Evaluation Activity 7

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Hassan Shahid

Media Studies

Evaluation Activity 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you
feel you have learned in the progression from it to
the product?
Throughout the production for the preliminary task, we did not do
any planning. It was mostly all Improvisation, as in the shots and
storyline. We did use the same camera for the main production too,
so we were familiar with how to use it. Only dialogue was used
throughout, this was because it was only a short piece, however, we
could have used sound to improve it.
During the process of the preliminary task, I hardly knew any
information on the 180 degree rule, what it was, how it made an
effect and how it was used. However, after completing my final media
product, I can confidently answer the questions that the 180 degree
rule is establishing the screen direction of actors on the scene by
keeping to the same angle in the scene. This follows the line of
action which is known as an imaginary line cutting through an
item/object on the scene in the same angle all throughout.
We used shot reverse shot in the preliminary well. Throughout the
progress of the production I feel I havent really improved or lost
any sort of skill in that area because I was quite familiar with the
concept. However if I were to do it now, I do believe I could film
it better than how I could of back when we completed the



Shot reverse shot is usually used when presenting a

conversation, but we used this technique near the end of our
sequence just before the Carpenter assaults Lucy with the mallet
creating better verisimilitude.
Match on action was the easiest technique to apply during our
preliminary task and final production as it helps the scenes by

Hassan Shahid
Media Studies
having continuity, leaving the audience with enigmas created as well
as an atmosphere filled with enthusiasm. During the preliminary
task I wasnt that confident on what match on action was. Despite
this, since I have completed my production I am now able to state
that match on action is what keeps scenes flowing with the use of a
variety of shots, editing etc to present the characters movement.

POV of Lucy walking

Long shot of Lucy walking

Difficulties that we had when in the process of the preliminary task

was that camerawork was not good. We did have to film at least three
times, for example breaking the 180 degree rule. Also, as well as
camerawork, there was an issue with the sound as we heard the voices
from people outside the group that disrupted out piece. In addition,
another reason why we had to film again, was because of very poor
acting from the cast we had originally selected, which was because
we were limited to a selection of actors at that time.
Difficulties with the main production was that firstly we did not
capture many close-up shots. Due to that, we had filmed again to
capture the best shots we could. We also made sure the acting was
the best it was to bring the best outcome possible. In addition,
another difficulty was the focus, this was due to not practicing
with the camera enough. To fix this we went and learned how to use
the focus correctly and to keep it in focus at all times.
Our main production was a massive success in comparison with the
Preliminary Task. This was because we had taken in the flaws from
the previous task, and created an outcome with them, to have an
overall final product that was successful. As a group, he had an
opportunity to be outstanding, creative and successful. We had
planned our work, with Storyboards, meetings and general research.
This enabled us to work at our best in a group and individually.

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