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UWRT 1102

Alabbas Rawan

Writing Quest 1
Mind Mapping
Mind mapping can simply defined as a diagram, which contains a main
idea in the center and associated with different ideas. These ideas can represent
as images, drawings, and words.
For my own experience, I tried mind mapping while I was studying for my

chemistry exam. I tried that after many attempts in trying to memorize the
information directly from the textbook. I created a map with all the concepts and
information I need to memorize. The result was satisfactory. It saved me a lot of
time and I can still remember the information until now.

Figure 1
Mind map by hand


UWRT 1102

Alabbas Rawan

2 e-

3 e-



4 e-


5 e-


6 e-


Figure 2
Mind map by a digital tool
There are many benefits of mind mapping. For example, brainstorm
creative ideas quickly and easily, study better and remember more, and take
efficient notes. Furthermore, the article mentioned that mind mapping improve
learning and memory by 10 to 15% versus taking notes in the normal way.
I can imagine using mind maps in three different things besides studying.
The first one is speeches and presentations. All the data is on one page making it
simple to keep your spot when talking and recall all that you need to say. The
second one is decision-making. The more data you put on your mind map, the
best decision you will make. The third one is in planning. For example, you can
put all the events you have with their dates in one map.


UWRT 1102

Alabbas Rawan

Mind mapping is a composing tool. I learned that it is a tool, which helps

us identify and understand the structure of a subject. It is just like you are playing
puzzles and all what you need to do is gathering the information together.

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