Day 1

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Day 1

Ryan day

Mrs. McKenzie
American literature
20 April 2015

Robert Frost
Robert frost was born in San Francisco and thats where he lived until his first eleven
years then his father a journalist past away and Robert moved with his mother and sister to
eastern Massachusetts. Robert wrote his first poem when he was attending Lawrence high
school which is where he graduated form as co-valedictorian. He entered Dartmouth college in
the fall of 1892 but he only stayed a term then left to move back home to teach school and
work various jobs. Two year after returning home Robert sold his first poem named my
butterfly (Pritchard).
After Robert sold his first poem he tried to get the love of his life Elinor Miriam
White to marry him but she said she wanted to finish college first so frost headed off south into
Virginias swamps. After his journey to the swamps he returned home to Lawrence where him
and Elinor finally got married (Pritchard).
As husband and wife they both taught school for a time but then Robert decided to go
back to college. In 1897 Robert enrolled in to Harvard college as a special student but he only

Day 2
stayed there for a little less than two years he was doing well at Harvard but he was having
health issues so he returned home once again to join his wife where she was about to have
their second child. In 1900 he moved his family into new Hampshire on to a farm that his
grandfather bought for him and over the next nine years he wrote many poems but he was not
successful at farming so he stopped and went back to teaching meanwhile he and elinor mad
six kids which two had died in infancy (Pritchard).
After he spent a year teaching he sold the dairy farm packed his things and moved his
family over to Beaconsfield just outside of London. Within two months of being there frost sold
multiple books of his poems and met a lot of other famous authors such as F.s. Flint, Ezra Pound
and Edward Thomas. Frost moved back to America in 1915 and he had multipole poems
published and he bought another farm then became a teacher at the Amherst college. Frost
won four Pulitzer prizes one was in 1924 and another one was in 1936. Robert became less
interested in his write a critic named Rolfe Humphries complained that he had lost his dramatic
touch (Pritchard).
After some time off Robert got back to writing in his original way and was doing good
but then his youngest daughter died a slow and painful death and then four years later his
beloved wife Elinor died. After the deaths of his loved ones he wrote multiple poems and travel
to Russia to talk to premier Khrushchev to mediate between the superpowers but shortly after
he returned from Russia he was doing a reading in Boston the day after his read he went in to

the hospital for a prostate operation and has a severe heart attack and died in January 1963

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