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CONTROL OF THE COMMAND EXPERIENCE In ths book and inthe Download section of the offic Infinity website (, you will find the Commandand Contrtcreen(C2Screen) Each player wil have to write down each ofthe Miltary Specaies and the corresponding Levels acqulredon this Screen, a: wells the Promation ests made and the Levels reached In this way 3 record ofthe player's achievements during the campaign is kept and other players can check iif they want to, SPEC-OPS EXPERIENCE This kind of Experience gives to the player the chance to increase the Arributes and Special Skis of @ trooper, Inmproving i throughout the campaign in play, The trooper chosen acquires the category of Special Operative (Specps) and. must be given > name of densification that estnguishes i which must be written ‘down onthe Spee-OpsContralSereen that you wilfnd in his ‘book and in the Downloads section of the official Infinity website, www On the Screen, the player has to write down any advances an improvements he makes to his SpeC-ps, keeping 2 record soother players HOW IS A SPEC-OPS BUILT? ‘Spee-Op vay tart from abase trop. The elected oop mustbe aways the basic option of 2 ra0p profile. This means itmust be the one usualy armed witha Rifle, or Rife «Light Shotgun or Combi Rifle, which does not have Special Skills or Equipment Paramesi, Forwardobserer, Lieutenant. eon that indicated in their profile, ang tis usualy the fst opson Inthe troop proof an Army Us Each player can only have 1 single Spe-ops to pay in 2 campaign, nt being allowed to create 2 new one unt the previous one is permanently deae ‘The player can only choose the Spec-Ops from those sted fon the TH Chart. To be able to ont this troop, the player must pay is corresponding Cast and WC. This Cast and SWE wil not change during the eampaign, even the figure has its Atributes, Special Skis or weapons enhanced. & Spec Ops can never be enlisted in an army Uist as a Lieutenant, P canbe spent on Bonuses to the Attributes af the Spe: (ps, or on new Special Skil, Weapons or Equipment for it The player can alternate the spending of P between the wo ‘options. For example, you could upgrade the CC Attribute and then acquire MatlalArts 2, or vice versa (See T2Chart ‘Example: Tobe able to take Level 2 of ARM, 2 Fuser. based Spee Ops must first spend 2 XP in acquiring Level, which doesn't provide any Modifier to his ARM Attribute. By the spending ef 3 addtional XP he may take Level , which provides him with a Modifier of #1 tothe AM valve of his riginal Fusiler profi ARM v= 2). fhe spends 5 more XP, he can take Level 3 which provides him a Modifier of +2 tothe ARM value lof his previous profile (ARM 2+2= 4) 'A Spec-Ops can have 2 maximum of 3 Special Skil, 3 ‘Weapons and 3 pieces of Equipment acquired from the XP received when playing a campaign Ths limit sindependent ‘ofthe Special Skil, Weapons and Equipment the troop has in ts base profile (See T3, 4 and TSCharts For example, a Moderator based Spec-Ops may acquire 2 maximum of 3 Special Skis beyond the Shock Immusity Special Sil he possesses in his troop profile upto weapons beyond the Combi ie, the Pistol and eerie Pulse shown in his troop profile. Ang, on top of tat, he could aso get 3 pieces of Equipment by spending the carrspanding XP. ‘The XP Cast Weapon Charts differ depending on which army the Spec-Ops belongs to, During the battle, the figure wil carry all Weapons and pieces of Equipment it nat acquired through spending XP and also those weapons and equipment shown nits troop profile, being able to alternate ther use during a battle. For ‘example: Fuser based Spec‘Ops who hes acquired 9 MILT! Snipe ile wl til havehis Combi Rf, Pistol and rife and ‘may ute any ofthem that he chooses when aporoprite It isnot allowed to take the same Special Skil, Weapon or piece of Equipment twice. Tobe abe to take a Special Sil or Equipment with Levels, itis necessary to have the previous anes, For example, to Toke Marta Arts 5, you must have bought Mati Arts L2 and Lé previously Regarding the maximum numberof Special Sis and piece ‘of Equipment the SpecOps can tae, all those Special Sls and Equipment with levels add the new Level acquired to ‘the previous, not affecting the number of Special Skil or pieces of Equipment the figure has Special Skis, Neapons and pieces of Equipment cannot be removed. Once 8 new Specil Skil, Weapon or piece cf Equipment is acquired the Spec‘ cannot renounce it to take 2 ciferent one XP can only be spent ona single iure. the eurent one ies, andt cannot be recovered, then the player may choose 8 new troop fram those avalable inthe char, and it wil start with 20 XP. All Bonuses, Special Skis, Weapons and Pieces of Equipment acquired are lost when the player loses 2 Spec Ops. ‘A. Spec‘ps troop can only be used during a campaign, ane cannot be enlisted in independent games When playing Campaign, a Specs trooper canbe taken with his corresponding faction army (PanOeeania, Yu Jing Ariadna.. even when using 2 Sectoral Army in Narrative ‘Mode, regardiess ofits unit of ongin. For example a Celestia Guaré-based Spee-Ops trooper may be fielded when ving 2 Japanese Sectoral Army USA) na Scenario cof the Campa. Spec-dps can be part of Fireteams, composed of troops {rom their units of origin. For example, a Fuslie-bared ‘Spec-Ops canbe part of 2 Fuser: Fleteom. Or a Celestia {Guaré-bsed Spe-Opsrooper can jain a Fireteam composed of Celestial Guards and an ImperaAgeat, Cane Rank tenant. However, this same Celestial Guard-basea Spec-Ops trooper, who canbe feed in Japanese Sectorial Army (SA), cannot Join a Fireteam composed of Kesotsus RECOVERING SPEC-OPS When playing a campaign, the end of a game doesn't mean neceseary the end of combat operations We must not forget the relevance of medical treatment and evecuation services. Even the Spec-Ops, that figure in which the player has invested his Experience Pints (x, has falenUncanscous Creag, nt als ost it stil has a chance of being recovered, If at the end of 2 scenario the SpeeOps has fallen Unconscious, the player that controls it must make 3 rll on the following MEDEVAC char. sits a NermalROL, the player needs to get a result equal or inferior to that indicated on the RI Chart. ‘There are liferent MEDEVC Categories. The rallis easier ifthe player has MEDEVAEcapablity at the end ofthe game vihich means a conscious Detar or Paramed, in 2 Normal tate, on the fable. The values ofthe roll ae general and common to al fctions and Sectrial Armies except forthe Morat Sectoria Army (Morat Aggression Force) and for Ariana 2nd Hagalslam [and thelr comesponcing Setoil Aries) ve to the legendary resiience ofthe frst two and the medical However ifthe SpecOps isin 2 Dead state when a scenario finshed ort has aed ts MEDEVAC Ral but has 2 Ce, then he player controling it may sill make all on the following CUBEVAC chart try to recover it. Succeeding 3t the CUBEVA oll means the player recovers his Spec-Ops completely ‘There are diferent CUBEVAC Categories. The rls easier if he player has support personnel, meaning aDectaro figure possessing tve Baggage Special Skil na conscious, Normal, rate on the table atthe end of the game. AS can be seen on the Chart, there are S factions with their own columns, roops belonging factions other than those must rllon the ‘Other Faction” column, The Shasvast Expeditonary Force the only Sectorial Amy possessing its own colurmn and any ther Sectril Army must roll onthe column af the faction which belongs (See R2Chrt) ermember that by spending XP on MEDEVAC Pus as CUBEVAC ius (See the previous Special Sls Chart), the MEDEVAC and CUBEVACaluesofthe Spec Opscan be inceasedbyamaximum of 1 pot in each category ‘or example, a Celestial Guard-based Spec Ops with » Bonus of +1 to his CUBEVAC, only need to rol 27 or if atthe end of the scenario his player stil has oth Doctor and Baggage troops (16 +1). the player ‘only has actor, then the Celestial Guard-based Spe Ops would need to olla 13 or less to succeed and be completely recovered = men ome Doctor 8 16 5 Paramedic 5 2 2 MANAGEMENT OF EXPERIENCE POINTS. hen managing Experience Ponts (XP) the player should take into account the following points: The player can obtain XP in any scenario through the hieverent of Objective Points ‘tthe end ofa scenario, player can spend XP, whether allo just some of them, on Command Experience and/or ‘on Spec-Ops Experience The player can ao decide not to spend any XP, accumulating them toe able to buy mare expensive Bonuses o Level, The Bonuses and advantages obtained with ¥P are not lst at the end ofa campaigns chapter. Basia,» campaign encompasses a process of accumulation of XP, Sonuses and Advantages, and they are not lst unless spent on a ‘Spec Ops who dies permenently during escenario. PANOCEANIA: Fusiliers, Acontecimento Regulars, Order Sergeants usin: Kelsotsu, Zhansh Celestial Guard Indigo Spec-Ops Gul Feng spec Ops ARIADN/ Ariadnan Miltias (Volunteers, Métro.) Line Kazae aqaistaM Ghulam, Muyibs, Mot Intel spec Ops usam Spec Ops NoMaDs: Maderator rom Bakunin Alguacies from Coregidor Vortex spee-Ons ALEPH: Chanda Spee-Ops Thoraital ‘COMBINED ARMY: Morat: Teak Spec-Ops——_Morat Vanguard infantry ‘COMBINED ARMY. Shasvast Corax spee-Ops Shasvastl Seed Soldiers TOHAA: Hatail Spec-ops Kamael Light Infantry caterry —panoctawa YUNG naga ec 1% » Doeor 2 2 1“ Saganee ” » 9 Mpc = zs 2 2 a 20 20 20-20 0THER NOMADS —SHASVASTI ALEPH FACTION. 5 5 20" 6 a 2 2 10 9 20" 9 S z 20" Z 2 ‘ 20" 2 he Combined Army fr fear of Cube contamina WEAPON ss apcew 1 ove cow 1 stun Pistol 2 Boarding shotgun 2 ‘Grenades 3 Assault Pistol xP cost 1 1 stun Pstl 2 chainRite a Boarding shotgun a Adhesive launcher a Grenades XP WEAPON cost 1 exp cow 1 Vir cow 1 Stun Pista 2 Boarding Shotgun 3 Grenades 3 Nanopulser Wearon MULT ile MULT Sniper ite Spitfire cost 3 ‘Nanopulser ‘ 6 8 Hs xP WEAPON cost 5S APSniper ile 5 T2RMe 6 Molotok 8 He 9 apHs xP WEAPON. cost 4 Contender 4 Panzerfaust 5 Vira Rife 6 Viral Siper Rite 6 Spitfire 8 MG XP WEAPON cost 1 exp cow 1 Stun Pistol 2 Monofilament 2 Boarding Shotgun 3 “renases 3 Nanopulser xP WEAPON cost 4 comender 5 MUITIRie 6 MULTISniper rife 6 Plasma ine 6 spite 8 Hc Fa x» a smut ee enue 1 Specialist Troop CH: Mimetism * 2 Doctor 4 Inferior Infiteation 2 Engineer 4 Martial Ars is 2 HypeeDynamies —4—Religious Troop a 2 Martalaets13 4 Superdump 2 MEDEVACPius:—«$——_Hyper- Dynamics sltohis a MEDEVAC valve (whichever Category 2 Minelayer © Abr nferio (rhsineluses 3 Combat ump ‘Antipersonnel (See AD: Mines ‘combat Jum) 2 Neturalgon 8 Chain of Wortor command 3 GlimbingPus 8 Infitration 3 CUREVACPhiss «8 =: No Wound +1t0his Incapactaton ‘CUBEVAC value (Whichever Category) 3 HyperDynamics 8 ~—~Regeneration a 3 MartalarsLé 8 Sapper eer Nae eee ou Ea Fe is Z| eure | Z| veut as aoe

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