League of Latino Educator

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November 26th, 2014,

The Honorable Barack Obama

President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President,
On behalf of the League of Latino Educators (LLE) and our teacher members, I write to express support for
the announcement of November the 20th of executive actions on immigration and urge you to do more. LLE
welcomes the expansion of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the new Deferred Action
for Parental Accountability (DAPA) program meant to shield millions of families from deportation. LLE
applauds the relentless and heroic efforts of the well-organized campaigns, especially by many of our own
students and DREAMERS that ultimately pushed your administration to take action on immigration.
Families are the foundation of our nation. As teachers, we understand that a childs first educators are their
parents and families. By allowing families to stay together, students have a greater opportunity to succeed in
school and academics. Because of this executive order classroom across the nation will experience fewer
traumas from families being torn apart, from the constant fear and sense of rejection. Our schools are
microcosms of our communities at large and every single deportation has ripples effects throughout whole
schools impacting even students not directly threatened by the failures of our broken immigration system.
Our classrooms are more diverse than ever before and no one is far removed from the effects of deportations.
Classmates, teachers, support staff, coaches and administrators become our students second families. Torn
families and households means torn schools and classrooms which is why LLE members are disappointed
that the executive orders did not include the parents of our student DREAMERS.
LLE is committed to the success of ALL of our students. We strongly believe that our students are the
thinkers, innovators, and leaders of tomorrow and that every child deserves an opportunity to achieve to her
or his full potential. Many of our LLE members, immigrants themselves, are shinning examples of the power
that education and opportunity have to change lives and our whole country. Our own members know that for
every single student success story there are tireless hours of work and dedication from fathers and mothers,
brothers and sisters, tos and tas, cousins and grandparents and even neighbors that led to that success. A
family is a terrible thing to waste. Mr. President we request that you revisit your executive order to include
the parents of DREAMERS and DACA recipients.
In the short term LLE thanks you for taking executive action on immigration and ask that you to include the
families of all of our students. In the long term, LLE is committed to comprehensive immigration reform that
focuses on family reunification and includes a pathway to citizenship for new Americans. We look forward
to working with you in educating our children and building the future of our nation.
Braulio R. Carrasco
LLE Founder & President

Building a nation

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