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Rubric for Group Activity or Group Project

Task Description: Students will work in small groups to create an informational product about the
history of Church Hill, specifically about key people who have laid the groundwork for or defended
principles of democracy and events that have changed the course of democracy over the centuries. The
product will also include ways that citizens, especially students, in Church Hill can serve their community,
state or nation today.
Students will choose one of the following formats for their final product and will be grouped with other
students who want to use the same format. There must be at least 4 students in a group. The
informational product will be in one of the following formats. Specific directions will be given to each
group based on the format they choose.
1) A walking tour- students will prepare to be guides for an actual walking tour. They will create a map
that lays out stops along the way of their tour. They will create a script that details what will be said at
each stop and who will speak.
2) A virtual tour- students will create a presentation of their stops using Students will include images of
the sites and write their own text to describe the stops along the way.
3) An audio tour- students will create a podcast. Students will write a script and then will produce the
4) A pictorial tour- students will create a mural depicting the important people, events and places. Each
part of the mural should have a written description of what is going on in the artwork.
All formats will include the following:
- An explanation of the importance of the basic principles of democracy held by American citizens.
-At least one example of a person who served their community, state or nation to promote or defend
principles of democracy from the each of the following centuries: 1600s, 1700s, 1800s, 1900s, and Today.
-At least one example of an event or place where democracy has been defended.
-Describe of how the Church Hill community has changed over time. (choose at least one of the following:)
-Compare and contrast how people lived in different centuries,
-Compare and contrast the issues hindering life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, or equality for all
people in different centuries.
-Compare and contrast ways that people defended the basic principles over the centuries.




* Rubric adapted from downloadable rubric found on




4 Exemplary
Does a full share of work
or more
Always considers all
views and helps team
to reach fair decision
Group tries to solve its
Collects and contributes
accurate content
Communicates and
shares all information
with the group
Final product is clever
and original
Engaging; captures
interest of audience
Includes an explanation

3 Accomplished
Does an equal share of
Usually considers all
views, helps teamreach
Group seldom solves its
Collects and
contributes mostly
accurate content
Shares information with
the group
Product is thoughtful
Product is well done;
interesting to audience
Includes a partial
definition of the

2 Developing

1 Beginning

Does almost as much

work as others
Often sides with friends
instead of considering
all views
Group settles problems
Collects and contributes
somewhat accurate
Shares some
information with the
Product is at times is
Product is at times
interesting to audience
Mentions the principles

Does less work than

other group members
Acts as cliques or
individuals rather than
group, creates
Collects and contributes
inaccurate content
Keeps information to
self; does not share
with group
Little creativity used;
Product is hard to
follow; poorly
organized; inaccurate

Student Name ________________________________ Group ____________________________________

Assignment Score ______________
+ Beyonder/Bonus ______________ =
Final Score

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