Talking Points Minitest 4

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Talking Points-Minitest 4

Units 10 and 11: Personality and Intelligence

How much do you really know? These are big questions the College
Board expects you to know.

How does the psychoanalytic theory explain personality? Trait? Social-Cognitive? Humanistic?

How do each of those 4 theories evaluate personality? (What tests do they run, how do they gather

Comment on the validity (accuracy) of the 3 different personality measures (MMPI, etc.).

How does culture affect the way ones personality develops? (Think individualism vs. collectivism)

Could you identify the importance of these individuals and their impact upon the study of personality: Adler,
Bandura, Costa/McRae (Big 5), Maslow, Freud, Rogers?

How would Spearman, Gardner and Sternberg define intelligence?

Explain how the normal curve (normal distribution) link with intelligence scores. Use the term standard
deviation as you explain this.

If you were to create your own intelligence test, what would be included? How would you ensure that your test
was valid, standardized, and reliable?

What criteria have to be met for one to be labeled gifted or intellectually disabled? How are these groups of
people different?

How can an intelligence test be biased? What is a culture-fair IQ Test?

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