Electronics (EE104) 1 Year (2014-2015) Dr. Mohammed Hassan Fayoum University Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering Dep

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Fayoum University

Faculty of Engineering
Electrical Engineering Dep.

Electronics (EE104)
1st Year (2014-2015)
Dr. Mohammed Hassan
Class Project

For the center-tapped full wave rectifier shown in Figure 1, given that VS(t) is sinusoidal with
peak voltage VP =10V and frequency f=50Hz:
(a) Refer to Figure 2 to show that, when a capacitor C is connected in parallel with the load
resistor R, the value of the ripple voltage (Vr) can be controlled by designing the time constant
RC to be as follows:



1 (

VP and are the peak voltage and the radian frequency of the secondary voltage VS
2 is the peak-to-peak ripple voltage
VDon is the forward voltage drop across the diodes.
(b) If R=10, what is the value of C to maintain ripple voltage less than or equal to 5% of the
maximum voltage (i.e., 0.05 )?
(c) If the output DC voltage of this rectifier is approximated as , what is the
maximum power delivered to the load in point (b)?
(d) In order to validate your design, use PSPICE to simulate the output voltage of the above
rectifier. Plot VO(t) and show that your design satisfies the ripple voltage requirements, as
shown in Figure3.
(e) Using the capacitor you designed in (b), what happens to the ripple voltage if the value of R
is changed to be 1. What is the output power of the rectifier in this case?

Figure 1

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Figure 2

Figure 3

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