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The Effect of Air Pollution on Red Blood Cells


Data Analysis:

Statistical Analysis:
Oone of the graphs really showed any trends.
However, patterns were observed. It can be noticed
that countries with a PM10 level of at least 60 g/m
then that country, most likely, 100% of the time have
a population with anemia more than 15%. If a
country has a PM10 level greater than or equal to 100
g/m then about 80% of the time that country will
have a population with anemia of at least 25%. If the
PM2.5 level in a country is below 25 g/m then
about 88% of the time, that country will have a
population with anemia less than or equal to 40%. If
a country exceeds a SO2 level of 10 g/m then that
country will about 100% of the time have a
population with anemia of at least 35%. On the other
hand, if a country has a SO2 level less than 10 g/m
then that country will about 60% of the time, have a
population with anemia less than 35%. If a country
has a NO2 level of at least 8 g/m then about 82% of
the time the population with anemia will be 15% or
greater. If a country has a CO level of at least 2
g/m then that country will about 57% of the time,
have a population of anemia of at least 25%.

Originally, the hypothesis was trying to find whether each air pollutant will increase, decrease, or
remain constant during the two years and then compare that to the percent of population with anemia
and whether the population correlated with the air pollutants. However, very minimal correlation was
found, yet, many patterns were spotted.
14 countries, Armenia, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Cameroon, China, Egypt,
India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, exceeded a PM10 level of 60 g/m. These
countries all also had an average population with anemia of 15% or more.
5 countries have a PM10 greater than 100 g/m, 4 of these countries, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia,
and Kuwait, have a population with anemia of 25% or more
17 countries have a PM2.5 level below 25 g/m, 15 countries of these countries, Armenia, Argentina,
Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia (only for the year 2001), Cameroon, Indonesia, Malawi,
Mexico, Philippines, Spain, Venezuela, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, all also have a population with
anemia less than 40%
10 countries exceed a SO2 level of 10 g/m, 9 of these countries, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bolivia,
China, Egypt, India, Kuwait, Mexico, and the Philippines, also had a population with anemia of at
least 35%.
6 countries out of 11 countries which had a SO2 level below 10 g/m also had a percent of anemia
less than 35% (4 countries had incomplete data).
17 countries have a NO2 level of 8 g/m, 14 of these countries, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh,
Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Ghana, India, Kuwait, Mexico, Venezuela (only for 2000)
and Zambia all had a percent population of at least 15%
14 countries with a CO level of 2 g/m or greater. Eight of these countries, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh,
Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China, Egypt, and Kuwait, have a population with anemia greater
than or equal to 25%.



Using the World Health Organization database, look at and record the amount of adult males and
females diagnosed with anemia in Argentina in the years 2000 and 2001
Using the World Health Organization database, look at and record the amount of children males
and females diagnosed with anemia and the severity of anemia in Argentina in the years 2000 and
Using the World Bank website, look at and record the Air Quality Index for the air pollutants,
carbon monoxide, and PM10 for the years 2000 and 2001 in Argentina
Using the Environmental Performance Index website, look at and record the Air Quality Index for
the air pollutant PM2.5 for the years 2000 and 2001 in Argentina
Using the United Nations Statistics website, look at and record the Air Quality Index for the air
pollutants sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide for the years 2000 and 2001 in Argentina
Repeat steps one and two, except gathering data from different countries; Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Egypt, Ghana,
India, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Malawi, Mexico, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Spain,
Venezuela, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

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