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John Lewis

Civil Rights Activist and U.S. Representative

February 21, 1940- John Lewis was born in Troy, Alabama were he grew up in a time of
John was inspired to help end segregation after hearing Martian Luther King Jr.s sermons in the
news about the Montgomery Bus boycott.
John attended the American Baptist Theological Seminary in Nashville, Tennessee. While he
was there, he helped organize and participate in sit-ins at segregated dinners. He also learned
about nonviolent protest. He was later arrested for protesting.
John participated in the Freedom Rides, where he challenged public facilities that were
segregated. John was beat and harassed for his actions.
John became the head chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee. He also
took part in being the one of the Big Six leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, where he
helped plan the March on Washington.
March 7, 1965- After the March on Washington, the Civil Rights Act became a law.
Unfortunately, this law did not make it any easier for African-Americans to vote in the South.
John went on to lead a march from Selma, Alabama to raise attention to the unequal rights
between races. This march was called Bloody Sunday due to how severely the protesters
were beaten. The March on Selma sped up the passage of the Voting Rights Act.

Lewis ran for office where he was later elected to the House of Representatives, representing
Georgias 5th District. He was voted the most respected member of Congress.
A series of graphic novels were created portraying Lewis work in the Civil Rights Movement. He
has also been honored numerous award; including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and
Profile in Courage Award.

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