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Name : Velda Rifka Almira COMITTEE ?

Dies natalis SMA : Finance (coordinator)

Sex : Female
Birthdate : 11 April 1997Seminar dan Workshop Technopreneurship :
Event Organizer (crew)
Religion : Islam
NRP : 3314100033
KAMANDANU : Finance and consumption (cre
Life is not about finding yourself,
it is about creating yourself.

system and computing club

sebagai :
Bendahara 2011/2012
oordinator bidang kreatif 2012/2013

Motivation ?
I really want to be a competent person in order to face AEC.
And I think I must start from now.
Studying is not enough, I must have other skills.
And Ill do my best for everything, so that I wont be able to
blame myself for anything.

First of all, I will introduce myself. My name is Velda Rifka Almira. Im a girl who loves to
read manga and manhwa, but I cant draw. My TOEFL score is average. In ITS TOEFL, I only
got 520. In UGM TOEFL, I got 550. Not too bad, and not too good. Im a perfectionist, but Im
a little bit careless. Many people describe me as a unique person. Sometimes I look like a
gloomy person, and sometimes I look very cheerful. My bad habits are being careless, and
being too sensitive. And my good points.......well Im a hard worker and Im an optimist.

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