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Family Tree Project Narrative Sanders Jr.1 UWRT 1102 Biv. The incredibie Sanders Family — ‘The last name Sanders is a common name, but it’s something about my family that separates us ftom the rest. We come in many different shapes and sizes with a variety of style, personalities and characters. My research took me back to my Great-Great Grandfather's Father, who came from India. I could not find much information on him which gave me ample amount of time to learn about the few generations above me. There's my great Grandmother at the head of the family as the oldest living generation followed by my wonderful grandmother and her 24, sister's, Below them is my father and the list of numerous second cousins I have. Then following them is me and the very few first cousins I have. The Controlling generation that leads/hosts +. 2) majority of the family get-togethers and eye Great Aunt’s and grandmother. The ‘generation that did more of the branching out and expanding was my dad and all of my second cousins. My great Grandmother and her brother are the entertainment for the family. Those have to be two of the most interesting people to ever have a conversation with. My Great Grandmother and her Brother are the oldest living generation I have but that has to be the funniest generation. My Great-Great Uncle is «(67 }ear old car fanatic! Since he ‘was a little boy he always had a certain lovejears, in particular Ford Mustangs. When he was(18 ) he owned a 1964 Royal blue 3- Speed Mustang. The car came with 120 horsepower and a top speed of over 120 MPH Goel ‘That car was his pride and joy until it was abruptly taken away from him when he hit a deer one night. The deer totaled that litle Mustang and he was forced to move on. “When he wrecked his mustang, you could see the disappointment in his face’? (Cs note never lost his love for Mustang’as the years went on, he just kept saving until he was able to get another one. It took wim) years, but in 2013 he went and bought

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