1985 Chicago Bears Defense

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DEFENSIVE HUDDLE A. EQRMATION 1. Front Row (LE, LT, RT, RE) a. Tackle - set huddle two yards from ball b. Feet shoulder width apart and parallel. ¢. Hands on knees, eyes on signal caer. +d, Back will be to line of scrimmage. 2. Second Row (Sam, Will) a, Sam and Will form the end of the huddle, facing each other. b. Mac or Mike - step in huddle and call the signal. 3. Back Row (LC, SS, FS, RC) a. Backs will line up cpposite the Ends and Tackles, facing the offensive team b. Feet shoulder width apart and parallel. ¢. Hands on knees, eyes on signal caller. B. PROCEDURE 1, Designated OLB - once huddle has been set, vou call out down and distance. Signal Caller - Mike and Safety will get signal {rom sideline. Signal caller will Then call defense twice (i.e. Bear 3 Sam, Bear 3 Sam). 3. Once defense has Deen called signal caller will call "READY - BREAK™ All players will yell "BREAK", clap hands and break the huddle. 4. Designated Safety - Once huddle has been broken vou will call out personnel ingame (\.e. Pro. Ace, Kings, ete). S. All players be ready to play when Center touches the ball. 6, Signal caller, designated OLB, and designated Safety will be only players talking in huddle unless a time out has been called. 7. Always be alert for a quick huddle or no huddle by the offensive team. C. CALLING STRENGTH 1. Once formation is deployed signal caller calls out strength of formation and » set of Dacks and designated safety repeats the call. 2. Any change of strength motion is called by designated safety and repeated by other safety. Por d Hoo 2 No 4 x ACE cLuBs FLUSH JACKS KINGS ODDBALL PRO-REGULAR QUEENS ROYAL PLUSH STRAIGHT FLUSH TENS UNBALANCED NAMES OF OFFENSIVE POSITIONS Fullback Halfback Jed Tight End in game or Move Man Sth Wide Receiver in game Ind Tight End in game Ath Wide Receiver in game Flanker Tight End Split End ded Wide Receiver in game TYPES OP OPPENSIVE PERSONNEL AND PORMATIONS TYPES OF OPPENSIVE PERSONNEL AND FORMATIONS 2TE,2WR,1 RB 3TE,1 RB, 1 WR ‘WR, 1 RB, No TE 3 TE within the Wing Position, 2 RB. No WR in game 1TE,IWR,LRB Any exotic formation LTE, 2WR,2RB 3 WR, 2 RB (No TE in game) 5 WR, No RB, No TE 4 WR, 1 TE, No RB 2 TE, 2RB,1WR Formation with 2 men on LOS cn one side of the Center OPFENSIVE HOLE NUMBERING SYSTEM Bry Hr =) © C, © ‘ Se ae ae 1. Odd numbers are always to the left regarcless of formation 7 strength “2, Even numbers are always to the right regardless of formation strength, 3. Hole numbers 2 through 8 and 3 through 9 are designated as the ares over an offensive lineman. Hole numbers 0 and 1 are the trap holes on either side of center. Hu Prat © © POCSOO0O 5 YY ) H- "2" Back Halfback «Positions in backfield A. RED (Split Backs) 3 Soo0000 B. BLUE (Near Backs) w oO 500 C. BROWN (Far Backs) wv 3 Oo D. 1 (Backs) w O E. Opposite Set (Red) x 6 BACKPIELD SETS P= 73" Back Fullback ~ HB sligned away from X with FB on X side Oro Qua oO X - HB aligned to *X" side with FB behind Center a Pe oO @ 18 aggre away (rom "X" with FB behind Center 1 P Os CoOo00 yisnied behind FB over the Center i @r Oo x OOUO0O0 ~ canbe any of the above sets with FB and HB exchanging po! @: 9 HB oO Oo x x O00 DETERMINING STRENGTH (Continued) D. One wide receiver on each side with two tight ends in game ~ normally strength will be called to our left. Personnel may dictate a right call. ACE LEFT F °o Ww Y oO oO oO 4. Any Trips Set where there are three receivers to one side, strength will be called to three receiver side. - TRIPS LEFT ORANGE LePT FQ) Oo F (3) HQ) HO) WHO x Oo oO oO w } ° Soo@®oo 6 IDENTIFYING AND CALLING FORMATIONS In calling formations we will have stancard sets that teams use most of the time accorcirg to the personnel they have in the game. If they align in (nat set, we just Call the personnel and the strength. Example: Kings Left, Queens Left. W Oo Y. oO KINGS LEFT QUEENS LEPT O° H i 5 & z W ° 7 a eee ° oo@ooo ° oogoo IC it is any other formation other than standard sets, we must identify where the differ ence lies. We have a priority order in identifying the differences. 1. n Vi vit. vill. IX. PERSONNEL IN GAME - Ace, Kings, Queens, Jacks, Tens or Flush. We assume it is regular personnel, if we don't, identify something else. SPREAD Identify spread second, DISTRIBUTION OP RECEIVERS ~- Twin, Trips, Orange, Deuce, Trey, Power If distribution is not stancard set for personnel in game, identity next. BACKFIELD SET - Red,Brown, Blue. I, Opposite, Orange, Near, Far, T, and Power. If backfield set is different than standard set for personnel in game, identify next. RECEIVER ALIGNMENT STRONG SIDE - Flop, Flip, Speed, Heavy, Big Wing It strong side receivers are different than standard set for personnel in game. identify next. FORMATION STRENGTH - left or right Identify strength of formation next. ALIGNMENT OP INSIDE RECEIVER STRONG ~ Off, Close, Crack, Wide If first inside receiver on strong side is different than standard set for personnel in game, identify next. ALIGNMENT OF INSIDE RECEIVER WEAK - Off, Tight, Close, Crack, Wide If first inside receiver on weak side is different than standard set for personnel in game, identify next. RECEIVER IN BACKPIELD - W, Y, X, Z if receiver aligned in backfield identify by pesition and location if different than behind Qa. MOTION - Identify any motion. Os LEPT PORMATION Regular Personnel: | Two wide outs - "Wand *Y"; one TE - "X"} two backs - "H* and "P*. Standard Set: WY and Y on opposite sides in wide alignment: X in tight alignment on strong sides Hand F aligned in backfield. RED LEFT (Split) cS Hrz") OC © 7 oO OCC @OO TWIN LEPT FORMATION Regular Personnel: Two wide outs - "Wand "Y%; one TE- "AS two backs - "H™ and Standard Set: W and Y on opposite side wide alignment: X in tight on strong side; Hl in close position on weak side: F in FB alignment. THIN LEFT E S x © Oo x SOOO@OO Oo Regular Personnel: Standard Set: Two wide receivers - *W" and "Y"; one TE -"X%; two decks = "H” and "F. W and Y on same side with Y wide and W in creck pasitic on weak side: H ang aligned in backfield. 4 LELOP LEFT Or r OO © x DO@BWOCOO + X is tight Ox Red Flop Left Brown Flop Left X-Wide a Oo O° 3 , &¢ Ww " ° ° Coo0@e@000 S oo@e@o°o Regular Personnel: Standard Set: ate PLIP LEPT Tio wide receivers - "W" and "¥%; One TE - "HT and “F". two backs = W and Yon same side with W wide and Y in crack position: X is tight on weak side; H and F aligned in backfield. BLUE FLIP LEFT a Ge oe) x OOSO0CO Red Flip Left i ° } oOCe@o | Brown Flip Left X- Wide Ou OF oO. y } od oO o0900 Or Bee LL ELLE ELLE ELL LCL LLL Regular Personnel: Two wide receivers = "W" and "Y% one TE-*X"; two backs - nit and “F* Standard Set: Wand Y on same side with Y wide and W in crack position. X is tight on weak sige: Il is aligned as Wing on weak side; F is in backfield behing a8. 4 TWIN PLOP LEPT 2 w it TRIPS PLOP LEFT Regular Personnel: Two wide receivers - "WT and "YS one TE -°X%: two backs - "H" and "F*. Standard Set: W and ¥ on same side with Y mide and W in crack position; X is tight on weak side: H is aligned in close position on strong side: F is in backfield behing QB. TRIPS PLOP LEFT Pr Ace Personnel: Two wide receivers - "W" and "YS: (eo TE's - "xX" and" one running back - "P* Standard Set: W and ¥ aligned on oppesite sides in wide position off the line: X and V aligned on oppasite sides in tight position; F aligned in backfield behind QB. ACE LEPT ACE LEFT oO x Oo u © COC SOOO oO Ace Left off Ace Left X-Wide U Off P : F oO + x ° u Ww U w ° ° 7, ° ° ° , Oo GQG@oeo0o Oo CoOoe@oo Cc ACE PLOP LEPT Standard Set: W and Y on same side with Y wide and WW in crack position: X and U are aligned on same side with X tight and U in wing position; F backfield behind Center. s aligned in ACE PLOP LEPT Fr oO oO ne) oS OODOOO ‘Ace Pup Left U Wide Ace Near Plop Left U-Oft Op @F v w u O° x @e Oo oO a : y x o°0eg0o0°o oO 90@00 ° Ace Personnel: Two wide receivers - "W" and Y*; two TE’s = "KX" and "US; one back = "P* oO Oo x oO U0 ODD®DOOO { Standard Set: W and ¥ aligned on opposite sides in wide position: X and U aligned fon same side: X in tight position and U in wing position: F aligned in-backfield behind QB. cts w O x © Ace Trips Near Left UO Ace Trips Left U Wide E : or ° Ww u w Oo ,@ ° ’ o, O° 7 Oo 290e@00 ° S500e@00 é 1 ACE TRIPS FLOP LEPT Standard Set: W and ¥ aligned on same side off the line with Y wide and W in crack position: X and U aligned on opposite sides in tight position: F aligned in backfield benind Center. ACE TRIPS PLOP LEFT r YX we Ace Trips Near Flop Left X Off @r e@-.o°0 t x Oe0e@000 ° ‘Ace Trips Flop Le(L X-Wide U-Wide F Y wW oo ° oo@goo ec Kings Personnel: Standard Set: KINGS LEPT. Three wide receivers - "W", *Y" and one TE = *X": one back « "Pr. W and Y on same side with Y wice and W in crack pesition: Xi aligned on weak side in tight position: Z is aligned on weak side in wide position: F is aligned in backfield bening Qa. KINGS Leet Kings Personnel: Standard Set: KINGS TRIPS LEFT Three wide receivers "WH TY and "Z% one TE -"X*; one Dack-“P* ¥ and Won same side with ¥ wide and Win crack position: X is aligned on strong side in tight position; Z is aligned on weak side in wide position. KINGS TRIPS LEFT OVER o °°, ° {On ps Oo PIomed, o To é M ie) * t 40 UNDER oO 1 Ova O bogey) © \ S$ oM OW D. Lin KEY 1 MIKE: Mike Rush (rom that alignment. If Key 1 Mike is called in huddle, Mike will call one of the above alignments - based on Formation. We will then execute appropriate RED LEPT Backer Backer So oO oO O a aie O---9 ey ri€ On our Bear "Y" Blitz we will always Blit Aligned to the Split End side. Sometimes Buck Backer. The Nose will Blitz the "I" will run a Loop with the Nose. KINGS LEPT Backer Backer Q---20 ie Oo mrey Q.,0 oO SD 7 orn 1 our Two OLBer's and the Inside Linebacker that is it will be the Mac Backer and other times it will be the Gap to the side ef "X" and the End on the side of "x" The [LB that is rushing will always Blitz thet Gap to the SE side. If there are two TE’s or no TE in game, the [LB will Blitz the 1 Gep tol like we do on Bear 1 Dog Switch. he Weak side. We will align and adjust to motion exactly Strong Corner Cover #) with "0" Technique. Weak Corner Cover your man with "10" Technique. Strong Safety "O" Cover your man; if he blocks, Pressure Rush. sam Contain Rush. If Receiver blocks on you, take him to QB. Buck A. Two Back Set & aligned to X: Cover (irst Back to your side or second Back away. Pressure Rush if vour man blocks. B. One Back Set, or Two Back Set if aligned to Y: Blitz 1 Gap to Split End Side. Mac One Back Set, or Two Back Set & aligned to X: Cover your man wit ro" Technique. Pressure Rush if he blocks. will Contain Rush. If Receiver blocks you, take him to QB. Free Safety Cover First Back out to SE side x Second Back away. If Two TE's of no TE, Cover #2 Weak. (On all One Back Sets~ cover the Back! End to X Run Loop with Nose. Nose Blitz 1 Gap to "X" Side. End away (rom X Blitz "2" Gap. PRONTS - LB'er RU ITZES BEAR "X" BLITZ COVER "0" RED LEFT. KINGS LEFT Backer Backer Backer Racker . | ae ; 2 © x\ < [Yo plq6\ o | ¢ fo piala O68) | S Ee; W 4 S c 5 MW B ae Bo Cc : \ O----+ O \ - ! On our Bear "X* Blitz we will always BLtz our two OLB's and the defender that is aligned ‘over "KX", Sometimes it will be the Strong Safety and other times it will be the Mac Backer. ‘The Nose will Blitz the "1" Gap to the side of "X", and the End on the side of * Loop with the Nose. will eun a Wwe will align & adjust to motion exactly like we do on Bear 1 Dog Switch. If two Tight Ends of no Tight Ends in game, we will run Blitz from Strong Side. trong Corner Cover #1 with "0" Technique. Weak Corner Cover your man with "0" Technique. Strong Safety A. If aligned on "X" - BLtz $ Gap. B. If aligned away from "X™- "0" cover your man. C. If no TE, of TE is Split out - Blitz outside & Contain. Sam Contain Rush. If Blitzing Safety or Mac is aligned outside of you, go inside Back’s block. Buck "0" Cover your man. Pressure Rush if he blocks. Mac A. If aligned on "X" - Blitz 5 Gap. B. If aligned on "X" and "X" is Split - Contain Rush. C. Mf aligned away from "X"- "0" cover your man & Pressure Rush if he blocks, wit Contain Rush ~ if Blitzing Safety or Mac aligned outside of you. 9 inside Back's block. Free Safety "0" Cover *X". If no TE ~ "0" cover #2 Strong. End to X Run Loop with Nose. Nose Blitz 1 Gap to "X" Side. 7 . EAd amay from X Blitz "3" Gap. PRO DOG COVER 19 *Backer® "Backer" *Air Banjo" "Air Banjo Our Pro Dog Cover 10 defense is a blitz involving the Line, Sam and Will. Once formation is set it becomes a stay defense and the blitz will not change regardless of motion. We will use Cover "1" alignment rules but will run with all motion. Free Safety and Mike must communicate on motion involving their men. Strong Corner Cover @1 strong with "0" technique. Weak Corner 1. If aligned weak - cover #1 weak using "O" technique. 2. If aligned strong - cover #2 strong using "O" technique. Strong Safety 1. If aligned strong - cover #2 using "0" technique. 2. I aligned weak ~ cover #1 using "0" technique. Sam Contain Rush ~ Backer Force on run. If Banjo called - Air Force Mike 2 Back Set - Fullback. 1 Back Set - Remaining Back. wil Contain Rush - Backer Force on Run. If Banjo call - Air Force. Free Safety 2 Back Set- cover HB weak. I Back Set - Cover #3 strong or #2 weak. Strong End 1 Gap Charge Strong Tackle Execute strong Loop technique. Weak Tackle Execute strong Loop technique. Weak End 3 Gap Charge. * Possible Banjo between Strong Safety and Free Safety. ** We will also by Game Pla! ve Over, Under, Swim, or Sink Dog with Rush lanes being determined Coverage will stay the same. ERONTS - LBer RUSHES - BLITZES PRO SNAKE COVER *O* "Sally® CO Lebed, M---5 0 \ \ Cc \ n + Widest Rusher on sice of Blitz 1 cover #4 Strong if he swings. “Outsice” — SE “Liz Cau" "Backer" oO 2 “Backer* am” * Widest Rusher on Side of Blitz Cover 43 Weak if he Swink S ’ “Inside” “Pex Call" Our Pro Snake is a Blitz that will involve the Line, Strong Safety, and OLB on Strong Safety's side. Strong Safety must make Rex or Liz call which indicates sice of Blitz. If Regular or Ace personnel are in game, we will flip-flop our Corners to "iW" and” es in Cover "I". If both Corners are aligned on one side, Strong Safety must align on opposite side and Blitz from that side. It Kings, Queens or Flush personnel in game, Coeners will align left and right, and Strong Safety will align on #2 strong and we will Blitz from that side. Once Formation is Set. it becomes a stay defense and we will Blitz from that side regardless of any change of strength motion. The Defensive Backs will cun with their man and LB's will bump motion across and pick it up on other side. ‘yuswudire yon wor) Zag Bog areiadosdde aynoaxe vaya Tim 9M “o}I WUT Uo peswg MUaWUSITE ACG ay JO UO T¥D TIM aX! ‘@IPPAY U) paleo OT Bog Aa J] +01 000 AZN M ow w 3 | [ 3 oO oO igeeeee oS 4 oO lo) Oo oO “1500 yNS 01 500 WIKS ob 3 -_™ au oO oO Oo i ° { opac ae oO oO Oo ° 01 D0 W3aNA or 500 Waann oO yc | ° RAG 01 DOG wBAG 01 500 waA0 SROLLVIUVA OT H2A09 000 PRO POX COVER "O* © © * r 2 gobebe) \ cL VW * Widest Rusher Cover #4 Strong or #3 Weak on Swing. (DE's) Our Pro Fox is a Blitz that involves the Line, Mike, and the Free Safety. We will use normal "1" alignment rules. Once strength is set it becomes a stay defense. Change of strength motion will not change the Blitz. Secondary willrun with all motion and Linebackers will bump it across. The OLB's will pressure rush theit man. Mike Blitz Strong #1 Gap. Free Safety Bitz Weak #1 Gap. if Center blocks you, absorb black and drop to hole. Sam Pressure rush #3 strong or #3 weak. will Pressure rush #2 weak or #4 strong. Corners "O" cover your man. Strong Safety "O" cover your man. Ends $ Gap charge - Contain QB. Tackles 3 Gap charge. Strong Corner Weak Corner Strong Safety Free Safety Ole ove Mike Ends Tackles PELE LLE eee eee Cover #1 Strong using "0" T: 1. Ifeligned weak - cover #1 weak using “O" Technique. 2. If aligned strong - cover 62 strong using "0" Tec que. Regular "17 alignment. Make “Rex” or “Liz! call to indicate side of Blitz. 1, "Outside Call” - Blitz 7 Gap to Force. 2. "Inside Call” ~ Blitz $ Gap to Plug. If Back blocks you, go inside his block. Cover Strong Safety's man. 1. On Strong Safety side: A. “Outside Call” + Blitz $ Gap. If back blocks you, go inside his block. Plug on Run. B. “Insige Cal” - Blitz 7 Gap to Force. II. Away from Strong Safety: Regular Formation - Cover #2 weak of #4 strong. Pro Flop or Ace Flop - ‘Cover ¥3 strong or #3 weak. Regular Formation - Cover #3 strong ot #3 weak. Pro Flop or Ace Flop - Cover #2 weak or 34 strong 1, On side of Rex oe Liz Call - 3 Gap Charge 2. Away from Rex or Liz Call - § Gap Charge - Contain Rush 1. On side of Rex or Liz Call - 1 Gap Charge 2, Away from Rex or Liz Call - Free Rush ee (| pacer eet) | | Rarer ee GOAL LINE BASH "Cora” “Sally” Our Goal Line Bash defense will be @ blitz involving the two outside defenders who normally are the outside force men. If their receiver is split the next inside defender will do the Bashing. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY Corner Align Strong - if your man tight ~ Bash; if your man split - "0" cover Strong Safety Align strong - if widest uncovered defender - Bash; if #2 split - "O" cover, Free Safety Align weak - if your man tight - Bash; if your man solit - “0” cover. Buck Align on and cover #3 strong or #3 weak. Mac Allgn on and cover #2 weak or #4 strong. Sam If #2 tight - "O" cover him. If #2 split - Bash. Willie If at tight - "0" cover him. If #1 split - Bash. Ends * 4 "oO" Tackles PRO DEPENSE oO © oO OCOD@BdoO SE T TEW M ss Personnel - 4 linemen, 3 linebackers, 4 defensive backs Position: S - Sam ~ Outside linebacker on strong side. (Tom - OLB on TE Side) wo. Will ~ Outside linebacker on weak side. (Sue - OLB on SE Side) M+ Mike ~ Inside linebacker aligned In mide. E - Ends = Linemen aligned over tackle. T+ Tackles - Linemen aligned over guards. Cc - Corner ~ Defensive back aligned on wide receiver. SS - Strong Safety - Defensive back aligned on inside receiver on strong side. Fs - Free Safety - Defensive back aligned in {ree position on weak side. 1. Our original alignment will be left and right. You become strong or weak depending on strength call. 3. The only people who flip-flop to strength are the safeties. * Exception - On some coverages, corners will flip-flop to strength. ORITE DEFENSE Personnel - 3 linemen, 4 linebackers, 4 defensive backs Position: S = Sam ~ Outside linebacker on strong side. (Tom - OLB on TE Side) Ww Will - Outside linebacker on weak side, (Sue - OLB on SE Side) B - Buck ~ Inside linebacker on strong side. Mo- Mac = tnside linebacker on weak side. E = End - Lineman aligned over tackle. N+ Nose ~ Lineman aligned over center. C= Corner ~ Defensive back aligned on wide receiver. SS - Strong Safety - Defensive back aligned on inside receiver to strong s FS - Free Safety - Defensive back aligned in free position on weak side. 1. Our original alignment will be left and right. 2. You become strong ot wesk depending on strength call. 2. The only people who Mip-flop to strength are the safeties. * Exception - On some coverages corners will flp-flep to strength. SS FS N Personnel - 4 linemen, 2 linebackers, $ defensive backs (Aligned in Two Deep Look) T ~ Teckles E - Ends SS - Strong Safety Ho- H-Backer F + .F-Backer C - Corners FS- Free Safety N - Nickel Back Inside rush linemen. Outside rush linemen. Defensive back aligned close to line of scrimmage on strong side. Linebacker normally aligned opposite halfback. Linebacker ‘normally aligned opposite fullbr ck. Defensive backs aligned on wide receivers. Defensive back aligned inside. Defensive back aligned inside on weak side. BUPFALO DEFENSE Personnel - { linemen, 2 linebackers, S defensive backs. (Aligned in Three Deep Look) Position T + Tackles ~ Inside rush linemen. E - Ends ~ Outside rush linemen. SS Strong Safety - Defensive Back aligned close to LOS on strong side. F - F Backer ~ Linebacker normally aligned opposite Fullback. Ho- H Backer ~ Linebacker normally aligned opposite Halfback. C - Corners ~ Defensive Backs aligned on Wide Receivers. FS - Free Safety Defensive Back aligned in Middle 1/3. -N = Nickel Back Defensive Back aligned close to LOS on weak side. GOAL LINE DEPENSE Personnel - 4 linemen, 4 linebackers, J defensive backs Position S$ - Sam - fe linebacker on strong side. Wo Wil + Outside linebacker on weak side. E - End Lineman aligned over tackle. T=, Tackles > Lineman aligned over Guards. Bo = Buck ~ Inside linebacker aligned on strong side opposite back. (4 yds. deep) M = Mac ~ Inside linebacker aligned on weak side opposite back. (4 yds. deep) C= Corner - Defensive back aligned opposite widest receiver on strong side. FS - Free Safety - Defensive back aligned opposite widest receiver on weak side. SS - Strong Sefety - Defensive back aligned on line to strong side. | Qe | a | aaa ° tN O ete ee © ©0C8C0HO0 "2®QDO00HO WET. T EtS-Ss WET TLE Sos Fe wu ov Cc F ‘8, ee Pos. ALIGNMENT CONTROL Pos. ALIGNMENT CONTROL Sam 6 5 "0" Penetrate Sam 6 6 "I" Penetrate St. End 4 4 Penetrate St. End 4 4"I" Penetrare St. Tec 2" 2:"I" Penetrate St. Tac 2 tie, 2°°I" Penetrate Wk, Tac 2 "I" 2."I" Penetrate Wk. Tac 2 "1" 2 'I" Penetrate Wk. End 4 4°"0" Penetrate Wk, End 4 4 "I" Penetrate Will 6 6 "O" Penetrate Will 6 6 "I" Penetrate Buck 3 (outside Mirror Back -Flow To = Buck 3 (outside Mirror Backs - Flo and Back) Back inside = J Gap and Back) To = Plug outside Mac 3 (outside Back outside - Secs Mac 3 (outside Lev. to ball Back) Force Back) Flow Away = Elow Away = Far 3 Gap Fill Inside Lev. to ball Secondary Banjo Coverage Secondary Banjo Coverage * Same alignment for Goal Line Basn aot 7 GOAL LINE BACK SHADE GOAL LINE GAPS Cau: Liz DF 6 uo <8 oa. Ie} at 4S ®992000 Seas ; WE T ¢ LNET TECS Ss F TTE F ~ Meo wpe M o POS. ALIGNMENT. CONTROL Pos. ALIGNMENT CONTROL Sam 6 6 "0" of 6" to Call Sam $ Gap Gap Charge St. End 4 40" or 4"I" to Call St, End 1Gap Gap Charge St. Tac 21" 2 °“I" Penetrate St. Tac 1Gap Gap Charge Wk. Tac 2 "I" 2:-"I" Penetrate Wk. Tac 1Gep Gap Charge Wk. End 4 4 "0" or 4"1" to Call Wk. End 3 Gep Gap Charge will 5 6 "0" or 6"I" to Call Will 3 Gap Gap Charge Buck J (outside Backer to Call: SS 1Gap Gap Charge and Back) Flow To = Fill Buck 3 outside back Fill Mac Flow Away = Fill ‘Mac 3 outside back Fil Backer Awayfrom Call: Free Safety 8 ain Flow To = Plug Corner 8 er Flow Away = Play Side (Secondary Banjo Coverage) 3 Gap * CALLS Split or ( Set = Tuff p Backs Set Left Rex Backs Set Right = Liz ORIE SHADE - SPLIT SHADE cat oO O° c ° ° oS agooPmogeod oO qeoaoaoo SE N EW s& N Ew 5 M GB M POS. ALIGNMENT CONTROL POS. ALIGNMENT CONTROL Sam 670-7 Plug or Force Sam 6rot-7 Plug or Force tnd "X" q 470" End "x" 4 anon Buck 2-270" Slow Read Buck 2-270" Quick Read Nose o Fast Read Nose 0 0-X% Mac 2 Slow Read Mac 2-270" Quick Reso End "S" 4 4 "0" End “S" 4 oe will g"o"- 7 Plug or Force Will 6*0"-7 Plug or Forse OKIE SHADE - TIGHT SHADE OKIE SHADE X SHADE CALL: Tight CAL ° ° o ° ° a a ezhag ince cecaca ° SE EW SE.N EW 6 M Go M- * Dir. of Shade will de called by Rex, Liz, or Tic POS. ALIGNMENT CONTROL Pos. ALIGNMENT. CONTROL Sam 6"o"-7 Plug or Force Sam 60" -7 Plug or Force End "X" 4 ann End *X" 4 aw Buck 2-20" Fast Read Buck 2-270" Quick Read Nose 0 Slow Read Nose o o-s Mac 2-270" Fast Read Mac 2-270" Quick Read End "Ss" 4 an End "S” aor Will 670" -7 Plug or Force Will Plug of Force * Also can shade toward or away {rom backfield sets. * Also Penny (Sin defensive back) as will OLBer, BEAR JSAM BEAR 3 SAM KINGS RIGHT ACE TRIPS RIGHT ° O° oO O° °o Oo o OO Oe Sree tS OOG000 WMT T WwW TNT MS Qo o Pos. ALIGNMENT CONTROL POS. ALIGNMENT CONTROL LOB (Will) “8 Force _ LOB (Will) 6"0" Force LE (LT) 2"0" 2"0" LE (LT) 270" 29" & LT(N) 0 Slow Reed LT(N) 0 Slow Read RT 270" 270" RT 270" 20" RE (Sam) 50" Plug RE (Sam) ner Force Mike (Buck) 0-4 yds deep Fast Read Mike (Buck) 0-4 yds deep Fast Read ROB (Mac) opp. 2 wk on LOS Plug ROB (Mac) opp. #3on LOS Plug BEAR SHADE 3 SAM BEAR $ WILL CALL: LION EEE ° O° mS ° ° O ° OC02300 Ww TNT § MET Le POs. ALIGNMENT CONTROL POS. ALIGNMENT CONTROL LOB (Sam) 6 tO" Plug LOB (Will) 6 "0" Force LE(LT) 2 "0" Loop Technique LE (LT) 260" to" LT (Ny) non _ inxe LT (N) 0 Slow Read RT 270" zn" RT 270" 270" ( RE (Will) 670" Force RE (Sam) 6"0" Force Mike (Buck) Left 4-470" Quick Read Mike (Mac) Left 4-4 "0" Slow Read » ROB (Mac) ~ Right 4-470" Quick Read ROB (Buc) Right 4-4 "0" Slow Read et FS 0 Fast Read DEPENSIVE FRONTS AND CONTROLS SWIM UL a ° ° ° oO 5O oO Oo ©009900 ° ©00MAO O° ET T CE SET TE Ss MW MoW Pos. ALIGNMENT CONTROL Pos. ALIGNMENT CONTROL 4-4r0" Quick "XT LB 670-7 Plog or Force Plug or Force (Ed)! End "x" anon 4" 2"0" Slow Read Tx" ia 270" Fast Read Mike ror Quick Rag 20" Siow Read T "Ss" 2 2:"0" Sicw Res Plug or Force (ED. era 670 Plug or Force: Will Quick Read "Y" LB 4-40 Quick Read "Possible Swap call between E"S" and “Y" LB T BEAR BEAR RED LEFT RED RIGHT ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° CoOona0 ° ° C0900 S TNT W W TNT S a A M B Pos. ALIGNMENT CONTROL Pos. CONTROL LOB (Sam) 6 “QO” Plug or Force LOB (Will 60" Force LE (LT) 270" 2"0" LE (LT) 270" 2 "0" LT (N) 0 Slow Read LT (N) 0 Slow Read RT 20" 2"0" RT 2"0" 20" RE (Will) 670" Force RE (Sarn) 670" Plug or Force Mike (Buck) Left 4-470" Quick Read Mike (Mac) Left 4-470" Quick Reed ROB (Mac) Right 4-470" Quick Read ROB (Buc) Right 4-470" Quick R. GOAL LINE BASH JACKS BROWN LEFT TENS BROWN LEPT W OTaDE "Cora® "Sally" *Cora* JACKS TWIN LEFT BROWN FLOP LEPT Say Backers “Backer 2 Orie : * ‘ é © : Ce ; 1POOSOCOO} Qo } { O®O0QD SBET PS? hua | § & ET TEW 13 c i \ S M O On our Goal Line Bash defense we will play straight Frank coverage if we are not involved in & blitz. The purpose of our Goal Line Bash defense is to get hard cutside force anc SUL be solid inside. The line will play base goal line and Buck and Mac will mirror the Backs. The man who is the widest unecvered defender to his side is the one who Bashes. Sam and Willie will normally be involved in coverage. Corner Align om strong side 1. If #1 is tight A. Run you are force man. B. Pass - rush and contain QB. You are Bash Man. Ef 81 is split’ "O" cover him man to man, ( If your man goes in motion ~ run with him and cover man to man. PRO SQUEEZE SPLIT SQUEEZE CALL ° Oo co oO So Oo oO ogooroe eoorvos SET TEW SET TE W M M POS. ALIGNMENT CONTROL “POS. ALIGNMENT CONTROL 6 -7 Plug or Force _ sam Bn" Plug or Force. a” 4 End "X* 4 2 2 T "x" 2 0 Siow Read Mike Quick Read 1 2 "0" T "Ss" ur 4 470" E "Ss" ano" 6 Plug of Force will “1 Plug or Force PRO SQUEEZE TIGHT SQUEEZE CALL: TIGH ° o o °o goonrodad SET TEN M POS ALIGNMENT CONTROL POs. ALIGNMENT CONTROL 6"0"-7 Plug or Force sam 6ron-7 Plug or Force aro" <0" End *X" 40" 40" 2 a" Tx" 2 2s" 0 Quick Read Mike 4 Fast Read 2 29" Tos" 2 ay 4 40" ECs" aro" 4"0" 6 Plug or Force Will ron -7 Plug or Force NO. o o-Xx o-s 1 aT 2 2-70" 3 oT ‘ aor 5 ‘-T 6 6 - "0" 1 8. 8 8-70" Notes: 1 2 3. 4 5. ALIGNMENT. Head up on the center. On the TE side shoulder of the center with your feet outside track to the TE. On the SE side shoulder of the center with your feet outside track to the SE. Inthe center - guard gap. On the inside shoulder of the guacd with your feet inside track on his feet. Head on the guard. 7 On the outside shoulder of the guard with your feet outside track on his, feet In the guard - tackle gap. ‘On the inside shoulder of the tackle with your feet inside track on his feet. Head on the tackle. On the outside shoulder of the tackle with your feet outside track on his feet. In the tackle ~ tight end (glese back) gap. On the inside shoulder of the tight end or close back (who we treat as a tight end) with your feet inside track on his feet. Head on the tight end, close back or in that area. ‘On the outside shoulder of the tight end of close back with your feet outside tack on his feet. In the tight end wing back gap. On the inside shoulder of the wing back with your feet inside track on his feet. Head on the wing back. On the outside shoulder of the wing back with your feet outside track on his feet. Even numbered alignments are head up. Odd numbered alignments are in the gaps. "0" is an outside track. "I" is an inside track. “Zero” technique is head up wits two gap controk PAST READ 0" SLOW READ "Ot - Kors oT 2" oT anon or 60° CONTROL Control the area between the inside shoulder of both Guards, keeping the frontside arm free. Control the area between the inside shoulder of both Guards, keeping the backside erm free. Fast read on Mow to and slow read on Mew away. Penetrate the Center - Guard gap. Control the area between the head of the Guard to the head of the Center. Control the srea between the inside shoulder of the Center to the inside shoulder of the Tackle. Control the ares between the head of the Guard to the head of the Tackle. Penetrate the Guard - Tackle gap. Control the area between the head of the Tackle to the head of the Guard. Control the area between the outside shoulder of the Guard to the inside shoulder of the Tight End (Close Back). Control the area between the head of the Tackle to the head of the Tight End (Close Back). Penetrate the Tackle - Tight End (Close Back) gap. Control the area between the head of the Tight End (Close Back) to the head of the Tackle. Control the area between the outside shoulder of the Tackle and the inside shoulder of the wing back. Control the ares between the head of the Tight End (Close Back) to the head of the wing back. You are the "PLUG". You are the “FORCE. DEPENSIVE FRONTS - CONTROLS (Contd OEPENSIVE FRONTS - CONTROLS 8 0 - PAST READ 0- SLOW READ | t O-Kors ot Qe c No oO os x @e@ mye Cee O1eoO Tt | oo a : ee ee Bec 2 2-7 2a ror 2 ° ° So ~ O aoe Ove aoe Joe wo — is A Th A t 4 aot | 3 z | Fae) oO co °O om Oo cos lake X si) saos s sam 1 PS oO O%D ° em oO oO c O@Ooo @Goo DoOo0o oo00oc i | ( FORCE PLUG NICKEL 54 DOUBLE . (BRACKET) POSTTION ROM RESPONSTRILITY PASSRESPONSBEIY oj _ STRONG To: Secondary Force y HMM CORNER ‘eects outside of double) Away: Are when sure of run : ; Inside Double on designated NICKEL Fi receiver vour side. PREE Inside Double on designated SAPETY Fill receiver WEAK To: Secondary Porce +M/M CORNER zt (possible outside of double) aoe eyecare eben sure of Fa If Trips Speed cover #2 strong. i . #2 strong M/M Shrert: fe Hes tie otes 1 he bleeks (possible outside of double) vs WR: Secondary Force 2 back set - Banjo with Hon decks. : Ball 1 DECK set - remaining dack. Po5si0! Banjo with H. If aligned weak: Force If aligned strong: 2back set - Banjo with F on backs. a 1. #2 Tight - Plug Twins + #2 weak: poss. Banjo wi 2. #2 Split - Force Trips ~ #i strong unless Trips Speed then #1 weak ADJUSTMENTS: Double according to formations: 1. If 1 WR your side, double him. 2. If 2 WR's your side, double inside one. 3, If no WR's to one side, ptay $1 Double. 4. If Bracket, secure Double, no Sluff. 5. Secondary run with all motion: Doubles may change according to final formation. RED LEFT THIN LEFT TRIPS LEFT W at gS : W Qr a v Or O iho, c o x rio &: ¢ F peee 9] 1 godlfed? 9) FlocBos ¢ é eet eee : eH eee eH Fs N Fs N Fo N / [ / / RED FLOP LZFT TWIN FLO? LEFT TRIPS FLOP LEFT £-Q 6 Ce we OF rO ie x * 1 oO 0% ép86bd OG 1 cbc | & P Soko i FON is FoA bask oF % rs Fs Nv Fs " ) VActietet | / ( ACE LEFT ACE TRIPS LEFT ACE TRIPS PLOP a e 0 tlw og gor ok Q v Q ° Po 9 5 9 Q x Rock 7 Ste i é SA: i i ss fs A faa) ae a KINCS LEFT RINGS TRIPS LEFT iH z } 3 x Oo 49 Kk f CoBocp j 25 boo8o0 ° i F é | F Fs 7 fs ” / \ / \ are Lert PLUSH LEFT w oO uw t v 5 O° z 1 O % 408 op 9 9 } OCBCO i: ? 38 1 ‘epee FO FS N Fs 7 Fs ™ / \ KINGS LEFT Z DIVIDE ACE LEFT Y FLY ACK FLOP LEPT UE KINGS LEFTRW FLY ACE LEFT W DIVIDE PT WING RED FLOP LEFT W FLY KINGS TRIPS SPEED LEFT W FLY ACE LEPT X OFF X DIVIDE NICKEL $4 POSITION RON RESPONSIBLITY PASS RESPONSIBILITY To: Force on "Run" call STRONG from Safety Funnel outside and run with #1 CORNER Away: Are when sure of run Tor Secendary Force NICKEL facies Deeg 1/2, PREE “To: Secondary Force SAPETY |" Away: Fi pera To: Force on "Run* call Funnel outside and run with #1. | Coaner from Safety Wi. spend formation = align on #3 usin i Away: Arc when sure of run ah techniaual STRONG Plug if your man blocks Punnel outside and run with #2. SAPETY j 2 dack set - Banjo with Hon backs. 7 Ball 1 back set - remaining back. Poss: Banjo with H. 2back set - Banjowith F on backs. H Ball Twins #1 Wealc possible Bani: Trips, = #3 strong = unless Spec then #1 weak. Possible Banje witt ADJUSTMENTS: 1. Corners align left and right unless Trips Speed, then Weak Corner align on #3 strong, 2. Secondary - run with all motion. 3, Bump rules may apply. Be 0 0 E 0 Y-- x SQIAIG Z L431 SONDH Ald M L4IT SONDE i % LG@2O 8 © 2, x }b a HOMAIG X AO X Sar HOY ‘ex ____) Ora A xz 2? ; Ald MW L491 139dS GAL SORIA ~ 7ot iF Fg 3 fence | ; Ald MLAdT 607d UAH Ty Sy yose gal Ald aL 207-0 ty f ae [eoag? oO > AQHA HPT x 20~-O a Gu p igo: gS oO a AQIAIG ONIM L497 CT w 6S TAMOIN NICKEL S1 DOUBLE as "Bracket® Posimiox RUN RESPONSIBILITY PASS RESPONS@BULITY STRONG To: Secondary Force Has aie CORNER Away: Are eek | | NICKEL Fil Inside Double on designated receive: PREE Free to deep middle SAPETY Secondary Force (support stress situations) Tet TE = Air eoanee: WR ~ Secondary Force) #1 M/M* Away: Ate Vs. Speed formation #3 strong STRONG vs. TE ~ Force if he blocks. ‘ : SAPETY va. WR - secondary fotce oeistione ae t 2dack set - Align opposite "F" Bacy . Ball back set - remaining back °° If aligned weak: Force : 7 : ; 2 dack set - Align opposite "H" & cove “ If aligned strong: ewinsceeetaatanae Bm L. If #2 Tight - Plug : 2, If 62 Split - Force Tri + #3 strong untess spec. ~ i ineo¢ Sete e ADJUSTMENTS: 1, Secondary run with all motion. Bump rules may apply. 2, Take double with you. 3. Who we double will be determined by game plan. If Bracket, secure Double, no Sluff ve outside of Double. Or 4 x 9 Goo8od} tee bo oA Fs. yey TRIPS tery 9 Pct « c é TiN N TWIN FLOP LEFT TRIPS FLOP LEFT # r Or oF ¥-0O _Q } : x ua 10 x x xO Loo x on dota oF cotoog, OT} Sodkea’ Post 4 ies Pays 1 8 a tae 5 Fou - gi NE © Reco wo ~ WW a ‘w ACE LEFT ACE TRIPS LEFT ACE TRIPS FLOP LEFT QUEENS LEFT i 6 o 9 f go8od é 3s F A “SN y z oO 9° iX i é & odfco , xy. 7 NICKEL $2 WILD POSTION __ RUN RESPONSIBILITY __PASS RESPONSIBILITY STRONG pote Flat to Curl CORNER Are ¢ To: Secondary Force NICKEL, thunye ee Deep 1/2 PREE Tor Secondary Force SAFETY Away: Fil Deets, WEAK To: Force 2 Rec. Strong: Flat to Curl & Feather CoRNeR | Away: Are 3 Red, Weak: Flat and Feether Cover #2 Strong Man to Man If #2 Strong goes Flat, look for #1 comix. stRONG | To: Ph i SAFETY Away: Curback into Wild. If #2 goes over, look for #3 to Wild. 3 Rec. Strong - Strong Hook 3 Rec, Weak - Hole (Uf 02 & #3 release up the field, undercovek PF Ball 43. Lf Trips Speed, Weak Hook) - A 3 Rec. Strong - Weak Hook 3 Ree. Weak - Pound #2 Drop to Curl oe Ph (Uf #1 & #2 release up the field, undercove Hq wey: Cutback #2. Uf Trips Speed, align week-Curl to F ADJUSTMENTS: 1. Comers align left and right unless Trips Speed; Then, Weak Comer align on #3 Strong. 2. Secondary run with ALL motion; if Comer end up cn #2 Strong, Execute Wild Technique. 3. LE"H" Ls aligned Strong, then "F* and *H" switch responsibilities. If change of strength motion, we will Wild #2 to new strong side. t N 4 SN Ny wn u 2 J : 4 zs ee Ny tg 4 (alt sodoo 4 h Ho 4A" _ L mZGOOBSOoO ER «Hg OO Co ° ieee eal Lo #8 7 ° A g 3 + aq n diay dO 3OV Ald & L441 dO1d IOV MHAIG X 440 X LAAT AY , 7 1 : i \ d N : W j Ho & gtp A ls lr 7 oh Seer eee o (GSS BSCS COORG OY ° Qa ® 7 Oo ™ oO zm @ a a Alg 444317 399V AGIAIG M £431 39V Ald M L431 G33d6 SAIUL SONTH Se Wood sh] hee hl togelis } SOO BOO! Ss ete STS et ee eo es ere ce ‘ ge ? q * SGIAIG Z 1431 SDNIN Ald M 14a SONIN 5 Ald &Ld31 4014 O38 nJ3 uy | ly y ty y t eh ah fs 3: ) Lu fs 4) \ 4 13, CORMOOCR! GC: 3 oogoog 5 e (eoRoS . Soe i eee ne ° gg a ‘ ° ™ Rg oO *& RED LEFT 1 ‘TWIN LEFT TRIPS Lert w ? 4 w Qr 4 W Vol kt] oO : ’ P Bo080d 9} 2 Sock? 6/9 Pookto sheet Sop RT) gh E c Lt c Coe EEC EEE 4 paeee | rc ° —" RED ge beatnes ‘TWIM FLOP LEFT TRIPS FLOP LEFT 36 ee eae é6 2 ~ x x 9 9 | coho | 57S i 4s ‘k ~ 38 Fee 2 SS ( rail a aw ‘ _ : . ACE 3 ACE TRIPS LEFT ACE TRIPS FLOP LEFT 4 : Me a6 i L v x r x 1 ? gob § 9 9 PbocBoo 9] 17 book Jock, eo é sé ; F ‘ a 3s F i ct —_ Fee 4 _ KINCS LEFT KINGS TRIPS SPEED LEFT RINGS TRIPS LEFT w oF é } w vF a x 3 $ ccBoed § ® dcBos 2? SocBeo eee FoR &y cast F a é i cc (’ — ‘ oa ae LEFT TENS RED LEFT FLUSH LEFT ¥ x Or, QO x9'_ OF +6 - } 9 Go8ob O|, : geo8oed | O ocBoo F i 5s i = ae Hote és F H 7 Fs N F. Nv | o a AMIAIG 1.LdAT JOM IOV Ald MLAS dO'1d AOV Hh g0cogoo8)! ~toegesdlg 4 Ald A Lag) SOV wy boa 9 WG 3 7 i¢ + SIP SSB? 5 A b&b ~ a et oO zZ - 4 A‘ld M LA91 O39dS SAIML SONTH peeve eee ese ee EEG 9) 4 Hg d00g¢0 o! é | fSE0o0goo b&b]: &éd¢d0R0 ° “ Que 1 + 2 ° . =O fe ge eS Say +O z t ” z & * oO 8 ” a ad a i SGIAG Z LAIST SONIN Ald M LAST SONIN Ald M1491 401d G38 nS WSS NN SH ee ee g¢ eogoogi s | BLEcscee? ¢ pipenodd a ° a ae) _—~ 8 Saute ? g * g : AVA A LAT ANA HE La) Oa TS TI AQIAIG DNIM LAST OOM aa, NICKEL TWO DEEP LOOK - $1, 52, 54 NICKEL $1 NICKEL 52 QUEENS LEPT KINGS LEFT Oo oO > b080 008 er F Ee F F F \ ~ Sx NICKEL $4 NICKEL 51 ACE TRIPS PLOP LEFT KINGS TRIPS SPEED LEFT Oo - "Backer" Oo ear .Y Ww Zz i od , a u r 2 °° S . » t GOOSQ00 St s. 008005 Sooss TE TO ONT CE. toss TE THT g> é H F c c F H On Nickel $1, 52, and $4 defenses we will align our Comers left end right with one exception: on a Kings Trips speed formation the Weak Corner will align on #3 strong. The Nickel Back will align in a two deep lock on the weak side and the Weak Safety will align in & two deep look on the strong side. The Strong Safety will align on number two strong. H Backer will align: A. Two Back Set = opposite the H-Back. B. Twin Set - on number two weak - off the : line. +. Trip Set > On number three strong - off Z > the Line. D. Kings Trips Speed = - = On number one weak - off the Tine. F Backer will align: A. Two Back Set - Opposite the F-Back. _ B. Twin Set ~ Align opposite Back. C. Trip Set = Align opposite Back. Once aligned, if your man goes in motion, run with him to the next defender and either bump it or run with him according to who the next defender is and the personnel in game. ‘The determining factor is we want to get the Dest personnel matchup possible. Normally we will bump "in" or "out" motion and run across with motion to ather sie and , bump it out if Tight End on that sige. NICKEL 51 POSITION RUN RESPONSIBLITY pass resroxsoary STRONG | Secondary Force 7 CORNER Are ae NICKEL Fill Hole PREE Fi Free to deep middle SAPETY ' . (support stress situations) . To: TE - panuen WR ~ Secondary Force | #1 M/M Away: Are (vs. Speed formation, #3 strong) i: STRONG vs. TE ~ Force if he Blocks. SAFETY vs. WR = secondary force #7 strong MIM 2 back set ~ align opposite "F" beck i. and cover him. Ball 1 back set - remaining back If aligned weak: Force _| 2 back set - align opposite "H™ back, If aligned stron and cover him. H L.-If #2 Tignt + Plug Twins - Align oposite & Cover #2 we “2. aD Split - Force Trips - #2 strong unless Speed, ten 7 - fl weak. ADJUSTMENTS: 1. Corners align left and right unless Trips Speed, then Weak Corner align on #3 strong. 2. Secondary = run with all motion. 3. Bump rules may apply. NICKEL 1 DEEP ZONES - "$3" - "S6* RICKEL $3 NICKEL $3 QUEENS LEPT KINGS LEFT W FLY "Cora® "Ea "Eg" oO "Cora" fo} Co 3 ° 2 [x Ay ODO@O0O S LEPee a ECT aerise Ky ‘oo e Sc NS <_O ‘a Lou Caul* NICKEL 56 7 NICKEL $6 QUEENS LEFT KINGS LEPT w PLY sally" "Cora* "Cora" Oo *Sauy" ° ° ” 7 w 2 3 oO Orr O OoDOO S| 5 fokok Rokeke) OF °ES eT T & eae ss F “ fe I | "Ray Call* xe ia Lou Cat L On Nickel 3 Deep Zone coverages, we will align our Corners left and right. The Nickel Back will align in a two deep look on the weak side and the Weak Safety will align ina two deep lock on the s trong side. The Strong Safety and the F-Backer will align on strong side and the H-Backer will align on weak side. All “in” or “out” motion will be bumped tome next man. Any change of strength motion, the Strong Safety will run across the formation to the new strong side. If it is a strong or weak zone, we must make an appropriate call in secondary designating the new strength. The Corners will always stay left and right. The H and F-Backer will slide with motion and if motion changes strength, they must Make opposite crops according to strength and defense called, POSITION STRONG CORNER FREE WEAK CORNER SAFETY ADJUSTMENTS: 1 2 3 4 To: Secondary Force Away: Are STRONG To: Plug Awa Strongside - F Weaksice - ‘Strongside - Weakside ~ RUN RESPONSIBILITY PASS RESPONSIBILITY To: Force 1. Flat Away: Ate 2. If stutter router clese with #1 delaying insice Middle 1/2 If #1 Weak is Split. start crop to give false key. Strong Outside 1/3 Cut-Back TE + Air Weak 1/3 (Tight) SE - Secondary Force No Short Help 1. Curt ( Cut-Back 2. If stutter route; widen with 43 swing To: Ball Strong - Hole to Strong Hook Away: Cul-Back Weak = Hook to Curl unless #2 2 to flat - then widen with Te Force Away: Cut-Back Tor Ball Strong - Hole to Strong Hook * Away: Cut-Back Weak = Hook to Curl unless #2 go to flat - then wicen with To: Force Away: Cut-Back Strong Safety must go to strong side on change of strength motion. F align strong; you will only be weak on change of strength motion. H align weak; you will only be strong on change of strength motion. On change of strength motion; secondary must re-rotate secondary with Ray of Lou call. FRONTS - LBer RUSHES - BLITZES NICKEL 51 SAM Nickel $1 Sam is a Rush involving the cefensive line and the "F" Linebacker. This is a Stay Defense. Once strength is cetermined, we will blitz from that side regardless of motion. We will run with our men when they motion across the formation. Bump rules may apply. PosITION RESPONSIBILITY Corners Align left and right, cover #1 Man to Man, Nickel Back Deep middie, help stress situation. Free Safety Cover 43 strong - if he blocks, free to hele. + Strong Safety Cover 42 strong, Man to Man. CH" Backer Cover #2 weak, Man to Man. *F" Backer Rush strong side, #1, #3, #5 Gap according to game plan. (ie. Scrape Cross, Easy Cross) Weak End Contain rush. Strong End Run stunt with "F" Backer according to game plan. (Le. Scrape Cross, Easy Cross) Defensive Tackles Run stunt according to game plan. *C.P. Our St Sam is a variety of movements ta the strong side between the "F” Linebacker and the Defensive Line. vd RED LEPT WING DIVIDE WED LEFT F FLY Wea: 6 le RED FLOP LEFT W FLY ere ux ACL FLOP LEFF W FLY e « 2 OTT oe: oo Re. > ole ? ‘ § 3. OM > FRONTS - LBer RUSHES - BLirzes . NICKEL $1 WILL oO “Backer T ' 1 1 Coe @® CR: gE Hx wee m--- Nickel $1 Will is a blitz involving the defensive line and the "H" Linebacker. This is a Stay Defense. Once strength is determined, we will Rush from that side regardless of morion. We will run with our men when they moticn across the formation. Bump rules may apply. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY Corners Align left and right, cover #1 Man to Man. Free Safety Deep middle, help stress situation. Nickel Back Cover #2 weak = ifhe blocks, free to hole. Strong Safety Cover #2 strong, Man to Man. + TE" Backer Cover #3 strong, Man to Man. "H" Backer Rush weak side, #1, #3, #5 Gap according to game plan. (i.e. Scrape Cross, Easy Cross) Strong End Contain rush. Week End Run stunt with "H" Backer according to game plan. (ie. Scrape Cross, Easy Cross) Defensive T ckles © Run stunt according to game plan. " G.P. Our $1 Will is 8 variety of movements to the weak side between the "H” Linebacker and the Defensive Line. PRONTS - LBer RUSHES ~ BLITZES © ¢ 1 1 t Cc * Widest Rusher on side of Blitz Cover #3 Weak if ne Swings. (N) Our Buffalo Whip So PIO is a blitz involving the detensive line, the "H™ BUPPALO WHIP COVER 19-9 C ced Hy iat 1 F ( Linebacker and Nickel Sack This is @ Stay Defense. Once strength is : ee ese Cua Hoe fee er ; l SB Ny tay" a oN [ Ss TN ‘ RED PLOP LEFT W FLY KINGS LEFT W FLY KINGS LEFT Z DIVIDE Pr Pe w & é w ° w °o CooBO0O oCOoG000 oe PS Ne ACE LEFT Y FLY KINGS TIUPS SPEED LEFT WOFLY y r r ° w ° Y Pf ° © > or U oO wv CcOBO0S co8oono = Co8’ooo S ; 7 me \ “| 4 — Cc g 2 : a a N [ CE LEER X OFF X DIVIDE ACE FLOP LEFT WOFLY ACE FLOP beats U DIVIDE P ’ : Sn SL S . ed 5 ‘ DQ So or oes aloe oO SSoR SoS” 5° coG8OCS ° ooGo000 ¢ sur St SF Hels ees ed fe eT Pea Ee No ‘y* om NO 7 TRIPS LEFT v oF Of. w Or 28 w ° © Beofoo Of 2 daca? 6 }9 Obregon 6 4 35 ot Pie AL MELTS ae Ve ee RED FLOP LEFT ‘TWIN FLOP LEFT ‘TRIPS Flop LEFT 100 & 8s va OF 8 edkod | 8° ockook® | bo Sacbao! $ F w $5 F He Ss . thé MNES, £ Let SL ‘| ace LEFT KINCS LEFT e oF 7 6 2 008008 ¢ & fp ates | ) fs N SAN ee QUEENS LEFT Ww OF OF 6° CoBoo 5 Prdiadite 1545 1 ° ‘O CO ss oF < ae Le) eee TENS RED LEFT 6 07, OF O00: ates é Sreetea Fs ZY 6 Q" © bocRood 3S F # BESS FLUSB LEFT 5 Or v &° ocBco ° f a So JACKS BROWN LEFT. JACKS BROWN LEPT M DIVIDE "Air "Air™ | "Air vain’ So | Sf © ° o o ef P errr? ©090000 epee Sit Tew M F a _/ c c ua \ | 5 ‘ Two 4 a \ JACKS TWIN LEPT M DIVIDE ro TLEFT [Aict "Air™ "Sally" “Backer” : ‘s i: ; ° oS, ° ° ©OOf0d9 ( c ©002000 ° Sser Tews ssSET TEW iM MoF a Cc TIGHT ys ‘ Three \ a ‘On our Stack 23 Defense, we want to have a Cover 9 look with our Free Safety playing an inside Linebacker. On all formations other than Trips, we will play a Two Deep Zone with the Corners playing deep halves. On Trips, ot motion to Trips, we will play Cover "J" with the. Free Safety cropping to Middle 1/3. On any change of strength motion, the Safeties will Slide over with the Free Safety playing the Strong Safety's position and the Strong Safety playing the Free Safety's position. The Corners will play Air Force on Run if #1 Receiver on their side is Tight. If #1 Receiver on their side is Split ~ they will play Secondary Force. JACKS BLUE LEPT JACKS 1 LEFT M OIMIDE : oO JACKS TWIN LEFT BROWN LEFT W DIVIDE "Sally" sac "Ait * Sally" fo} SO 6 © ° ° ‘ - eee. dea c ET. 3 De \ MA ny S oe { t \ | a s a \ F On our Pro Short Yardage Cover 33 Defense we will be in Cover 39 on all formations and motions. Strong Sate Free Safety Buck Mac Sam 1 ne Align on strong sie If 1 is tight A. Run- your man blocks you are plug man. B. Pass - cover #1 with "O” technique. If 1 is split ang #2 is tignt A. Run= you are force man B. Pass - cush and contain QB. You are Bash Man. 3. If #2 is split- "0" Cover hin man to mans 4. If your man goes in motion, run with him and cover him. If Flop, align on TE side. If #1 Tight, Bash Hf #1 Split. "0" cower him Align on weak side 1. If #1 is tight A. Run = you are force man. B. Pass ~ Rush and contain QB. You ere Bash Man. 2. If 1 is split= "0" cover him man to man. 3. If your man goes in motion, run with him and cover him. Uf Flop, align on strong side and "0" cover #2 oman, 2 Back Set - align on strong side 1. Run - mirror back 2. Pass - cover #3 strong or #3 weak an to man 1 Back Set 1, Align opposite remaining back. Cover him man to man. 2. If your man goes in motion, run with him and cover him 2 Back Set - align on weak side 1. Run - mirror back 2. Pass - cover #2 weak or #4 strong. Twin Set 1. If #1 weak is tightalign opposite #1 and cover him 2. If #1 weak is split = rush and contain QB: you are Bash Man. Trips Set 1, Align strong. Rush and contain QB; you are Bash 1. Uf a2 is tight A. Run- your man blocks you are plug man. B. Pass ~ cover #2 man to man 2. IE ais split A. Run= your are force man B. Pass ~ rush and contain QB. You are 3. Trips ot A. Cover #3 strong. 4. Uf your man goes in motion. cover hi Flo uss 2 3 ; : wl EI Soo@epoy } \Edoweods S i 1 o/ t : 5 ° “© SVE ~ revo a th GOAL LINE BASH POSITION, RUN RESPONSBLITY PASS RESPONSBBLITY Align Strong STRONG ey isctght-edparee 41 is tignt = rush and contain QB. CORNER Misael | Secantery Force] #118 S0lit = 70" cover fl. Align Strong (Unless Flop) STRONG Tt ie tight = plug if he blocks. | #1 is tignt - "0" cover #1. SAPErY iiss force 41s set nah and contain QB. Bar #2 is split - Secondary Force. spl ree Align Weak (Unless Flop) Flow toz ; PREE #1 is tight - rush and contain QB. Be 41 is tight - Force abet & sacune 41 is split - Secondary Force #1 ts split ~ "0" cover # Flow to: a #2 is tight = plug if #2 blocks} #2 is tight - Frank cover €2. #2 is split = force #2 is split ~ rush and contain Q8. Se Trips - Cover 43 2 Back Set ‘Align opposite and cover #3 strong BUCK Mirror Backs or #3 weak. 1 Back Set ‘Cover remaining back 2 Back Set 2 Back Set 7 ite and cover #2 MAC Mirror Backs pt Gh Strong: I 7 is split - rush & contain QB. TEack Ses 2 #1 is Light = cover #1 7 Plug or Force according to alignment 1 fllgm strong; rush & Contain QS Flow tor ee €1 is tight - Frank cover #1 eae #1 ts tight ~ plug if #1 Blocks.| 41 45 solie - rusn and contain QB. Bb- #1 is split - Force. Twins = Cover #2 weak. ADJUSTMENTS: 1. Mf your man goes in motion, cover him 2. If you are the Bash man by original alignment; you will Bash regarciess of motion J y = 3% w/e 7 Bae eed 0 : 0 0 ; O 82“) Q bo oe Q 082 @z 4 Oo 3 Vj} 0 0 O \ 0 0 . 0 a 0 On| 7 Or wy, Ow P BYo> 0 A o7 6 By, ie Lo Oe jon b o~ ) oF] of oF os- z Ou 0 Ou 0 3 0 . OsHet 0 ¥ 08 sf > 9 pea ales 2\> oe 0 0 0 “10, 0 ow Own, ™» goo bg ool fo BA OR, 0 0 7 o— CO > 0 oz cS oF o=~ 0 Jlou co 0u7% QO. 0 w +0 0 0 7 J 08 s— ~R Q.5 08 7 vs 08 N 0 7 10 Qo c 0 0 L° 4 0 0 Qu~, 7 On os Qn 0 @! owt | ogo] OMS POSITION RUN RESPONSIBILITY PASS RESPONSIBILITY. | STRONG Flow To: #1 Tight - Air Force Deep? : i CORNER #1 Split - Sec. Force Reet IF Trips - Outside 1/ : Flow To: #1 Tignt-Sally Force] #1 Tights Flat if Speint out (STRONG #1 Split- Sally Force toward, Contain QB 1 SAFETY Flow Away: CutBack #1 Split sauy + Flat nid 7 ‘ora ~ Deep 1/2 if Aligned as LB - Mirror Back If Trips: Sally I {aligned sci 8. Hi \ Two Back Sets 1 \ Lor Split - align Weaksice | Waligned inside as LB: Hook - water {: PREE Blue or Browrealign on Back & | . Seam Route SAPETY Nirror Back If aligned outside as LB: Flat Twin Set: Align Opp.#2 Wesk-Force| | Trips: Fill If Cover 3: Midcle 1/3 | Tight: Ale Force | weak #1 Splits Secondary Force Deep 1/2 | CORNER | Flow Away: Are If Trips - Qutsice 1/3 t @1 Tight: ee ela ay PRec’s. Strong - Curl contrsl Me If Sprint Out - work to Flat SAM If Big Wing, be alert for Double 3 Recs. Weak ~ Hook Team #1 Split: If Sprint Out toward - conta.r Tf Safety Insice: (1) Quick Read Tr Safety trsice: Drop te Hoon ame, iri away from Safety Safety (2D ICSY, may make Shade| If Safety Outsie: Drop to Hook if 3 Pr ae Calls. If Cover 3: Weak # | If Safety Outside - play Stade Call ida ee | 7 ti Tignt: Air Force Curl to Flat WILL th Splits Backer Force #1 Tights Sprint out toward Contain G If Twin & Safety outside - Plug If Safety Outside: Hook to Curl | Enos Align - 4 inane Controt - 470" Align - 2 TACKLES Control = 2"0" Rush Possible Shade Calls {rom Mike ADJUSTMENTS: ot We will play Cover 2 on all formations except Trips. On Trips or motion to Trips we will play Cover 3 with one Safety going to Miccte other safety’s position. (On change of strengin motion, safeties will slide over anc play RED LEFT RED FLOP LEPT "Backer* "Backer* “Backer* Racker” 7 ° fo ro) ° > 7 oO ‘ oO 1 oO : XK ‘ QeD90 oO : ODIO \ ; SUT NTS ‘ 1 §€Y TNT SSW ACE LEPT KINGS LEFT Z DIVIDE “Backer” "Backer" “Backer” “Backer” oO oO Se Our Bear 1 Dog Switch Defense will be played with four Linemen ingame. The R. Defensive End will play the Right OLB and the Right OLB will play the Mac Backer, The Left OLB will play Left OLB and the Mike Backer will play Buck. The rest of the Line wil! play TUFF EAGLE. We will rush five men on all formations and we will always have a Free Safety. We will use normal Cover “1” alignment rules; with the Strong Safety and the Mack Backer in switch alignments when possible. Once aligned, we will play as « Stay Defense and we will run with all motion. We won't Dump out of a switch position. If your man goes in motion, rn with him. ned LOLB-Samor Will- Force mann Run: on Pass - Rush: if Receiver blocks you.take him to QB. RE ~ ROLB - Sam or Will-Force man on Run; on Pass - Rush; if Receiver blocks you.take him to QB. Mike - LIB - Buck or Mac-1. Two Back Set: align left (70%; Run - Quick Read: on Pass - Banjo Backs with Ma: 2. One Back Set: align opposite Back: Run - Fast Rea on Pass - Cover Back. ROLB-RIB - Mac or Buc -1, Two Back Set: align Right 4"0": Run - Quick Read: on Pass - Banjo Backs with Mac - cover motion of either Sack 2. Twin Set: align switch position to weak side - Cover #2: if he Dlocks = Rush. 1. Trip Set: align switch position to strong side - Cover #3 . if he blocks - Rush. If Trips Speed Cover #1 weak. Strong Safety - Normal alignment in switch position: if your man blocks - Rvsh.. Weak Corner - If 1 Tight, align in switch position: if your man dlocks - R-s tf Trios Soeed cover #3 strong. QUEENS LEFT a oF ot 2 O04 rs *[ Gosob\, 0 Be mie ia ge 4 O---5 Oc TENS RED LEFT Or. or ddo8chd 5 oh, re em . F ‘ » R GOAL LINE BASH POSITION RON RESPONSBELITY PASS RESPONSIBULITY Align Strong STRONG ant ishgtt Soe #1 is tight - rush and contain QB. i CORNER #1 is split - Secondary Force #lis split - "O" cover #1. Align Strong (Unless Flop! Flow to: 7 OL is tignt -"O" cover #1, STRONG 41 is tight ~ plugif be blocks. | 91 is ut s¢usn and contain QB. Be SAPETY #1 is split force. pecetctean savas ae #2 is split - Secondary Force. a haba eiine Align Weak (Unless Flop) Flow to: PREE 41 is tight - rush and contain QB. Bn #1 is tight - Force ice By Arete #1 is split - Secondary Force | #1 is split = "0" cover # Flow to: SAM #2 is tight plug if #2 blocks] #2 is tight ~ Frank cover #2. , #2 is split - force. $2 is split - eush and contain QB. Sas Trips - Cover #3 oo | 2 Back Set ‘Align opposite and cover €3 strong BUCK Mirror Backs or #3 weak, 1 Back Set Cover remaining back 2 Back Set 2 Back Set ign OF ite and cover #2 weak Mac Mirror Backs twin sete TAT is splig - rush & contain QB. 1 Back Set : 2. #1 is tight = cover #1 Plug of Force according to auignment 1. Align strong; rush & Contain QE Flow to: + 7 : #1 is tight - Frank cover #1 es #1 is tight = plug if 41 blocks.) 41 ig split - rush and contain QB. 3h 41 is split - Force, Twins Cover #2 wenk. ADJUSTMENTS: 1. If your man goes in motion, cover him 2. If you are the Bash man by original alignment; you will Bash regarcless of motion oz” lo . oF, 7 Ss bo} 0 0 0 if of 82 "lo bo oe 0 og@z *& @s { 0 \ ie % 0 Oo. 0 0 0 a, 0 Om a On ooae On, P 8.07 8 O° . Ge, Joo b Co i o oF | ox > 037 3 o ; we 0 Ou Oo Ou 0 a 0 7 Oo ¥ 08 xf >) Q be g}os=\> oes 0 o 0 Oy 0 0 J at Ow ™ ST) Ob > ~e 0 an _O4 Oo A 0 — Ont [A, o- Oo a a . ca é oi uf a 0 ral Oo Q,08 a °o AR Po 4 Minto c 0 “10 ae ee ee b in sit | Oat 0 yoo" 0 BN 3" : (oamna POSITION RUN RESPONSIBILITY PASS RESPONSIBILITY ' STRONG Flow To #1 Tight - Air Force Deep 1/2 CORNER #1 Split + Sec. Foree| Flow Away: arc IF Trips - Outsice 1/3 | | Flow To: #1 Tight-Sally Force} o1 Tight: Flat - if Sprint out | stroNG 41 Split- Sally Force toward, Contain QB SAPETY Flow Away: CutBack 41 Split: Sally - Flat lined - Mire Cora - Deep ti? If Aligned as LB - Mirror Back If Trips: Sally Walgnes 5318: Hook Two Back Set: 1 Lor Split - align Weaksice Af aligned insi¢e as LB: Hook - water | PREE Blue or Brown-align on Back & seontWsdre SAPETY Mirror Back | If sligned outste as LB: “Flat fee Twin Set: Align Opp.#2 Weak-Force| 7 Trips: Fill If Cover 3: Middle 1/3 1 | #1 Tight: Air Force | WEAK #1 Split: Secondary Force Deep 1/2 CORNER Flow Away: Are If Trips = Quince 13 7 #1 Tight: een reel J Ree's. Strong - Curl ontrol e If Sprint Out - work to Flat a If Big Wing, be alert for Double J Rec's. Weak ~ Hook i Team #1 Split: If Sprint Out toward = conmia.r \ if Selety Insider (1) Quick Read Ti Satety inside: Drop to teow awe, it: away from Safety Safety (2) If SY, may make Shade If Safety Outsi¢e: Drop to Hook if 3 Fr ee canes Mf Cover 3: Weak tt \ If Safety Outside - play Srace Cal Cree eee eee | #1 Tight: Air Force Curl to Flat WILL #1 Split: Backer Force #1 Tight: Sprint out toward Contain S If Twin & Safety outside - Plug If Safety Outside: Hook to Curl Align - 4 ENDS : Rush Controt - 4°70" 4 Align - 2 TACKLES Control - 20" Rush Possible Shade Calls from Mike ADJUSTMENTS: 1. We will play Cover 2 on all formations except Trips. On Trips or motion to Trips we will play Cover 3 with one Safety going to Miccle other safety’s position. 2. On change of strengin motion, safeties will slide over and play RED LEFT RED PLOP LEPT "Backer™ "Backer* "Backer* ACE LEFT KINGS LEFT Z DIVIDE "Backer* “Backer* “Backer” “Backer” OQ 7 ° . in! : \ ne e ° S OO ROG : 2 1 JYO@O@C@Qcea \ ss T MAL | gg 8 TNT OMA 1 5 : : oO ¢ 7 —_—— Our Bear 1 Dog Switch Defense will be played with four Linemen in game. The Right Defensive End will play the Right OLS and the Right OLB will play the Mec Backer. The Left OLB will play Left OLB and the Mike Backer will play Buck. The rest of the Line wil play TUFF EAGLE. We will rush five men on all formations and we will always have a Free Safety. We will use normal Cover "1" alignment rules; with the Strong Safety and the Mack Backer in switch Alignments when possible. Once aligned, we will play as # Stay Defense and we will run with all motion, We won't bump out of a switch ion. If your man goes in motion, run LOLB - Sam or Will - Force manon Run; on Pass - Rush; if Receiver blocks you.take him to QB. RE- ROLB - Sam of Will-Force mann Run; on Pass - Rush; if Receiver blocks you.take him to QB. ‘Mike - LIB - Buck or Mac-l. Two Back Set: align left 4 "0"; Run- Quick Read: on Pass - Banjo Backs with Mac. 2. One Back Set: align opposite Back: Run - Fast Res: on Pass - Cover Back. ROLB-RIB - Mac or Buc -1, Two Back Set: align Right 4 *0"; Run~- Quick Read: on Pass - Banjo Backs with Mac - cover motion of either Eack. 2. Twin Set: align switch position to weak side - Cover #2: if he blocks - Rush, . 3. Trip Set: align switch position to strong side - Cover #2: : if he blocks - Rush. If Trips Speed Cover #1 weak. ’ Strong Sefety - Normal alignment in switch position: if your man blocks - Rush Week Corner - Ie tl Tignt D. If Trios Sceed ign in switch position: vee @3 strong. your man dlecks - R ac 2 PIS E TRIPS o pockeo} “OX baie LEFT of [ GoBsth ° 6 F 4 é --3O« O- TENS RED LEFT FLUSH LEFT } Or : Y a co | gio8cty ‘ 6 % fockec\*% st j : $.° 7 wi a 7 F E ¢ 7 PELL LLeL Fee eee Ase RESPOSSTBILITY { STROXG Run to: Secondary Ferce CORNER | Run away: Are Cover #1 Manto Man Uf aligned strong: switch with Sen anv cover #62 strong STRONG Run te: Backer Force If aligned weak: Switch with Will ace SAPETY cover #1 weak Run away: Cut-Back If your man Blocks Sam or Wil! - PREE Free to Middle WEAK CORNER BOCK Run to: Backer Force Runaway: Arc Run to: Backer Force 2 1 Support Stress situation If aligned weak: #1 split - cover #1 AL tight = switch wis Will ang Cover #1 If your man blocks Will - Rush Uf aligned strong ~ Cover #2 Ui Kings Trios Sheed = Cover 62 Soy Rush Passer { If Receiver blocks on you take him 8 Back Set: Quick Read Back Set: Fast Read To playside "S" Gap 2 Back Set: Banjo with Mac. 1 Back Set: Cover remaining Back MAC WoL LIEW 2 t Run to: if Trips ~ align strong opposite #3 2 Back Set: Banjo Dacks with Buck 1 Back Twin Set: switen with Will & Cover 62 weak If Trips - switch with Sam & Cover # Exception: Kings Trips Speed - switct SRST Wi and Cover #1 If your man blocks Sam or Will - Rust Passer Back Set: Quick Read Back Twin Set: Align Weak - opposite #2; Switch with WiLL Backer Force Rush Passer If Receiver blocks on you take him tothe 23. ADJUSTMENTS: i Corners flip-flop align on W and ¥ on Regular or Ace Personnel. On Kings and Queens, stay left and right. Exceotion: on Trips Speed - weak Corner align on #3 strong. { . Stay Defense - once aligned we will run with all motion. HED LEREE ELY KINGS LEFT Z DIVIDE ACH LEFT Y FLY ACE FLOP LEP U DIVIDE, Kev DIVIDE KINGS LEFT W FLY cPT W DIVIDE AC! ACE ELOP LEET WELY RED FLOP LEFT W FLY KINGS TRIPS ACL LEER X OF RED LEFT *Backer® “Backer* "Backer* | PLOP LEFT w pty Oo ACE TRIPS FLOP LEFT “Backer® “Backer* "Backer" “Backer” Que Bear 9 Will is a Balanced Three Deep Zone Defense with the Will Backer rushing on all Formations. The Free Safety moves up just prior to snap and stacks Dening Nose while the Strong Safety moves back to Middle 1/3. ‘The ILB'ers will align Right and Left regardless of formation strength. They will play Buc or Mac responsibilities according to strength of formation. The Mac Backer aligns weak 4 "0" on all formations and drops Weak Curl to Flat. If Big Wing to weakside, Mac will align on #2 on LOS and kick Will out to #1. IF Twin H Crack, Mac will Sloop to coverage as Will rushes. Free Safets grops to WEak Hook on pass. Sam aligns opposite #2 strong and drops Curl to Flat. Buck aligns strong 4 "0" on all Two Back and Twin Sets. On Trips, Buck aligns opposite #3 strong on the LOS, and is Hook to Curl on pass, and Plug on run. On change of strength motion, nobody runs with motion; we bump it actoss, but we must make appeopriate drop and rush according to new strong side. KINGS TRIPS SPEED LEFT WOFLY ACE LEFT W DIVIDE P Pr woz ° w c y OR eet a On Rae S Pe OBO oy cooBoo a Be Mc. Moc ~ a Loy ACE FLOP LEFT U DIVIDE ¥ oO ae Ye ACE TRIPS FLOP LEFT you af ° QUEENS LEFT TENS RED LEFT x 3 or OQ oO z 6 OF Of, Oo ~ d08odl, 6 coo8oog, 5 6 Nes Soa, ry co 2 J ¢ c Z . ~~ F | eo Te { \ POSITION RUN RESPONSIBILITY MAC WILL ADJUSTMENTS: STRONG To: Secondary Force CORNER aati Outside 1/3 Align opposite €2 Strong: STRONG Prior to snap Drop to Middle ace SAPETY Fil Stack behind Nose (come up late) ay FREE SAFETY Ball pete Hoes WEAK To: 4) Split - Secondary Force eugene CORNER #1 Tight - Air Force Away: Arc ESREEERSSSSSE! Align on #2 Strong ‘ fe Curl to Flat Align 470" Quick Read IF Trips or Big Wing, align opposite} Bock #3 Strong on LOS. ette Curt Plug Curlto Flat If Twin Set, Sloop to coverage as Whi! Rushes Align Weak 4"0" Quick Read If Big Wing - align on 62 LOS #1 Split - Backer Force #1 Tight = Air Force 1. Corners align and stay left and right Nobedy runs with motion. 2. Strong Safety align on strong side. { 71 RED PLOP LEVT Ww FLY *Backer* “Backert J "Backer* "Backer" Our Bear 9 Bandit Defense is a Blanced Three Deep Zone Defense with the Free Safety cushing in 1 Gap on all formations. The Free Safety moves up just prior to snap and cushes while the Strong Safety moves back to Middle 1/3. The IL Biers will align Right and Lett regardless of formation strength. They will play Buc or Mac responsibilities according to strength of Formation. The Mac Backer aligns weak 4"0" on all formations and drops to Weak Hook. If Big Wing to Weak side, Mac will align on #2 on LOS and kick Will out to #1. . The Will Backer drops Curl to Flat. Sam aligns opposite #2 strong and drops Curl to Flat. Buck aligns strong 4"0" on all Two Back and Twin Sets. On Trips, Buck aligns opposite #2 Strong on the LOS and crops Hook to Curl on pass, and Plug on run. On all motion, nobody runs with it; we dump it across and make appropriate drop. ACE TRIPS FLOP LEFT +O un um ae J e ~Q3t 22Q3F E reese 5 &7 7 ee 36 £0 db~u 2 OG s 5 5 i 86 a 7 pea & Bo. x “Pas > 2 poe ° ——g 2 olWooo ° bed ox é uv S WA sn wT cs W My M re M ee sea ee a as ACT LEPT X OFF X DIVIDE ACE FLOP LEFT WEFLY ® ¥ oO 7 °o a w o app Bree RISE Joon BOT oO otBtoo Oo oolfoono ~ S yr S wl ne Cc we B rn aehe a hg P POSTON. RUN RESPONSI <8 STR | 1 Secen 1 STRONG a ie ndacy Force "97 Cover your man CORNER : aligned on "X” - Bhtz*s" Gap | f not ea "XK" - "0" cover y eeona ttt te eee peg erate oe eee er eerrat ‘Aligned away from | Uf ne TE- align on #2 Strong and "X" - Sec. Force Blitz outside. FREE : Cover TE SAFETY Fill Uno TE - Cover #2 Strong WEAK 1 CORNER Secondary Force "0" Cover your man Rush - Contain Rush \ SAM To: Force If Blitzing Safety or LBrer is outsice wi Uf Blitzing LB‘er or Safety | you, go inside Back’s Dlock is outside of you~ Plug Two Bake Set: Banjo Backs with Mac One Back Set: Cover remaining Sac> 7 : Pressure rush if your me BUCK Fast Read to Ball biccks Fwo Back Sets Quick Reed Two Back Set: Banjo Backs with Buc 7 One Back Set: — If aligned on *X™. Blit ‘One Back Set: ase aligned $ Gap. If aligned on "X MAC . he is Split - Contain 81:~ ae if aligned Aligned away from "X" utside a" cover your an To: Force Rush - Contain Rush WoL If Blitzing LB'er or Safety | if Blitzing Safety or LB'er is outsice of is outside of you - Plug you, go inside Back’s block. ADIUSTMENTS: — t- We will align and adjust as in Bear 1 Dog Switch. 2, Stay Defense - once aligned, we will rua with all motion. 4 2. If two TE's oe no- TEs in game, we will Blitz from the strong si¢e. RED LEFT RED PLOP Lert ° ° 3° ° ° ¥ * < ° Kova Q pi pnQ 3 \ : Jo gle’ d\ ° of [bbe dg ' jp EN ET Ww a4 rE 138 ee aa, é S i € FY’ QUEENS LEFT Oo - oO oft ath op dePeede\ © r ft oot Ee} 7 C ¢ : 8 M L \ Pee On cur Bear "X* Blitz we will always Blitz cur two OLB's and the defender that is aligned over "X". Sometimes it will be the Strong ‘Safety and other times it will be the Mac Backer, The Nose will Blitz the "i" Gap to the side of "X”, and the End on the side of "X" will run a Loop with the Nose. We will align & adjust to motion exactly like we do on Bear I Dog Switch. If two Tight Enes ot no Tight Ends in game, we will tun Blitz from Strong Side. Strong Corner Cover #1 with "0" Technique. Weak Corner Cover your man with "0" Technique. Steong Safety A, U aligned on *X" - Blitz § Gap. B. If aligned away from "X"- "0" cover your man. C. Uno TE, of TE is Split out - Blitz outside & Contain. sam Contain Rush. If Blitzing Safety or Mac is aligned outside of you, 0 inside Back's block. Buck "0" Cover your man. Pressure Rush if he blocks. Mac A. I aligned on "X".- Blitz § Gag. B. If aligned on "X" and "X" is Solit - Contain Rush. C. If aligned away from *X" - "0" cover your man & Pressure Rush if he blocks. wil Contain Rush - if Blitzing Safety or Mac aligned outside of you, £0 inside Back's block. . # Safety "0" Cover "X". if na TE- "9" cover #2 Strong. Ead to X Run Looe with Nose. 7 Nose Blitz 1 Cap to "X" Side. ACE LEPT Y PLY KINGS LEFT W PLY Our Bear 3 Sem Defense will be played with four Linemen in game. We will play a Strong Side Zone with the OLB on the side of strength rushing, The OLB on the weak side‘crops Curl to Flat. We will always rush four men. On Bear 3 Sam Defense our Mac Backer will align of right side on all Two Back Sets. On Twin formations, he will align on weak side in switch alignment. Oh Trips Set Mac will align on strong side in'switch position. On all One Back Sets Buck aligns behind the Nose or opposite remaining Back. On Pass, Buck drops to Hook opposite of where Mac is aligned. ‘The Corners and Strong Safety will adjust to motion exactly as they would on any Cover 3. — Defense. The Mac Backer should always end up on strong side of all Trip formations and will end up on weak side of all Twin formations. The Linebackers drop will depend on their final alignment. a ny POSTION RUN RESPONSIBLITY, PASS RESPONSE TY | R t | Run te: Seesn re STRONG Run te: Secondary Force Igaoeera || CORNER Run Away: Are eee 7 STRONG SAPETY ‘0: Force if on strongsi¢e Air vs TE weak Away: Cut-back if strong Are if weak Strongside ~ Curl to Flat Weakside ~ Outside 1/2 PREE F SAFETY WEAK CORNER 7 |e Flow to: in To: #1 Split - Secondary Force #1 Tignt - Air Force Sally Force if strong vs. Flop way: Arc if weak Cut-Back ifs Plug Middle 1/2 Weakside - Outside 1/2 Strongside - Curl to F Rush Passer t 2 Back Set: Quick Read 2 Back Set: Strong Hock to Curl } Bock 1 Back Set: Stack behind nose 1 Back Twin Set: Strong Hock to Cut! Fast read to playsice "5" Cap 1 Back Trips Set: Weak Hook 7 Back Set: Quick Read 1 Back Twin Set: align weak 2 Back Set: Weak Hook opposite #2; switch with Wil; | 1 Back Twin Set: Weak Hook mac Flay Trips Set: Strong Hook to Curl i L ADJUSTMENTS : Flow to: strong opposite #3; Switch with Sam. Play 6 "T° 41 Tight - Air Force #1 Split - Backer For Curl to Flat . Comers align on W and ¥ on Regular ot Ace Personnel. On motion Doth Corners and Strong Safety cannot end up on the same sice. Corners stay left and right vs. Queens and Kings. { Mac LBter will make all adjustments to | Back Sets, Trips, or Back motion, On chang {strength motion, make Cover 3 adjustments: -y on 6 xo OCOE oe, RED FLOP Aone ee z a 5 c —_ 7 F we aCe LEFT r ACE TRIPS LEFT ACE TRIPS FLOP LEFT Be ee eo cna © | bodBa09 PSoc8o0 0 [Socsocd cscct 39 g mk stm gw can 7 Pee : 7 =< ne ata 3 SO S. 1 FE 4 : } u FoF + KINGS LETT KINCS TRIPS SPEED LEFT 5 bros | § Ofdcp, » Oo x r i 3 © focBa0a © ©] SocBoco 35 e ma 355M wd ee ert be a? Pere + FE 4 4 \ ‘ F + QUEENS LEFT TENS RED LEFT Tf FLUSH LEFT F a x a Or 5 . 6 oO z oO OF O%, 1 0 taney © ~ foo8eo 0 poo } ~fockes © ss u s2§ na’ 35 mw rn d wo wot 27 o se © OEE © eae 5° i tty HEA 3 SAM HED LEP WING DIVIDE, HED LEF ¥ v : & & iH } $ ~ ot? ° SRE eee oe _ x Soowosl & BooB8os & ° boo8oo c WwW. S S “py : £B W of 6 Me C GB mS c «B MM DIVIDE, HED LEFT FELY ‘ F a a | A ! i RED FLOP LEFT W FLY KINGS LEFT WELY KINGS LEFT Z DIVIDE UL r w 2 } Peete 7 Seeeset ti S ooBoo ooo . oy ; eee 4 x ¥ pee ee a pe See eee ceo ele Bee xm ‘ elo S BOTY ° Ors x SE MAW; (as eee 7 3 F a J Qr ow Ww Or Dy Or) O 4 Ore : » Becoo\ 9 | 2 ecBoot O19 Gecko” TEE ee CHS eee eat eee eT Hee eeerees eee Go -e ¢ \ Clie \ tig ‘ : é i nnnaETa noe ——F RE FLOP LEFT TWIN FLOP LEFT PI 5 6 z Or 4g ros a x Of axO 5% (eBoy | > F focal i ¢ 8 Mi : ¢ 8 ° q ' ct : e—" 7 ACE LEFT r ACE TRIPS LEFT ACE TRIPS FLOP a a O° t ye oF r . 2 v Root 6 4 OAS go} oO x \ 9 x 7 Reh | ° (BeecBoo, 9] | ‘Aedeck ek tle 7 ef a0 \ —+ ce —_—F KINCS LEFT KINGS TRIPS SPEED LEFT KINGS TRIPS LEFT 3 Asti 56 Y ! ax 4 + OBO) | 9 8 fockes A ? AboBoo q 3s 6 te ‘ “e ‘ as? ° # & , c c a ee a ——— QUEENS LEFT TENS RED LEFT FLUSa LEFT. F O x Qt Q# Ww t x : 42 ° 7 5° G 6 Y/ Po8oel 5) + ([Go%ees\ oY pte! : 64 5 t 7 ‘ Cte : é c hd if 7 i eee ~~ ee WED LEFT WING DIVIDE v woe ° Oey fp ae eS 5 v1 Go fess eee ACH LEET X OFF X DIVIDE, ¥ ord ¥ i - Lgl OS $O KON SB AW * RED PLO? LEFT oO ° oO \ oO f x , fo boo\ é° e175 Ww \ \ M \ F ey ACE LE! Oo 3 Qo loo\ q : Ss eE Mw: | 1 c \ \ F On our Bear "Y" Blitz we will always Blitz our Two OLBer’s anc the Insice Linebacker tr sligned to the Split End side, Sometimes it will be (he Mac Backer and other times it w t Buck Backer. The Nose will Blitz the “1 Gap to the sice of "X" and the Eng on the side of XN’ will run @ Loop with the Nose. The ILB that is rushing will always Blitz the 1 Gap to the SE side. If there are two TE’s of a0 TE ingame. the ILE will Blitz the 1 Gap to the eax side, We mill align and adjust to motion exact: like we oon Bear 1 Dog Switch. Strong Corner Cover #1 with "0" Technique. Weak Corner Cover your man with "10" Technique. Strong Safety "0" Cover your manz if he blocks, Pressure Rush. sam Contain Rush. If Receiver blocks on you. take him to QB. Buck A. Two Back Set & aligned to X: Cover first Back to your sice — 7 or second Back away. Pressure Rush if vour man dlocxs. B. One Back Set, or Two Back Set if aligned to Y: Blitz 1 Cap to Split End Side. Mac One Back Set, or Two Back Set & aligned t Cover your man *1" "0" Technique. Pressure Rush if he blocks. wilt Contain Rush. If Receiver blocks you, take him to QB. Free Safety Cover First Back out to SE side or Second Back away. If Two TES or nc TE, Cover #2 Weak. (On all One Back Sets- cover ine Back EndtoX Run Loop with Nose. Nose Blitz | Cap ta “X” Side. End away from X Blitz “27 Gee. Z COVER 19 STRONG To: Secondary Force "O" Cover your man “one Away: Are | Aligned Inside - Plug if your man If aligned on “X" + "0" cover him an blocks Pressure Rush if he diccks - aed | Alignes Outsi¢e ~ Seconcery Force If not aligned on"X* - "0" cover a2 \ Strong Two Back Set: Cover ist Back out to Se side or second Back awe a If 2 TE’s or no TEs - cover #2 Wes PRE es SAPETY Fill ‘One Back Set: Cover remaining Back WEAK Secondary Force Cover your man with "10" Technique CORNER Are ( SAM Backer Force : Contain Rush , If Receiver blocks on you, take him to* Two Back Setil Two Back Set if aligned to"X~ - Cove> aligned to X: Quick Read Back out to TE side of 2nd Back awa tae | one Sack Setor Two Back if One Back Set, or Two Back if alignect aligned to Y: Blitz 1 Gap to Blitz 1 Gap to SE side. if 2 TEs orn ny" Sige Blitz Weak 1 Gap Two Back Set if Two Back Set if aligned to"Y" - Blitz! aligned to X: Quick Read to SE side. If 2 TEs or no TE, Blitz Two Back set if Weak 1 Gap. - MAC Aligned to Y: Blitz 1 Gap to Y ide One Back Set, or Two Back if alignedt, ‘One Back Set: Plug if Inside - Cover your man with "10" Technique Secon WOLL Backer Force Contain Rush If Receiver blocks you, take him to GE ADJUSTMENTS: 1. . Stay Defense - once aligned, we will run with all motion. { If two TEs or ne TEs, we We will align and adjust as in Bear 1 Dog Switch. will Blitz from the Weak side. TeIN ue + TRIPS LiF “OF eo yr] Ss 4 ee x g a O° x a: 9 OF BS ° Sa08CO | : Co “Gockho\ = SOKO at 7 [39 ee ‘ 1 53398 Bo, s . ebechs ‘ ; ‘ c : c : es 4 7 4 * £ Tein Flop LEFT TRIPS Flop LET Qt Qf 55 Sah ‘ 8 ae i : ; ; ri : ' q F < e ACE LEFT ACE TRIPS LEFT ACE TRIPS FLOP LEFT “ ey) u uy OF a 5 Qe x ke O x t 4% o of \ °] 9 (Beockbol, 9} TF igocsees' says p Sse Sopp ss u c : |} ¢ “ eye ‘ f e “SF KINGS TRIPS SPEED LEFT KINGS TRIPS LEFT woz O row, F 9 © 2 Rodos, | 22.4 a . : ahh aM S se : oN d ¢ : : F F QUEENS LEFT TENS RED LEFT FLUSd LEFT F a w 5S RaSh o] ¢ ABASA | 9 2 cde oT Boke b) (480 § | ecko . . ’ 7 4 ie i e € i; : . é é c Ne

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