Worship Without Sacrifice

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Worship without sacrifice

True religion is based on spirituality, love, compassion, understanding,

and appreciation of each other whatever our beliefs may be -- Christians,
Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics or whatever.
Gandhi believed whatever labels we put on our faith, ultimately all of
us worship Truth because Truth is God. Superficially we may be very devout
believers and make a tremendous public show of our worship, but if that
belief, understanding, compassion, love and appreciation is not translated
into our lives, prayers will have no meaning. True worship demands sacrifice
not just in terms of the number of times a day we say our prayers but in
how sincere we are in translating those prayers into life styles
Without sacrifice we may become active in a church but remain
inactive in its gospel. In other words, we go for the social facade of religion
and the piety of religious practices. There is no real walking with people or
going the second mile or trying to deal with our social problems that may
eventually undo our economic system. It takes sacrifice to serve the needs
of other people - the sacrifice of our own pride and prejudice, among other
If a church or religion is seen as just another hierarchical system, its
members won't have a sense of service or inner worship. Instead they will
be into outward observances and all the visible accoutrements of religion.
But they are neither God-centered nor principle-centered.

Principle Centered Leadership by Stephen R. Covey

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