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FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM SECTION 11 ENGINEERING MANUAL FOR EQUIPMENT G.A.0. a Ya 2P0 | cHo L‘vo APD DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT NO_EM-L.003 PAGE 37 0F 4 SECTION 11 0 FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM EUNCTION The functions of a flare follows system are as - To prevent equipment failure by controlled relieving of excessive pressures. - "To permit orderly startup and shutdown plants by venting to a safe location the gases and liquids that can no longer be, properly processed. - To provide a site for controlled safe combustion (e of gases produced in the relief system or flare collection header This section has been prepared to provide a general description of these systems and to establish guidelines for the design of piping systems specifically related to the flare and relief system. 11.2 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM The principal elements of a flare and relief system are the following:- * Relief system, consisting of safety valves, control valves, and rupture discs. * Flare collection header (s) e ~ * Liquid knockout and blowdown drums * Controlled combustion equipment, which can 5 @ and burning of any or all he following it flare stack, ground flar ETA ENGINEERING MANUAL FOR EQUIPMENT G.A.0. f PAGE no_{ PPO | cHo | apo |ASOF ae pescription | DOCUMENT NO_EM.205 "1 n 2.1 Relief System The primary control device for preventing unsafe overpressurising of equipment is the spring loaded safety or relief valve. In general “safety valve refers ‘to a device for relieving excessive vapor or Steam pressure while “relief valve” refers to a device relieving excessive liquid pressure. At times, a control valve is used in conjunction with a safety valve to provide controlled relieving of a system at a pressure below safety valve release in order to minimize operational upsets. Under _—_special circumstances such as severe corrosion conditions, rupture discs are used instead of safety valves. Safety or relief valves must at all times be open to both the system being protected and to the flare header. Since safety valves occasionally do not fully reseat after depressurization of the system, some operating companies require dual safety valves, each with inlet and outlets block valves. One of the block valves is then car-sealed open to provide protection for the system. Alternatively, a three way block can be used to accomplish the same purpose. 2.2 Flare Collection Headers The relief discharges from most process industry plants are either flammable, dangerous to personne? or property or both. Therefore, these discharges must be contained so that they can be safely disposed of- usually by controlled burning. Certain discharges, such as steam, air, nitrogen, etc. can be safely discharged to the atmosphere, provided the discharge takes place at a point where it cannot impinge upon other equipment or personnel. Occasionally, very light hydrocarbons particularly methane can be discharged to the atmosphere if the relief point is “high” or remote” enough. The flare collection header system is used to collect the discharges from the safety and. control valves. Often there are two or more separate header systems when it is necessary to separate warm/wet vapors from cold/dry vapors and/or corrosive vapors. Headers are sometimes also segregated based on the pressure in the - protected vessels into high / low pressure headers. i ENGINEERING MANUAL FOR |_0 nisl Te ake LAY EQUIPMENT G.A.D. c T copy f PAGE irev { dave | no_| po | cHo | apo |S40F 44 DESCRIPTION { DOCUMENT NO_EM-L.003 \e y used to collect are bei gain separate cold / ry and hot / wet headers are being installed where segregation is needed are and blowdown headers are laid on pipe racks Accessible to the equipment being relieved. Flare header dead ends are usually provided with connections or natural gas and / or nitrogen to allow for purging of air and for maintaining a positive pressure within the system. These connections are usually specified on the P &@ 1 diagrams although piping designers input is often required to locate all these dead ends 3 Knockout and Blowdown Drums Knockout drums are provided in most process flare systems to separate out any entrained liquids. Such liquid, if allowed to enter the flare stack could eventually lead to burning liquid being ejected from the stack with subsequent fire exposure hazard to personnel and equipment. Where there are separate cold/dry and warm/wet flare headers, separate cold and warm knockout drums are provided. Pump out capability is provided for removing * less volatile liquids and vaporization equipment for vaporizing more volatile liquids Blowdown headers are usually routed to the appropriate cold or warm knockout drum. The knockout drums are located at a convenient point usually within battery limits enroute to the flare stack. 21.2.4 Flare Header The flare header leads the vapor streams from the flare knockout drum(s) to the flare stack itself. If there are separate cold ané warm knockout drums, dual are headers are run for sufficient distance to allow the cold stream to warm sufficiently so that the two headers can be combined to a single run to the flare stack. T . T ENGINEERING MANUAL FOR |__| 281740 | & Lak Lav EQUIPMENT G.A.D. f Teor], at rev | pave | no | PPD! cHD | APD DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT NO_EM-1.203, 41.2.5 Controlled Combustion Equipment 14.2.5. Elevated Flare Stack This is the most common type of flare. It consists of an elevated stack which supports the burner tip. It din “either be self-supporting, or supported by guy wires or a derrick structure. The height of the flare Stack is normally selected to limit ground level radiant heat intensity under full flaring conditions. The diameter of the flare stack must be large enough to give an acceptable pressure drop at maximum load. The diameter of the flare stack is usually approximately the same as the diameter of the flare i header. Gas seals (sometimes called molecular or labyrinth e e28is) are mechanical constrictions located just below ‘ fhe flare tip to minimize the Dackflow of air into the @ flare stack in order to prevent formation of an explosive mixture in the stack, Gas seals reduce the amount. of purge gas required to prevent backflow of air during low or non-flaring conditions. The gas seal ts purchased from the flare vendor as part of the flare stack component package. Since there exists the possibility of condensation in the uninsulated flare header, additional liquid knockout facilities are provided at the flare stack. This can be either a separate knockout drum or an integral separator built into the the base of the flare stack itself. Usually a pump is provided ta send condensate back to the process unit. Often a water seal is also incorporated into the base of the flare stack to provide additional safety against air leakage into the flare header. Supported by the flare stack are service lines bringing steam and fuel gas to the burner tip. Steam is injected into the burning gases to supress smoke formation, and fuel gas to provide pilot flame fuel. A remotely ‘controlled pilot ignition system is used to }ight-off the pilot flames. Pilot ignitors are the flame propagation type, in which a flammable mixture of air and fuel gas is electrically or mechanically sparked using a manual local push button 1 v COPY fl e PAGE no_| PPO | cHO | APD | 41 OF 4K DOCUMENT NO_EM4.003 ENGINEERING MANUAL FOR EQUIPMENT G.A.D. DESCRIPTION combu gas flare header are header separate pilot is used to ignite the acid gases In general, the entire flare stack system including tip, seal, integral knockout drum, steam and fuel gas lines, and ignition system are provided as a complete package by the flare stack vendor lare stack should be ideally located atleast 150 meters (500 feet) downwind from process equipment and rage tanks, it must at times be located nearer such equipment because of plot size and shap: restrictions. A so-called “sterile area" must be provided within a certain distance of the flare stack, such that under maximum flare conditions, an area is provided that is clear of all encumbrances and combustible vegetation that might hinder or delay safe evacuation of personnel in that area. The size of the sterile area is calculated by process engineers based on the design quantity of gases to be flared and the height of the flare. Ground Flare These are located at grade. Special provisions permit combustion of small relief loads with minimum visible smoke and flame. The main purpose of a ground flare is to avoid the public nuisance normally associated with elevated flares burning frequent relief loads. They can, therefore, be designed to minimise noise and visibility associated with an elevated flare. Many. commercial ground flares are enclosed by a refractory lined, open air structure. This acts as a low stack and provides natural draft. Additionally, steam injection is provided to induce primary air for turbulence at the; burners. Ground flares are considerably more expensive than elevated flares. An economic ground flare design adequate for absorption of maximum plant flaring needs is not currently available. Ground flares can handle the more frequent lower capacity loads, but an associated elevated stack is required for emergency flaring conditions. There is growing pressure for a more widespread use of ground flares by environmental authorities in spite of their cost disadvantages ay : PAGE PPO CHD | APD |420F 46 ENGINEERING MANUAL FOR | EQUIPMENT G.A.D. 2 z 9° 3 3 DESCRIPTION s are less x uct, but roguce much smoke and a visible flame, and are not Zeceptable by | most__—s countries —_ environmental regulations. 4 burning pit consists primarily of 2 jarge sunken rectangular pit fitted with suitable manifolding The flames may be aimed either y or vertically, and there is little or no to premix air with the gas or liguid being horizont burned DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Safety and Relief Valve Input + It is desirable to have relieving devices at a higher elevation than the flare collection header so) that there can be no liquid pockets to interfere with their operation, either by freezing or by increasing back pressure. Where this is not possible, valved Grains should be installed at low points in the piping + A minimum slope of 1:480 (1/4 inch in 10 feet) ‘should be used for safety valve outlet laterals sloping in the direction of the flare collection header. Deflection of these laterals between supports should not exceed one half the slope elevation change * All entries from safety valve discharges must enter the top of the flare collection header. + Laterals from safety valves should enter the flare collection headers at an angle of 45 Deg in the direction of the flow of the header as shown in the sketch (See Drawing 803-ES-L-171 sheet 1 of 3) This is done both to reduce pressure drop and reduce reaction forces on the header connections. Flare Collection Header (s The layout and routing of the flare collection header(s) must be in accordance with plot plan, piperack location, location of safety valves and location of the flare knockout drums toward which the headers are directed. The simplest, most direct layout, commensurate with pipe stress considerations preferable. when there is any doubt as to the best routing, joint consultation of designers with process design engineers becomes necessary T enonecnne wawuatror |_o Lane EQUIPMENT G.A.D. DESCRIPTION |} DOCUMENT NO_EM-1.903 coPY rev |_ bare [ine ee ABOF 4b pecial those drums usually not common, be used 11.4 DRAWINGS (See 803-ES-L-172) aa Typical piping layouts and of component parts of the flare system a: See drawing no. 803-ES-L-171 Sht.2 a ENGINEERING MANUAL FOR 1 EQUIPMENT G.A.D PAGE APD _| 4-4 OF +e | DESCRIPTION G 3 5 2 z $ “SMO, @ division of Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Ur Tala stondord Ie the property of SPIC: 5 i i 5 3 eae aes ae me ee oT bel CADO PLE 08 CARD mo | DATE REWSIONS ey | cHKD APP TNONEERNG. STANDARD —[ REV -_ LAYOUT OF FLARE AND RELIEF Sue nTey 0 a 803-ES-L-171 SH to 3 i | : i ' \ //EXTRA KO. DRUMS J SoMETWES INTEGRAL WH STACK. FOR ROUTING OF i | UNES TO FLARE : | ese ons A \ Corporation Limited ond le not to be copied or easy Ne EXPANSION LOOP,” (F REOURED) FLOW MEASURNG OFMCE SLOPE kwoexouT oRUM iF Pee EAT aecreD zone Fe oe fern ox poe ee PRIMARY FRACTIONATOR STEAM couTROL Ser |_— access 10 oro vozas eee ACCESS TO NSTS. i > ~S<.__towToe 20x ee NER [Ge v ie =. ~ 7 Trey GMT Sai & th FARE HEADER S Sie ALTERNATE LOCATION Fe xwooxou? Ons PROESS AREA PRERACK ON PLOT TYPICAL PIPING LAYOUT FLARE AREA mana [ =e [o [xa | mas som = [STS caso re _| wo cam | no] OA oo er [ow] wervas ENGINEERING STANDARD _| REV. LAYOUT OF FLARE AND RELIEF SPis-gya pn 203-ES-L-171 | 0 ans 3 This standard Is the property of SPIC-SMO, a divslon of Southern Petrochemical Industri Ite written permission uot as ano f=) [gnTOR UNES ae S STEAM INLET I PLATFORMS AND LADDERS: xe = rot 1 vewncat Exeansion Looe INSTRUMENTS OXYGEN ANALYSER FLOW DEMCE. 15 Corporation Limited and is not to be copied or used without CRAIN VTE LD i 8 5 3 8 z $ : z ; T. 2 CAL FLARE STACK DE’ Bs 23 Gam [me Sar Tae ame eT pee eee eT el TRGNEERNG STANOARO | REV LAYOUT OF FLARE AND REEF fo oe 803-ES-L-171 | 0 ot 3 or ze SpPis-soa STD-API/PETRO RP S@L-ENGL 1997 MM 0732290 OSb358b 653 Ml {Gui For Pressure Revievn mo Dernessunns Srsrens oa reactive Toads due to the operation of pressure relief valves is given in API Recommended Practice 520, Pat I Shock loading should also be considered in relief lines. ‘Shock loading may result either from the sudden release of a compressible fluid into a multidirectional piping system or from the impact action of liquid slugs at points of change in direction, Reaction forces can occur at each change of direc sion inthe piping The design of appropriate and adequate anchors, guides, and supports fora pressure-relieving discharge piping system is complex. There are several methods of calculating piping flexibility; reference should be made to ASME B31.3 fora background discussion. Once the range of relieving con- ditions to be handled is established, the problems are no dif- ferent from those for most other piping systems, other than also having to consider thrust forces. [Expetience has shown that carefully considered answers to the following questions are needed to permit the design of a satisfactory system of anchors, guides, and supports ‘8. What are the probable combinations of relieving condi- tions thatthe manifold will eed to handle? What sort of tem perature ranges do these conditions impose, considering cchanges in the ambient temperature? What are the probable inlet conditions, in terms of thermal movement, when these reliefs ceur? b, What are the probable magnitude and sources of any liq- uid slugs? . Are there any valves that could release large volumes of high-pressure gas and produce shock loads? If so, where are they located? In general, it is preferable to select anchor points so that header movements and the resultant forces and moments are ‘ot imposed on the bodies or the discharge piping of safety relief valves. Where valves discharge to the atmosphere, the tailpipe configuration should be checked for discharge reac- tion forces to ensure that it will not be overstressed Disposal-system piping should be self-draining toward the discharge end, Pocketing of discharge lines should be avoided. Where pressure relief valves handle viscous materials or materials that can solidify as they cool to ambient temperature, the discharge Tine should be steam-aced. A small drain pot or drip leg may be necessary at low points in Fines that cannot be sloped continuously to the knockout or blowidown drum. The use of traps or other devices with oper ating mechanisms should be avoided. Many design details and features merit particular emphasis with respect to relieving systems. The following points are not to be taken as definitive or restrictive 4. The laterals from individual relieving devices should nor rally enter @ header ftom above. This tends to keep any lige ‘ids that may flow or develop in the header out ofthe laterals toeach valve. by Laterals that lead from individual valves located at an cle- vation above the header should drain to the header. Locating a safety valve below the header elevation in closed systems should be avoided wherever possible. Laterals from individ ual valves that must be located below the header should be arranged to rise continuously to the (op of the header entry point; however, means should be provided to prevent liquid ‘accumulation onthe discharge side of these valves. Nap ¢. A slope of Yeinch in 10 feet (21 millimeter in 10 meters) <= | SU is suggested forall laterals and headers, taking into account piping deflections between suppor. 4. Where individual valves are vented to the atmosphere, an adequate drain hole fa nominal pipe size of ¥ inch (NPS 1) is usually considered suitable] should be provided at the low point to ensure that no liquid collects downstream of the valve. The vapor flow that occurs through this hole during venting is generally not considered significant, but each case should be checked to see if the drain connection should be piped to a safe location. Vapors escaping from the drain hole should not be allowed to impinge against the vessel shell, since accidental ignition of such vent streams can seriously weaken the shell, . The use of angle entry—an entry at 45 degrees (0.79 ragian) or even 30 degrees (0.52 radian) tothe header axis— for laterals is much more common in relieving systems than in most process piping systems. The two main reasons for this approach are (1) lower pressure drop (including velocity head losses), and (2) reduced reaction forces. Since Taterals in relieving systems can often be sized at velocities approaching sonic, pressure losses o recoveries caused by velocity change can become a significant factor in system analysis. These densities can produce large eaction forces. The use of valves to section the header system for mainte- ‘nance or safety should be considered. Such valves should be provided with locking or sealing devices. Where valves can- ‘not be justified, the provision for blinding should be studied In locating sectioning valves or blinds, extreme caution should be exercised in their use to ensure that equipment ‘which is operating isnot isolated from its relieving system. If valves are used in the header system, they should be mounted, so that they cannot fail in the closed position (an example would be a gat falling into its closed position), 5.4.2 DRUMS AND SEALS Sizing a Knockout Drum ‘Sizing a knockout drum is generally a trial-and-error pro cess, The first step isto determine the drum size required for Iiquid entrainment separation, Liquid particles will separate {a} when the residence time of the vapor ot ga is equal t0 or greater then the time required to tavel the available vertical Freight atthe dropout velocity ofthe liquid particles. and (by STD-API/PETRO RP S2@1-ENGL 1997 Ml 0732250 OS634b7 77) A “ API Reconuewoeo Pracrice S2t flame segmental analysis may be appropriate for special cases, especially with large release systems. ‘Most flare manufacturers have developed proprietary radi- ation programs based on empirical values, The emissivity (Graction of heat radiated) values used in these programs are specific to the equations used, and may not be interchange- able with the emissivity values used in the API calculation procedure, These programs have not been subject to review nd verification inthe open literature. The user is cautioned to assess the applicability of these methods to his or her particu- lar situation 4.42.4 Atmospheric Dispersion Atmospheric dispersion is discussed in 43.2 and 4.3.6, 43 COMBUSTION METHODS Disposal of combustible gases, vapors, and Tiquids by burning is generally accomplished in flares. Flares are used for environmental contol of continuous flows of excess gases and for large surges of gases in an emergency. The flare is usually required to be smokeless for the gas flows that are ‘expected to oceur from normal day-to-day operations. This is ‘usually 15 to 20 percent of the maximum gas flow, but some ‘environmentally sensitive areas require 100 percent smoke- less or even a fully enclosed flare. Various techniques are available for producing smokeless operation, most of which are based on the premise that smoke is the result of a fuel-rich Condition and is eliminated by promoting uniform air dist bution throughout the flames (see 44.2.2). The next section provides description of the most common techniques employed for providing smokeless operation. In addition to smokeless operating requirements, stricter flaring regulations (federal, state and local) are constantly evolving and in most areas typically include low noise levels, limits on smoking. reliefs, continuous pilot monitoring, and limits on tip exit velocites/minimur heat content of the fare gas. Current reg- lations should always be consulted for detailed flaring requirements. 4.43.1 Flare Systems Designs Smokeless operation is normally the overriding require- ment when designing the burner for a flare system. Almost cvery flare design is aimed at inducing smokeless operation ‘under a certain set of flare gas or utility availability condi- tions. To promote even si distribution throughout the flames {and thus prevent smoke formation), energy is requited cre- ste turbulence and mixing of the combustion air within the flare gas as itis being ignited. This energy may be present in the gases, in the form of pressure, or it may be exerted on the system through another medium such as injecting high-pres- Sure steam, compressed air, of low-pressure blower air into the gases as they exit the fae tip. To create conditions favor- able for smokeless combustion, flare designs range in com: plexity from a simple open pipe with an ignition source to Integrated staged flare systems with complex control systems. Following isa short suramary of the most common types of flaring systems. 4A3A1 The simplest flare tip design is commonly referred to asa tility or pipe flare tip and may consist of litle more than a piece of pipe fitted with aflame retention device for flame stability at higher exit velocities (the upper portion is typically stainless steel to endure the high Mame tempera tures) and a pilot for gas ignition. This plain design has no special features to prevent smoke formation. and conse- {quently should not be used in applications where smokeless ‘operation is required unless the gases being flared are not prone to smoking, such as methane or hydrogen. Flare tips of this style, as a minimum, should include a flame retention device (to increase Rlame stability at high flow rates) and onc for more pilots (depending upon the diameter of the tp) Windshieldotheaishields are usually added on flare tips 10 reduce flame lick on the outside ofthe tip, An inner refractory lining is also common with larger diameter tips to minimize thermal degradation caused by internal burning at low rates (known as burnback). Flare tips which use steam to control smoking are the most common form of smokeless flare tip. The steam can be injected through a single pipe nozzle located in the center ofthe flare, through a series of steanvair injectors inthe flare, through a manifold located around the periphery of the flare tip, ora combination ofall three, as appropriate for a particu lar application (see Figure 11), The steam is injected into the flame zone to create turbulence and/or aspirate air into the ‘fame zone via the steam jets. This improved air distribution ‘combined with the steam water-gas shift interaction reacts more readily with the flare gases to eliminate fuel rich condi tions which result in smoke formation. Proprietary tip signs are available from various manufacturers which offer unique ‘steam injection methods and varying resultant steam efficien- cies. The amount of steam required is primarily a function of the gas composition, low rate, and steam pressure and flare tip design and is normally in the range of 0.25 to 1.0 pound of steam per pound of gas flaed, See Table 10. Although steam is normally provided from a 100 to 150 pounds per square inch supply header, special designs are available for uulizing steam pressure inthe range of 30 pounds per square inch. The ‘major impact of lower steam pressure is & reduction in steam efficiency during smokeless turndown conditions. In cold climates, an internal steam nozzle may cause con: densate to enter the flare header, collect, and freeze. In some instances, this has resulted in complete blockage ofthe fare or flare header. High-pressure air can also be used fo prevent This approach is Tess common because smoke formato

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