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Julius Caesar Marco Antoni salutem dicit. Tu dicit me imperium Romanum dominare. Ego volo imperium recte capere! Quidem, Rofa } be mox a me capigntur! Hic consilium secutus, ego putabo quid facere. Ego dictator ero! duds is an indivect et on cubjpachve Cura ut valeas! Eel wore tf! Pay = foe dr va fe fe fink o Joogle whitaker's wards" foe yooh lp XV chest salutem Grae Dexvi ES gp | Sung. Tem ph Mey Mea peti cuigg | 2a2_pulat< a Sun iN docGd esset_ | 240 fon dei Memswe-! Emplaniin a Aurseionus pec nniee - Susp the capduy) Sg0 Precot frére beng.\ é & Kar 2 OMA Sa GL otiade 23? QMuex : 4s ss _emae? Sreuk Gyulid eso regnum vitae? ma ES seseseee eM see {Tara LM Be sees i Sekt osrerb 2 HE Feo fat in _indivet = Rena esr perhaps Lelie is pe riculum sap Sid ota tan cout’ ees! mud = 1° PE oe help cas® Bardius Navidus salutem cit Jaks) Quid agis? Si tu optime vales, ego quoque optime valeo. ego te visitabo mox quod sum 7 ~terebravisse. Monear@}dixit@habere magnum domum! Ego vereo quod iN fures sunt in ruri, oa venire posiea? Caves. Si ego non scribgo alius epistulam, fures me interfecerunt. Imprecas me fortuna, Vale! Occugahve a MPD, ALAS, yaleo y wrokt Hee Fare perfect and Bolare ten Se ebevebramece! what 75 be ward? yshet oe yor wetnn ? s subject verb agreement Cn oli xt? sacugae of Hi = te swereo 7 vertor shown ~ odjectve agreemuct «impress Pmreke bes an Impecat ve. sme or mea? (HE or ny ?> : wyoo word Ao mere Vocab werd foyer Gage 3s foe get so fot, Salve bore 4 coe exer Mo Pmudvins odave _ SAON _Medestssety aay: Eig mE pse 27 is fost your Subject or oi - a At wsie aa aa pa oe = portachurus = participle Cadjectve) Lo SEIL ated do add : passive verb, choperantvtrl nye! = Allie sis posse Om yor explain tok sentence 7 be we? 1 death understand whet yotu byog +e wy Richard galectom, dict. Beck os, ; ae hen ambulabo g villa cm audivi’ clamer. ctmal virgo cucuvit me et droit aces 7 meg. Atri cus pegnetuc | amicus necabitur ! os Puts feminam oo ete. Cegitove Femina. martin > qecusechve + Wwhuihve go Aina hates , fe anbulay’ a Gaon i never nud, Mone atbitror cagura. , sentio waluas , Tou Sun ish’ Cura. ut Valens. FS Your Ligk gentene ga Uae i ee appeals pte a7 dou p = ade ve — noun agretnnd * cog tava —> use * he S ends far 1 panaen 6g perfect swmalus “puee on adverb insbead, 7) feel baally™ greek were ste pen only mwsnoy charges. + pe oF a bee Salve Person-That Bunchied- Mes -In-The-Face-At-That-Bar-Fight-In-Rome- That-One-Tim cede ate nse aah Ego on ego caved tyloquor mihi “Ego ocx} Quod tu uS det, ego ofan’ Tuur caput est stultug. Ego iactis,a¢ Lupem consumi, Julus Caesar dicit host interfecere, sic +0 \ ead ulinterfecit Ce : Shale ie eu consider fee Soy poe walves, Peat Vale, Latinate, ‘What it should transtate to but probably doesnt 1am going to tell you now, | hate you because you told me “I hate you." Because you said this, | hate you. Your head is stupid, | am going to throw you to the wolves to be eaten. Julius Caesar said to kill your enemies, so I am going to kill you US Gals trae Story? whee! + verberabi — pasos “hare net sell Gonatase ch foe ) La get th pa fede Hee (be, = bs Gusending T

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