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Career Research Essay

Since the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, the force of the Border Patrol has
changed to detection, apprehension and the detection of terrorists and terrorists weapons.
Although the Border Patrol has changed dramatically since its inception in 1924, its overall
mission remains unchanged; to detect and prevent the illegal entry of aliens entering the United
States. Together with other law enforcement officers, the Border Patrol helps maintain borders
that work, facilitating the flow of illegal immigration and goods while preventing the illegal
trafficking of people and contraband. The Border Patrol is specifically responsibility for
patrolling the 6,000 miles of the Mexican and Canadian international land borders and 2,000
miles of coastal waters surrounding the Florida peninsula and the island of Puerto Rico.
One of the most important activities of a Border Patrol agent is line watch. This involves
the detection, prevention and apprehension of terrorists, undocumented aliens and smugglers of
aliens at or near the land bordered, by maintaining surveillance from a convert position,
following up leads responding to electronic sensors, television system, aircraft sittings, and
following tracks. Some of the major activities are traffic checks, traffic observation, and city
patrol. (U.S Customs and Border Patrol Protection) One of the best skills is to always keep your
eyes open and to pay attention to everything and always stay alert and to watch out for your
fellow officers.
As one of the most rigorous and demanding law enforcement training programs in this
county, U.S. Border Patrol training has become the envy of the federal law enforcement
community. For 66 days, a patrol of Border Patrol men would receive instruction in federal law
enforcement subjects. Those new hires that need Spanish language instruction will be required to
complete an addition 40 days of training. Border Patrol agents agree to random drug testing,
overtime and shift work, and to remain proficient in the use of firearms. New agents are paid a
special salary rate for federal law enforcement personnel, with starting salaries of $36,658 to

$46,542 with excellent potential for overtime pay.( The excellent federal government
benefits package is available as well as a uniform allowance of $1,500 per year for a Border
Patrol agent.
In March 2003, as a result of the homeland security reorganization, most of the U.S.
customs service was merged with the border elements of the immigration and naturalization
service, including the entire Border Patrol and former U.S inspectors, together with border
agriculture inspectors, to form U.S customs and Border Protection, a single, unified border
agency for the U.S. (Border Patrol The investigative office of U.S. Customs was split
off and merged with the INS investigative office and the INS interior detection and removal
office to form Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which among other things, is responsible
for interior immigration enforcement. The United States customs service had three major
missions; collecting tariff revenue, protecting the U.S. economy from smuggling and illegal
goods, and processing people and good at ports of entry (Border Patrol Responding to
the urgent need for revenue following the American Revolutionary War, the first Untied States
Congress passed and President George Washington signed the Tariff Act of July 4, 1789, which
authorized the collection of duties on imported goods. Four weeks later, on July 31st, the fifth act
of Congress established the United States Customs to Service its ports of entry
I believe that I would be great in this career. I have all the skills the Border Patrol is
asking for. I used to work with my father as a mechanic and know a lot about cars and looking
through them. Am also Hispanic and know how to speak Spanish as fluent of English. I can be
useful for others that do not speak a word of Spanish, and help translate what others are saying.
The training would be no problem; I believe that I would pass the training without a doubt. I

have most of the skills they require, so I believe I would be successful in the career of being a
Border Patrol Agent.

Works Cited
"Border Patrol Overview." Border Patrol Overview. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.
"U.S. Customs and Border Protection | Securing America's Borders." U.S. Customs and
Border Protection | Securing America's Borders. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.
"U.S. Customs Service." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.

Study.Com.N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.

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