin sear holds back the stciker, bias compressing the striker spring, until it (the acer) raised by ramps at the rear of the breech-block which do not engage with it until the locking-nut is actually turning and locking the breech-block to the barrel. www. vickersmachinegun.org_ul 16 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 8. 8mm. MADSEN L.M.G. (DANISH). (a) Particulars. Hox magazine (overhead) 30 ry Ejection, inderneath. Breech open or closed ont (a) Cease fire, ‘Open. (2) Empty magazine, Closed, Type of sights ‘Open. Range of adjustment. 260 to about 2,665 yards, Barrel changeable, Yea, Calibre: 8 mm, (ee Fig. 13, p- 117) (b) Loading and unloading. (@) To #I magazine. ‘Similar to Bren. (il) To load. 1. Pall hack eocking-handie and relense it. Satara Ease erotics ona eres netic Bice 3. Set change lever at “F", Nate. The position of the lever can only be altered swfen tie gun ie cocked-—see seder fechaniam, p. EIT. pio be forced upwards, compressing www. vickersmachinegun.org_ul LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS ny MADSDEN LIGHT MACHINE GUN Soe Fie. 13. (i!) To untoad, 1. Purchange lever at“ Unl.""—the unloading position. a. Remove magazine, 3. Press trigger. 4. Pull back eocking-handle. an ee pera ere aR: ee see under mechanism. (c) Mechanism. (1) Backward action, 1. Action of recall, On the round belng fred, the f the the recoiling art th ating the Teco and fofog fevers their cect (The mB LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS Gamma type is provided with » recoil increaser which forma a choke snd assists recoil. ‘The two parte of the incresser toay be reversed 40 that the tear portion forms a coll ‘causing gusca to rebound on to the barrel and thus essisting ‘recoil to a greater degree.) 2, Action of the breech-block. During recoil, the breech remains closed for m short distance (half an inch) owing to the guide sud on the © breech-block travelling in a horizental recess in the ewitch Sketch of “Switch Plate.’” Fio. 14. plate, During this movement the firing lever, being forced up by the rear of the breech mechanism, is freed from the hammer, enabling the latter to be pivoted back, and the firing-pin fo be withdawn, both under the influence of ‘the in spring, ‘The jruide stud moves up the upper cam af the sich plate causing the front of the Breceh-block to be pivoted uy to allow for ejection. ‘The guide Stud. then tra @ the top of the cam, and, when Unsupported the spring on the cover causes the front of the breech-block to be pivoted downwards, and the guide nud to drop on to the rear stud of the switch plata. MADSEN LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS a 3. Action of ejector, 4. Action of the distributor. Before recoil commences the distributor ix kept open by the arm bearing on the top ef the distributor cam in the breech mechaniam. In this position, the distributor spring ive round is positioned in the seating tensioned and a Ih ‘the distributor. wew.vickersmachinegun.org.uk MADSEN 120 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS wat Gee re Pelee etl eri these oa to rise and close the breech. ‘The guide stud is now in ‘the disributar to rotate inwards. and dowswards alignment with the horizontal slot in the switch plate, It eer the tcanencaroe eayereitg ihe phn cred travels forward along this slat during che fina! ball inch of in the feed way against the left flange of the breech-block, forward travel, thus ensuring that . 3, Action of ejector. 5. Action of the feed-arm. recoiling parta travel back arfece At the commencement of the forward action, the elector ie tases ade pic tas bce toes of os ce da tying horizontally along the rear flat of the ejector block. actuating block. ‘The feed-arm is thus rotated backwards. ‘The ejector lever is out of contact with the ejector a9 the faa tig lock tier paw veniieg wend cf ae fap coke ob ibe Gece: cee hatin waco Pare feed-arra actuating block, thus preventing rebound of the ae ae ; frei dow ‘ + el in lownwards ‘Note. When the ejection ing dust i Stan oe foreed 1! socking the gun, the leg of the feed arm automaticaly opet the Sjeczar lever: thies comes in. eonsaet wit ut cover, oe tbe Eaten of the font Ig eike the ante : dived f & moerers oh rearwar ment when oo anale the ejector lever as soon as block sraris Mla sctunteey Cacehy stack oy at oar ay cee ee eet to ree, a the tail of the ejector is clear of the steps on the cover, foreing it completely open. block. iii iereenedimctien: t raising of the eesti bout about by means of 1. Action of recoil lever spring. On completion of the backwurd action, the recall over hs poo Te qectoe spring takes contre! end scturting the recoil lever, forces fever bel Te inicrease es recoiling pacts forward, ; 2, Action of breoch-block, rena ee he aed move farward the guide stud moves ce of the “dectr lever spring, off the rear studio the ewitch plate, and striking tho rear lust below the chamber, 18 surface af the centre (in plate) reech- tim of the cartridge. block is forced downwards, thereby exposing the chamber for oe — of the cartridge. ee: ie travels 4. Action of distributor. forwn if comea into contact with the lower rurfice of the ewiteh plate, which emuzes the breech-block De amor ee eat ww. vickersmachinegun.org.uk a2 LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS the frame, ‘This forces the distributor outwards, tension~ ing the distributor spring. ‘The next round in the magerine, ‘which was resting on the distributor drops on to ita seating Im the magazine opening. 5: Action of foed-arm. AAs the recoiling paris travel forward the front surface of Abeiteae log of the Gedcarcn tales contact with sear aurfeca ‘of the feed-arm actuating block, rotating the feed-arm. forward, ‘arm engages the bane of the eartridge which is i ion agsinat the left flange of the breechblock and forees it into the chamber. During the continued forward pettiness mane erat cones ce tayeeeoes actuating and upper surface. ‘The bottom of the rear leg being now on top of the feed-arm actuating prevents the rebound of the feed-arm and helds Gresley lar ses ascak Bloe es 6. Action of the trigger mechanism. ‘When the trigger is pressed the trinwer spring is compressed and the trigger nose is disenigaged from the bent of the recall lever, Too recollypring forces tho recoll lever downwards as being engag rear of the breech , forces. the eee a forward, When the elles parts are almost home the recoil arm is not fully down. “At this paint the hump on the recoil lever bears on the flat of the scar forcing the sear downwards, eee node of the teas from the bent of the fring lever ‘sear apring. ng lever is foreed Gowrwards’ by ior conpresscd sprfog endl strikes ‘the. tall of the hammer, ‘The front of the hummer forces the firing» ie the cartridge, This action compresses th ring which, partially. recovers eer earieherctn trp acids orchetevien Bctcip gi tad ptaty eae ‘of face of breech-block, MADSEN LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS a (ii) The mechanism of the change lever, & being 1. See that the recoiling ing, parconaase aire forward, faite the locking-bole lever to Peat east aan out to the left. www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk wag LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS. a. ‘Turn. the gun slightly to the left, and disengage the butt by. ashing Wt towards che right front, supporting the tbody on the left hand. (i) To assemble. Raise the butt, push in locking-bolr, lower cover and turn locking-bolt lever dowa. B. Barrel and breech mechanism, (2) To strip, t. Place the forefinger of the right hand fn frost of feed- arm axis bar, and draw back and breech mechanism met the whole hand. * plete withdrawal of bertel, ete. taking eare that the front end af barrel dost not conte’ into contact with the short arm of the cartridge distribmor, otherwise damage will be caused to the ring on the front end of the barrel. When the barrel hax heen removed lower the gun gently to the ground. . ee To assemble. ibove, the iia mechanism in right hand, plice the Fleets fully home in one clean mavement. C. Breech block, (2) To strip. 1, Remove breech-block bolt, ‘lace feed-arm to the rear, raise the front and depress cee eee ate eee ertcard we tea aes @ tiie Lift out the breech-block. . ; MADSEN LIGHT MACHINE-GUNS 1g (i) To assemble, ‘Revere sequence as abore, D. Flash ellminater. (1) To strip. Depress securing catch and unscrew, (i) To assembte, Reverse the above, E, Ejector, ejector lever and spring. () To strip. s, Remove the ejector axis pin, end remove the gector. 2. Remove the ejector lever axis pin, keeping the thumb on top of lover to pes lover and pring from jumping Resnve sisetr lover and apsing by lifting théen ps (li) To assembie, Reverse the above. F._ Removal of firing-pin, Oe ‘To strip. ence of instructions as above. ) Rene e Remove Gripe fod opangss (if) To assemble. Reverse the order, Note. All batts on the ays Sete oe ee eae ‘Thees cvust www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk tit | sail i a bt Hee Jat tt Hd | teal sl a leah in Ein i a (tet i phe i es rig | | Til iG if ' i : i il \ ie i 5 i {i i, ty i ay : - a i : i rib : wrew. vickersmachinegun.org.ul id 4 ill hi a2 He Ty Astor He eee i 2 i £ F CHAPTER Il MEDIUM MAGHINE-GUNS eels ‘A medium machine-gun is an automatic weapon of rifle calibre which is cabable of sustained rapid fire, and which is red from s tripod or other form of mounting. are belt fed. ‘Thin enables ved fire tasks, which demand capable of doing demands constant barrel — a a with consequent uni ‘The period over eich hla tnt of re etn be is much shorter with a magusine-fed weapon ls designed es 4 LaM.G., is capacity over e long period is on a lower scale, ‘The belt method of feed necessitates rather more compli- ated mechanism than the box magazine type, which is the ‘normal for Light Machine-una. pages, and immediate action to rectify them, are, therefore, mare complicated alsa. ‘Thus a certain amount of knowledge regarding the mechanism is dosirabl mediate action ia ta be applied fetal = Romie ohh es rane SF tae type action of all, i.c., the M. which im these days inthe British service is exemplified by the Vickers Medien Michine-gan. Rather more reckariem details are, there- fore, required to enable certain guns in this category to be described adequately. 330 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS Ti i, .303-INCH VICKERS M.G. (a) Particulars, Bra designation oft fun. 3-inch Vicks Mouming tnpod, Mik WV, ie Weight ofan: 38 Ibs. (approx). ip ibe, (approx). hel Fst of abr a Rights ide of fie Bloc | { Seite eres a Slow—4 belt pa euaras . -gos-inch Mk. VILL. Z. Sights. Gta 4,000 yards. ‘Type of sight, Apertare. ‘Bartle sight. ‘Yes. 400 yards. ‘Weight of tripod. 56 lbs. (b) Loading, Firing and Unloading, a 7 es Toad. tag end of belt through i Nab ths bo de er ene ee 2 Full crank handle up and back on to alle, le holdin fecdl lock to the ane ae ee belt erat ickersmachinegun. 7 om MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS Release crank handle, which will fy forward again jer the influence of the fueee spring. Note1, ‘The above motions enable the base of the first cartidye tn the belt to be gripped by the ton of the extrictor, preparttory to its being withdrawn from the belt on movement of the extractor, 5. Repeat motions 2, 3, and 4. Note a... The repetition of the initial leading seothons perform es Che enact ‘withdraws the first round from the belt as ‘cores t0 the rear. i) Phe ‘when it gets to the end of the cams "isthe the bod "body Gf it does not drop, it Ts forced dawn by the ‘underatde of the rear caver). Gin ‘The best round is. thos presented ‘the, ure on ite ‘correct [evel and the forward movement of throses ieinta the chamber, Gy) Jus befony the lock ars home the nde eves sting one extractor levers, raise the extractor once more, first round i ee ante eel cee fe cindy ee on the face of the extractor. 5 (oy When the exiicor has risen to te fullest erent a firing-pin hale in the bottorn af the extractor is opposit the cap of the round in the chimber snd the top of the ‘extractor gripa the next round in the belt. There are then founds on the face of the extractor, one in the li ae Ape eteea blocks "The gun ix now fully loaded. (il) To fire. 1. Place both hands on the grin with the forfingers on Sopra tive ban gtac d fingers on the far tide of the eal! ind the thumbs on the fring-lever thum-piece. [ie noe grasp the grips a3 if your life depended ont. The gun does not require holding to ensure accuracy VICKERS MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS a3 —the tripod docs the job for a of trying co grip tightly and. control tie ane ee to oe Li So ‘any tustained Gring, the safety-catch towards you with your second Miles is the tao gseeeity gar dace are ‘The mising ofthe snferrcatch fring ov ins nna or dawg, ution by werves (0 keop the fitinglover to the ee pg hehe oition tha sfety-catch Gare the corwatd cove Feent of the Ering lever ndbcient to fac fae neue the ee Note a When the frieg-lever goes ford the pawl atthe of | Behr eee Bet aoe odin gi, TM rear (Tie tap of the Dar ba front jon the sear of Ee eiagee far ae = cr ber lagna Pile ie ret pa ee tent oe ea is a slot in 3 Ties the tail of the ud movresnent of the ioget bar therefore, drs buck a of the figger is released from the tunbler, The ive position of the tumbler prior to this has kept the firing-pin to. = a (ae now ‘eden ofthe Teo at ee eae The above it a brief a ck is abe ue king place (ili) To untoad, tee Pull the crank handle back on to the roller and release 2. Repeat the pas Disengage the top and bottom feed pals by squeezing weew. wickersmachinegun..org.uk VICKERS: 134 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS 135 Keeping the pawls disengaged, as in 3 shove, with- ‘®, At the rear end of the left side plate is fixed the fusee, eee cae to which js Ge tstaeprkier he Guntarct of tha 5. Lift safety-cateh and press thumb-picce, latter is fixed to front end of its box, which in turn is fixed to the outside of the body. ‘Thus the front end of the spring p ‘The pulling to the ev: ‘of the crank handle without i oy alate The tog the rar of cretion roe 2, tishored, while the rear end, being connected to the bby the extractor schi ; fusce, travels to the rear, ‘The spring i thereby extended ‘The round in t 3. At the font end of the prolongation of The Tet side tte carmen ol plate, there isa recess into which fis AES pownea lever of ths ‘or, when the eat block, recoil taking place, the bottom lever is for ejection just to Brough the seas “Ti, top aa ott levers ing Tee s Pivoted to one another at right angles the top lever moves to Phe tound in the feed block i withdrawa as usual, and the right. 5 palin the chamber, but po fresh round is gripped bby the Senta ee Te ee ee Te extractors a : movement is the aie sar nent. ii) “The round naw In the chamber is dispoted of as in (i the preparitory one for the feeding over of ee ees rearward yeavement of the crank handle. One the next round! Sees ine extracts js Meteby cleared of cartrigzes, ; tet pawh feed the round into position a4 recol while the former prevent any backward movernent of (which joins the connecting ra ee ee ree kami torect wo iad: Kral positod Boston is bebe the evel of ie Jing the crak ai, in readiness foy feeding the next round. and the axit of the side levers of the lock, "The crank is ‘The pawls must. therefore, be cleared out of the way Figidly supported undemeath by the inside plates. Pressure before the belt can be withdrawn to the right. on the face of the lock, tmken through the axis of the side levers. merely tends, therefore, to press the crank harder {c) Brief description of mechanism not so down on the inside plate. ‘The toggle joint thus formed i far covered. () Aboot inch recoil has taken place, and (ly Recoil. (i) The tail of the crank handle has been forced back in 1, When a round is fired, the barrel, to which are attached contact with the roller and the crank handle been the inside plates, recoils approximately one inch. Recoil is made to rotate. : assisted by trapping the gates in the muzzle attachment 50 ‘Owing to the shape of the tail of the crank handle, the tht some of thes energy i expanded in belring 0 push the pee eee rae a eee recoili ‘tothe tear, i means i er ea. eee ee ee eer dae ord ie aaa ea ‘The continued rolling of the crank handle on the roller iF wrew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk 136 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS T Lock cOCKED ON TRIGGER- READY FOR FIRST SHOT LOCK FIRED Fis, 15. and consequent lifting of the crank through about 130 degrees to 140 degrees, id) Cocks the lock by means of the aide lever head and tail of the tumbler, and (ii) Fully withdraws the lock so that the extractor ia able todrop or be fotced dawn behind the exms on the body. VICKERS: MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS .” TT LOCK JusT cockED ON SEAR 8) Howie To Fuk fy PUSHING BAR OUY de ENGAGENEAT WITH FIkIG PIN ABOUT TO FIRE SECOND SHOT OFF SEAR wew.vickersmachinegun.org.uk 138 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS: (ill) Forward movement. Forward movement is effected by means of the fusee spring which bas "G) Been extended by’ tha inch of backward movement of the fusee and, (ii) Further extended by the winding of the fusee chain around the fuse, ‘When recoil is complete, the spring is able to assert itself, $0: (i) Drive the recoiling portions forward, and (8) Rotate the erank rds and forwards by means of the fusee (which is atrached to the crank at ite axis), and so force the lock forwards. ‘The timing of these operations is £0. au reeuling potion ae fully home before the lock commences its forward movement. (iv) Cocking of the lock, firing action first shot and firing action subsequent shots, ee the following action takes i) ‘The side lever head pushes 1p the tail of the tumbler. i) Bines the Tamer bus es head set at right angles down rda and i pivoted about its centre, head is, Forced backwards; this (il) Withdraws the fiing-pin, sine the head ofthe fnbler is positioned in a recess at the rear of the firing-pin. iy) Backward movement of the firing-pin continues until (a) The nose of the tripger passes over the bent of the tumbler and positions itself above it, and (©) The bent of the fring-pia and the bent of the sear engige. VICKERS MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS 439. Note: The sur and ently the bent of the sear, is forced upwards ee teehee ot a eee spring. ‘When the lock travels forward at the end of its movement ihe nricrmtie of die tide lovor bee comsca inco concacs with nd egrets ihe Sal OF the ea ‘The Bente of sear and thenide of tne taggers rosed yin (hv) (o| above, forward movement of the firingypin i restricted by the engagement of the trigger nose nt of tumbler. When ia te ere te ae fe ee Sa ot the: first shot, the seigger bar he the top of the trigger oe te ; ce eet of the tumbler ed jote 2 (p. © pera you tat remember thatthe ti et nose is held out of any "Hypa risa ent with the bent bn pertoced the downward meds dered aang Posting down he tl of SS nm etieanrinn te et er ak “There now being no trigger nose to complete rotation Se ER san Eerie patented and fa the round: _(d) Mechanical safety. ‘In-will be seen that the final movement down of the side Jever head fires the round. ‘This final movement also placca the crank xis belaw the line joining the other two axes of ‘the toggle joint. The round cannot, therefore, be fired Unless the toggle joint hes been formed, (e) Stripping and assembly. () To strip. t. Push up rear caver catch at back of gun and raise F ww. vickersmachinegun.org_uk i 140 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS Tear cover until it comes to # stop at about 20 degrees to 70 degrees past the vertical, a, Pull back crank handle on to the roller and lift out lock and connecting rod, ‘Turn lack ane-third to right and disconnect from the connecting rod, Close rear cover. - Go to front of gun and take out muscle sttachment rplli pin, turn attachment to left and pull off ta che front. i combination tool unscrew murzle cup from front end of barrel §- Onlatch front cover by turing cover latch uptwards anti-clockwise, lift up frent cover, Lift up f gomplete and remove, Close front cover, 6, Push forward the fusee spting-box to as the hooks at the front and rear ends from theit studs and disconnect box from gun and spring from fuses chain, . Remove fusee and chain 16 the left, in EAR Neas er se: rear erdas pie ik A betas gatas a erie) 19. Drop fea res-pate t the horizontal poston Trl Walid tnchi rast cha infeed epee aphid TR latter carries the roller. 1a, Withdraw to the rear the crank, right and left inside plates and barrel by pulling the cranks handle etem stright e rear. 13. Disconnect left and right plntes from crank and (i) To assemble, Reverve the above order. Note, When araambling th feed Mock tthe run, sc that felts tn thr ft Te thin polio Ein etc segregate. abe ener fn sn nthe robenion F = cs ' VICKERS. MEDIUM, MACHINE-GUNS 40 () Component stripping and assembly. (@) To strip the tock. © te costae by raising fide lever head. 2. Foree out side lever split-pin and bush axis side levers. 3. Remove side levers, extractor levers and extractor, 4 Push gut the tumbler axis pin and remave Release the lock spring by pushing down the tl of “a ae le ‘Que tri; axis and Remove lock spring, Wangrpin and sear Sth fpiog. a ‘To assemble the lock, a eS ae Tse Peeters lager axis pin, Tumbler end tumbler ax pin, the trigrer 4: Test eur by eos the lock and it, Cock by an uy movement of the side leve . Fire by ae ie tl the tre to the sear andthe n depressing s Note, Wien firing wa lag ig eth ee Soe wwew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk = 42 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS- (il) To strip the feed block. 1, Force out split-pin. a. Separate top and bottom levers. : 3. ‘Take out slide and remove top pawrls and spring. 4. Pull out bottom pawl axis pin, and remove spring and paws, (iv) To assemble the feed block. Reverse the order of stri (@) Points before firing. ) Rear and front barrel packings. uur Banner Packixe, Wind a strand or two of asepoe erring in the eannelure of the barrel. Press the Sibertos souether ith 8 ‘of wood, or the point of Screw-driver or similar object, until the cannelure is full; ‘then oil the esbestes and smooth it down flush with the barrel. “ (8) Fwonr Baga, Pacrina. Unscrew’ the packing- gland, and wind round the barrel some oiled asbestos String. Whilar winding push the string in firmly with some Seeuebhont object, and compress it as much a posible, Serew on the gland as tightly aa can be done by hand. (il) To weigh the recoiling portions, 1. Remove the fusee spring. a. Place the crank-handle nearly vertical, 43, Place the loop of spring-balance over the ater of the erank-handle, and pull slowly to the rear. 4. Weight to move should not exceed 4 Ibs. MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS 43 (iil) To welgh the fuzce spring. 1, Remove lock. a. Place loop of spring-balance over the knob of the verank-handle. ‘Standing on left of gun, press down check-lever with ‘hand. 4. With right hand pull balance vertically upwards; the reading indicated when the crank-handie starts to move should be between 7 and q Ibs. ‘Note, ‘To reduce weight turn vice-pin upwards and vice-veraa. “You can take i shat three clicks subtmet or add about half « pound. iv) Testing the length of the connecting-rod and adjusting cartridge head-space, 1. Remove furce-spring and lock, 2, Strip the lock and replace only the side levers with bush and extractor, 3. Sce that the adjusting nut is tight. 4 Place a thin washer on the front of the adjusting mut and replace partially assembled lock. g. From undemeuh the breech insert in the extractor over the firing pin-hole a dummy round, or a .of4 armourer’s gauge, and lift extractor. 6. With recoiling crue fully home, guide the dummy round or gauge into the chamber. 7. Rotate crank-handle slowly downwards under control, and sec if there is a slight chock just before reaching the a , If there is no check, add separate washers until & sheck in felt. a 9. A check having been obtained with the washers used, determine the next lowest combination of washers from those ied to obtain the check. VIKKERS — www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk m4 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS re, Place remaining washers underneath the adjusting nut on the shoulder of the connecting-rod, and screw up adjusting nut. ‘Nove, “On service use ive cound but see thatthe gun ie painted away froma your own tron: {h) Stoppages and immediate action, (1) Stoppages. In the Vickers medium machine-gun the denotes the type arrrace failure. Tho hawlle may op tn-one} of foor follows: ‘The Jock is unable to come back far enough to allow the extractor to drop. The ook a unable 0 ao | fully borne after cecoil. oe ea eergl _Sightly in advance of VICKERS " MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS 15 (il) Immediate Action. eae ne , this Barbee to: (due tom Pull the crank handle ® Wastin wrke idle on to raller, open) — (e} in working fae no cover, clear the face of the extractor, | (d) Excessive packin htnar the loc and e'| (Tight porkes in 3. Hf failure recurs, Uf) Frichon due to peat 1, and Vien by user froxen oi) or water, | spring iby thier clicks.” dat Thiet | [Net que down om check] The extacoy i una ponition, | rise to tes highest Lf the fees [item tee «fle ‘Downand homeoncheck | ‘There haa been no ies lever, | sions or, if my, these haa teen Hith recoil, the Fourth position. | "The method of competing with these stoppages is described follomat Second | 1. Fores the crank handle Position |to the rear and call aut Medeati reat cover, lift up lock and ‘examine the cartridge on Ifa damaged cartridge, or ear tn with she ot pon separated ease adhering to wwew. vickersmachinegun.org.uk VICKERS 146 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS 47 et Probable cause. eae 4. Friction in lock, ete, = ace Second | a, [omundamagedenrt-| 2, Separated case, Fromt Position. |cidge with oo front pac: partion remaining ia tion of separated case | chamber. 3: (@] Bent ‘or damaged adhering to it is found oo lo Lyle eign df ap equipment belt is being used. 0 Badri bat Worn or loose belt kere. (a) Bee bow noe in tne iy te cae the crank Frode on the eller. Take the clearing: plug. (seein that the centre pin is back! sod insert, it) into. the Sharnber. Push the pie ioos while Now a de- swith the feed Block. srell home by allowing the Press the ‘pawl sud] Note ‘The effect of a Hock to. go forward slowly, Withdeews the’ bett. No | fault i feed in that the top leeep a Gren prostate an the 1 then allows the recoiling | pawls being engaged behind seunk handle, give the portigna to go forward thus | a cartridge in the belt, are sleariag plug’ a” rocking Allowing the feed block | held fast, when some” ob- motion; withdraw the slide t0 go over to the left struction, such as ebove, lock; strike buck the No. a thea straightens the | prevents the belt from passe hhandie of the clearing ply rounds in the belt. "No-1 | tng freely through the feed and withdraw it {seeing will then lower the reat | block. recoiling Taseihe oie portion at fe Cover pull tha crank handle | aon ered tee separated case fs 00 the ‘oa to the voller, pull the | the top aad bortorn levers to clearing plug) and reload coi belt to the left front and | the slide, are arrested and ‘Third | 1. Slightly raise the crank! 1. A cartridge in fed up Jet go the crank handle, eented fromgoinghorna. position. | handle, pull che belt oo the | slightly ccoss- wise. Hips divtaras dey ose besd left front, tet go the erank ‘ back’ depends upoo the handle and then strike it paint at which obstruction down oa the check lever. : sects ie ofNate Ta order, to. do Note. With Mark Il plugs which hare no. handies, use by ice pan tatet Ipoerig ts ca ta the etcaon gol poate tr tes rece acatonay.m open thie front the gib before insertion into the chamber. «| Saas ore come "ww. vickersmachinegun. org.uk peat rE ee MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS “9 2. BROWNING .30 MEDIUM M.G, ) Particulars. eight (lesa watez). 33 Ibs. appro: ‘hea ins approx.) of operation, 5 Locked or unlocked. Locked by rising locking block. gge-round fabric belt. Diretien of feed: Lee to right (reverse to tgs Vickers). Bie Underneath. cof fire. Auto only, Rate of fire, Tounds per minute. 8 Aegtas or semni-open. Range See spc features, Weight orl me (See Fig. ae P. F50). (b) Loading and unloading. (i) To load, 1. Pull belt tag through feed block from left to right sod ee bel ace cia the rear and release it, 2 ee (il) To unload. 1. Raise caver, 2. Remove belt by pulling out to left 3. Pull cocking-handle to rear and look or feel thet there la:no round on the face of the breech-block, 4. Lower the extractor. § Relense the cocking-handle, ™ het ‘rigger: weew.vickersmachinegun.org.uk 1g0 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS 1st rear plate up cut of engagement with the body by meant of pele 5. Pul bak cookie handle to: Bullet extent and eee . 4 black out to the Fear, Ping wong rod and pul eat Ansert ne of round in hole on right ast body, eae = Sis ee en, extension, and barrel to 1 §. Push forward, accelerator claws and disengage lock extension, (il) To assemble. 1. Tosert barrel and barrel extension into gun body until the ion on the under side of the extension rests against the bottom plate on the body. %, Assemble lock frame to barrel extension as followa: @) Puraceelerator claws infroat of “shaped projection cof barre] extension from the underside. BROWNING MEDIUM MACHINE GUN. fii) See that iene ca ‘of the lock frame enter the slots ara made for them in the barrel extension. Fro. 16. (iii) Snap lock frame forwards against the barrel extension. ‘This will cock the accelerator on the plunger spring (ce) Stripping and Assembly. and lock the frame to che barrel extension. : 3. Lift up rear end of lock frame and push forward Q) To strip. berel, Barrel exrension and lock frame until beld up by the 3. Pull back cover and rear plate eatch and raise cover. Teigeetspin Op the, rich os a. With deft hand pall beck cocking-hundle tp, fullest Sere see ita epring and complete extent and with right hand (usi rim of cartridge or & forvard ee f frame, ctc., until the tall serew-driver) push in nosis spring rod and turn sngages once mare in ite hole in the right of the one-quarter tum to the right, i.e. till slot in rod eplace breech: -block as Push forward ‘king -handle inch. rene - See thar cocking-lewer is forward. ade ny fear cana sb one : eee ees 4. Push forwa ach ieawen cover and rear plate catch and push wwew. vickersmachinegun.org_uk 152 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS (iii) Stop forward movement when cocking-hasdle hole ppears opposite the rear of the cut away portion he igh of che Body, ing-handle and push breech-block forward . Push forward cover and rear insert ciety tal piel pefpaeantineog Pantie elk Gyn Bee il ty (d) To strip and assemble component parts. A. To stelp breech-block. 1, Remove extractor to the left. Rel sonra the driving spring and rod will be forced aut by cual point the breeeh-block at mayor, since the apring and rod are liable to come out with conuldecable forse should Une cartsdge rien slip, 3, Take out cocking-lever pin and eocking-lever % Tum b1 ioek upside dows and with note of found push up sete, This releases ring pin spring. breeeh=block correct way up and pry sear epring iowd Ita rensas By toesrtng te Dose OF ¥ pouuel lone toe alt of the wear spring over to the left. ‘The sear out. Push Sexippriag feack feria tis nsiral pet Sa wee BRowning MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS. 153, a note of a bullet push up sear spring pin and remove sear er ‘breech-block to the rear and remove firingepin complete with apring, ‘To assemble breech-block. 1. Replace firi » With the iinet ce rhe 2. Replace sear 5; down fr d and prying in the ces on hs Telet fe the bresch-block, i Replace ora of the breech-block erleah et Ser ncauen tote at inte engagement with the ‘4. With breech block top side uppermost insert cocking- lever in. pacttion as Ty TR baad evi tse somndi Moe thou ap in er spring, the reco tte ng Push it Ermty down until it clicks into Insert cacking-lever pin from left side of breech-block. pe eee With breechblock font end downwards of a tle oF into the hole in the rest ¢ breechblock and proceed as follows: Take hal of any cols a you an with you et hand, holding the breech-block on the table as firmly 8s possibh Pulh th he di red thi fr (5) Pah dering apg a rough sf a poasible ‘until it enters he bieecte: ift your harids un sng dors wie fhe right thea, “Push the Ee kere to the lake a oe them clokerie it hele sects iu) When enenged, campicte éne-quarter cn of of erg oF sees, aire ‘www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk i 154 MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS ._ Replace extractor in tear hole in breechblock by Inari the gertcal pono wna turning ft daw into place. B. To strip tock frame. 1. ‘Take aut trigger-pin to the right complete with ing, Withdraw trigger to the rear, 3. Push out accelerator pin to the right and remove accelerator, 3. Place lock frame on table or box and carefully ease out plunger and spring from left side. He careful not to let the spring fly out. ‘To assemble lock frame. Reverse the abave order. ( N.B. Avemble plunget and epring with lock frame Sealy held down on a table or box. Gc, To ip slide from feed block, r. Tum out to the right the retsining pin on the right ‘of the backsight block, 2, Remove pin. Remove feed lever. 4. Remove slide, ‘To assemble, Reverse the above order, (e) Points before firing. @) Adjustment of cartridge head space. The head space is obtained by means of screwi pp the brrel into the barre! extension wn the acion wil just close a portions wil wa! wit See ee ace ane i bar done with the aid of the combination tool. BRowsing MEDIUM MACHINE-GUNS 158 (i) Packing the barrel. Kear and front packings must be adjusted in the same ickers. (f) Stoppages and immediate action. ‘Gun firing. Fails b fre. Pull C.H. to rear, release it and pull trigger, Suill fails to fire. Tep cover, jerk belt to righ. Pull C.H. to rear release, at the same timc putting the left hand fide the Gece opening dea ani elec i term dete Ifno ma ejected, eke Gre, Raise covet first round from belt Tourn Should it still and look o feel fora mds ‘ cartridge in the eae 1 1 Ifa cartridge If no cartridge is present. is present, Remove it, ree Reload, Nee oly paiva aoe www. vickersmachinegun.org.uk

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