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Dear Congressman Hudson,

My name is Karin Troy. I am a social work major at the University of North Carolina at
Pembroke.I would like to address the importance of reassessing the Family Medical Leave Act.
Recently, many children are becoming full-time caregivers for their parents. However, with the
rise of diseases such as cancer, dementia, and Alzheimer's 12 weeks does not allow a sufficient
period of time for anyone to care for their loved one and comfort the sickly during their last days.
Typically, some diseases kill slowly while others are quick and predictable. Referencing the
issue more, many of the caregivers are faced with the dilemma of staying by their parents side or
losing their source of income at the conclusion of the 12 week period. Yet, military family is
allowed 26 weeks for family leave. With all respect, it is clear that the severity of this issue needs
much consideration with the rise of elder abuse reports. I am interning at Robeson County
Department of Social Services and I have witnessed the struggle of this group as many programs
that Adult Services offers for in home assistance does not compensate family. Therefore, I ask
that you take my advocacy efforts into consideration for those directly affected by the
importance of this law. Thank you for your work thus far and I look forward to hearing from

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