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Name: Angela Iannello

Date: 4/16/2015
Lesson Details
Lesson Title
Edit: This should have the title and identify the model that is being used and the content discipline that is covered
Womens Rights Movement Introduction
Technology Operations and Concepts
American History

5th Grade
Date of Lesson
-yet to be determined-

UBD Stage I: Identify Desired Results

Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
1) Identify 3 women involved in the Womens Rights Movement (Assessment 2)
2) Be able to tell what the Womens Rights Movement was (Assessment 2)
3. Be able to identify 2 major events that occurred during the Womens Rights Movement (Assessment 2)
4. Be able to use poll app on the Ipad (Assessment 1).

PA Standards:

C.C.1.1.5.D. - Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
C.C.1.2.5.D. Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point
of view they represent.
C.C.1.4.5.G Write opinion pieces on topics or texts.

ISTE Standards
Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology systems, operations, and

Understand and use technology systems.

Select and use applications effectively and productively.
Troubleshoot systems and applications.
Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.

Edit: These are WHY you are teaching the lesson! What do you want your students to KNOW and/or be able to DO when the lesson is
complete using Blooms Taxonomy verbs. Also identify how/where they will show evidence of this ability and with what accuracy.

Enduring Understandings

To be able to name the 3 women discussed in the presentation.

To be able to clearly define what the Womens Rights Movement was.

To be able to have a clear image of what the terms segregation, segregated, Seneca Falls Conference of 1848, and
Declaration of Sentiments mean in historical context.
To explain and summarize the importance of the Womens Rights Movement with

Essential Questions

What was the main purpose of the Womens Rights Movement?

Can you name 3 women involved in the movement?
Can you define segregation?

UBD Stage II: Determine Acceptable Evidence

Assessment Tasks
Edit: These MUST match your objectives. They will not only assess what your students learned, it should also tell you how well the
lesson went.

Formal: The last thing to do during the class period is to give out homework for the students.
The homework will be fill in the blank and matching. A copy of the homework and answer key
will be provided.

Informal: Take poll at beginning of class period as an introduction to the topic of the Womens
Rights Movement. Students will be able to see on a bar graph displayed on the screen what their
answers where (seen as a whole class, specific names anonymous).

Assessment Adaptations
ELL student present in the classroom will be given firstly a copy of the questions and answer choices in their native language in a
packet in order to participate in the poll exercise at the beginning of the lesson. The students will answer in accordance with the
sequence of the questions. During the PowerPoint the student will be given his/her own copy of the PowerPoint in a paper packet
that has been translated into their own language. The student will also be given headphones and an Ipad separately from the rest of
the class so they can listen to a translated version of the PowerPoint that I personally have recorded in the students native
language. After the PowerPoint presentation is over and the students have been filling in guided note sheets, homework will be
assigned that will be due the next morning in the beginning of class. The homework will also be translated into the students native
language, however an English copy will also be provided so the students can look at the English version of sentences.

Rubric/Scoring Criteria
-See attached paper-

UBD Stage III: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Materials and Resources
1) Ipad for each student
2) Homework sheets
3) Follow along note sheets
4. Projector

1ev1Procedures and Content

T: Teacher asks students to turn on the poll app on their Ipads and select poll named Womens Rights lesson plan.

S: Students open Ipads and pull up poll app and select poll they will take.
Estimated time: 3 minutes

T: Teacher asks students one question at a time from sheet of questions (5 questions in total).
S: Students reply yes or no anonymously on poll app.
Estimated time: 8 minutes


T: Teacher, after asking all questions and allowing for appropriate answer time, will reveal the results of how many
questions students answered yes and no to.
S: Students will observe bar graph shown of yes/no answers.
Estimated time: 2 minutes

4) T: Teacher will hand out worksheets while explaining the following to the class:
Today we will be going through a presentation on the Womens Rights Movement; while going through the presentation you will
fill out the worksheet I am passing out right now. All the questions are in order with the presentation please tell me if you need more
time to write down anything.
S: Students write name at the top of the paper and fill in the date.
Estimated time: 2 minutes
T: Teacher begins reading off of each slide and continues until after the 3 rd slide; the teacher then stops and asks students
if they have any questions so far.
S: Students fill out worksheet while going through presentation, when teacher asks if there are any questions the students
respond accordingly with their questions.
Estimated time: 10 minutes



T: Teacher continues reading other 3 slides after answering questions (if there are any).
S: Students respond accordingly and keep filling out the worksheet.
Estimated time: 10minutes
T: Teacher tells students to keep their worksheets so they can use the information to fill out the homework. Teacher then
hands out the homework sheet to all students.
S: Students fill out name and date for homework and then place homework and worksheet into homework folder to later fill
Estimated time: 4 minutes

Total time for lesson: 39 to 40 minutes

-See attached homework sheet-

If Time Activities

Communal Story: you write one sentence on the top of the board and call student by student up to the board to write the
next line of the story.
Telephone: come up with a long sentence and repeat it into a students ear, then have that student whisper it into the next
students ear and so on and so forth. At the end have the last person who received the message say the message out loud
and see how close it was to the first sentence.
White board Slam: write a word on the board that contains only 4 letters and cll student by student up to see how long they
can make the word so it still makes sense.
Open Question Session: time for teacher to open up a class discussion beginning with any questions students might have
on the topic discussed in the days lesson.

Procedural Adaptations/Differentiated Instruction

Struggling Readers: provide headphones so the students can listen and follow along with the presentation on their ipads; also allow
for sound aloud examples on homework and in class worksheet.
ELL students: ELL student present in the classroom will be given firstly a copy of the questions and answer choices in their native
language in a packet in order to participate in the poll exercise at the beginning of the lesson. During the PowerPoint the student will
be given his/her own copy of the PowerPoint in a paper packet that has been translated into their own language. The student will
also be given headphones and an Ipad separately from the rest of the class so they can listen to a translated version of the
PowerPoint that I personally have recorded in the students native language. The homework will also be translated into the students
native language, however an English copy will also be provided so the students can look at the English version of sentences.
Gifted Students: give students more challenging homework with open ended questions.
Physical Needs Students: allow students to sit towards the front of the class and also provide them with close up Ipads and a
student helper for the disabled student.

Cognitive Needs: provide them with student helper and simpler worksheet depending on mental grade level and reading
comprehension skills. Also provide them with a memory game for homework instead of a worksheet.
Behavioral Accommodations: allow for decompression time for students; allow students to go into another room supervised until
they are okay to come back into the general classroom. The judgment of when the child is ready will be made by another adult
present in the classroom. If behavior becomes violent all students will be taken out of the classroom and into the hallway while
calling the main office for security and support.

Lesson Reflection
Teaching students about equality when it comes to human rights is extremely important. It is also important
for the students to understand that women didnt always have the same rights as men do and what they had to
go through to earn basic rights in the United States. The students need to realize that the rights they have
now should not be taken for granted because they didnt always have those basic rights in the United States.

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