Nadinegeagea Ie 2015

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Nadine Geagea

Permanent Address
10 Oak Hill Road
Worcester, MA 01609

Temporary Address
250 Hamilton Hall
University Park, PA 16802

Hard working engineering student with leadership skills looking to gain valuable experience through an internship.
The Pennsylvania State University
Graduation Date: May 17
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Cumulative GPA: 3.58/4.00
Minors in Engineering Leadership, Six Sigma, and Product Realization.
Deans List
Professional Experience
Research Assistant in Kathryn Jablokows Ideation Flexibility Lab
February 2014 Present
Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA
Investigates the impact of problem framing, and how engineers generate ideas (incremental and radically).
Works to prepare to present data to present in a professional symposium.
Main goal of research is to create guidelines and methods to help engineers deliberately approach ideation in the most
effective and efficient way.
Works 7-9 hours per week with a graduate student in collecting/ analyzing data to later present in a professional symposium.
Member of a Team Producing Baobab Processing Machine
January 2014 Present
Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA
An Engineering Leadership and Development project that works to grind the superfruit Baobab into a fine powder to make it
profitable for the many groups in Africa where this fruit flourishes
Researched and investigated the history of the Baobab in order to understand the importance of helping what is historically a
labor intensive process for many African Women.
Went through at least 5 hours of machine, welding, and safety training to be eligible to build this machine.
Works 8-10 hours per week alongside three group members to build this machine.
Frequently creates posters and presents the current progress of the machine.
The completed machine will be presented to a group of people in a country in Africa that has yet to be decided.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer Research Fellowship
June 2014 August 2014
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester MA
Worked alongside a graduate student, as an REU fellow, on a three month- long research project pertaining to a sustainable
low temperature hydrocarbon synthesis through means of small sample-batch testing.
Increased small batch mixture percent yields by 85%.
Participated in a handful of career building and leadership development seminars.
Planned and presented my research findings at a professional symposium amongst distinguished professors.
Planned a workshop on Sexual Assault Prevention on College Campuses
January 2014 April 2014
Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA
Worked alongside a classmate to research Sexual Assault on College Campuses and effective educational tools to
interactively hold a presentation.
Set up posters, raised money for the Womens Resource Center, and met with experts in the field.
Mentor for High School Seniors
March 29,2014 March 31,2014
Introduction to the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Mentored two prospective students to the experience of being a Penn State student.
Guided them with their questions about college academically and socially.
Treasurer of Roots and Shoots (Sustainability Club)
September 2009 June 2013
The American School of Kuwait Hawalli, Kuwait
Increased club funds by 80% in first year taking over position.
Organized fundraising events to increase club funds and decided on organizations to donate to.
Guided them with their questions about college academically and socially.
Institute of Industrial Engineers
University Park, PA
February 2014 - Present
The National Society of Leadership and
University Park, PA
January 2014 - Present
Success (Sigma Alpha Pi)
Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers University Park, PA
September 2013 - Present
The Arab Student Union
University Park, PA
September 2013 - Present
Proficient in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel , MATLAB, C++
Experienced with roles of leadership
Experienced with Arabic (written and spoken)
Familiar with Adobe Photoshop

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