Rhs Weekly Update 9 26 14

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World-Class Scholars, Noble Citizens

Admin Weekly Reflection by China Guzmn

Who came to visit RHS?
Michael Thomas, Chief of Schools
Cecilia Saddler, Associate Superintendent for High Schools
This past Friday we got the opportunity to showcase some of the great things that are happening at Roosevelt High
School. The admin team and Karen Pederson met with Mr. Thomas to share evidence of the actions steps taken to meet
our four SIP goals. The work that is being done at Roosevelt by all of our stakeholders ought to be showcased. So early in
our year, we have evidence of the progress made towards meeting our four goals. Go Teddies!
Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Saddler, Mrs. Pederson and the admin team went on a Walkthrough during the last hour of the day.
We were in the hallways during passing time and the climate in our hallways was positive and orderly. This is thanks to
our cohesive effort to have students in class and engage at all times. When I use our cohesive effort I am referring to
every single employee and volunteer that comes to RHS to support our students. We thank Mr. Naughton, Mr. Amin,
Mrs. Oberg, and Wellstones teachers and students for opening their doors to us and allowing us to witness great
Food for thought!
Here is a video from William Henderson Inclusion Elementary School in MA. It is an elementary school and we are a
high school, I know . Now, as educators, lets think about the strategies that we can adopt to have students
engaged at all times. If you have a chance, read the of the students she has in her classroom.
What am I reading these days?
I am, as every person that works with students, a learner and a leader. I will lead by example and continue to stay
informed through readings, interactions, and experiences about the nature and magnitude of my impact on leaders and
Fullan, Michael. The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact / Michael Fullan.
Hattie, John. Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning. London: Routledge, 2012.
Rath, Tom, and Barry Conchie. Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow. New York:
Gallup, 2008.
Are you in for a fun exercise?
I invite you do to this exercise from John Hatties book. I will provide you on Tuesday with the results from his 15 years
of research around what works in schools to improve learning.
On average, What do you consider to have low, medium or high impact on student achievement? (Hint: eleven
high, nine medium and ten low)
I will see you at our staff meeting,
China Guzman Carrero, Aspiring Principal

Ability grouping/tracking/streaming
Acceleration (for example, skipping a year)
Comprehension Programs
Concept mapping
Cooperative vs. individualistic learning
Direct Instruction
Gender (male compared with female achievement)
Home environment
Individualizing instruction
Influence of peers
Matching teaching with student learning styles
Meta-cognitive strategy programs
Phonics Instruction
Professional development on student achievement
Providing formative evaluation to teachers
Providing worked examples
Reciprocal teaching
Reducing class size
Retention (holding back a year)
Student control over learning
Student expectations
Teacher credibility in eyes of the students
Teacher expectations
Teacher subject matter knowledge
Teacher-student relationships
Using simulations and games
Vocabulary Programs
Whole language programs
Within-class grouping




PDPLC Update
Climate Report
We are entering week 4 of our Tardy Initiative. While we are seeing anecdotal progress, several systemic issues are
contributing to a lack of accurate data. On the positive side, students who received their second and third detentions are
being met with by deans and admin, respectively. Parent phone calls are also being made, and these conversations feel
productive. The true efficacy will be revealed as we observe whether behaviors begin to change.
How can you help? Please make sure you are marking students tardy or absent in Discovery. Take attendance EVERY
period. Some students are marked absent all but one period, leading to them being counted as late arrivals, when the
reality is likely that the student was absent the entire day. Make personal contact with the students in your classes who
are listed on the lunch detention list (emailed on Wednesdays & Fridays). We have seen a direct correlation between a
personal contact about attending detention and the student actually arriving at detention. Thank you for your vigilance
in this area!

Behavior Question of the Week: Looks like a lot of response takes place in the classroom.(a statement made in preservice week). This is accurate-and particularly true for any behaviors that are not disruptive to other students learning.
3-STEP PROCESS for dealing with not following directions, wont sit in assigned seat, generally uncooperative behavior-1-Use proximity/teacher look; 2-Go over to student and privately remind him/her of expectation and then allow wait
time; 3-If student has still not complied, return to student & re-state expectation, coupled with action you will take if
student does not comply. Suggestions for appropriate responses to low-level behaviors such as not following directions
(after following the 3-step process): Call home, request a meeting with you, student & dean, request a meeting with you
student & admin (if youve already tried the previous suggestions). If the behavior is truly a power struggle, it is best
handled by the suggestions above. Sending the student out of class is unlikely to change the behavior for the long
term. These types of behaviors are typically the most aggravating to us as adults-ultimately the students are best-served
by all of us working together to change the behavior by taking steps to re-teach and reinforce expectations.

Academic Update
Diploma Programme (IBDP)
More FAQ about the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP):
Q: Can a student earn college credit with an IB class?
A: Yes, they can- but it depends on the college that they will be attending. Each college and university around the world
has its own policy on IB credits. Go here to find policies for colleges and universities in the United States:
http://www.ibo.org/country/US/index.cfm and worldwide: http://www.ibo.org/country/US/index.cfm .
Q: Does Roosevelt High School offer AP classes? What is the difference between AP and IB?
A: Currently Roosevelt only offers the IB option. There are many differences between AP and IB. Roosevelt has chosen to
focus on the IB option because of its emphasis on depth over breadth, critical thinking skills development and its
foundation in holistic education principles. Twin Cities Daily Planet published a great article on IB and AP in 2009:
In other news, the 2014-15 IBDP Assessment calendar was given to any student in an IBDP class last week. This calendar
gives a breakdown on when IBDP assessments will be happening this year and was created with an emphasis on the
learner profile attribute of balance. If you would like a copy, please email Candida Gonzalez or stop by the IB office in
room 100.
IB MYP (Sarah Huffman)
Unit Planning: Thank you all for all of the work you have put into developing and implementing MYP units. The units I
have seen are excellent, engaging our students in deep critical thinking. As you work on your MYP unit for this semester, I
wanted to clarify exactly what a completed MYP unit entails:
All fields on Managebac are completed, including reflections before, during, and after teaching
Attachment of rubrics and summative and formative task handouts to Managebac
Attachment of lesson plans to Managebac
Attachment of handouts, websites and all other resources to Managebac
Attachment of summative assessment student examples: 2 high, 3 middle, 2 low (from each teacher who
implemented the unit in his/her class)
I have uploaded the IBO document From Principles into Practice into Google Docs. All RHS teachers will need to be
familiar with the information it contains. PD will be provided, but you will need to have a copy of the document to refer
to. If you would like a printed copy, please email me, and I will place one in your box.
Vertical Alignment: In our efforts to prepare for Authorization, we need to create a map of our curriculum. This map will
serve as a working document to allow us to analyze where we teach critical skills and fill in any gaps in our curriculum.
To that end, departments will be meeting during the school day, for either a morning or afternoon session from October
8-10 and 14th, to map the curriculum we currently teach in each of our MYP classes. You will each receive an invitation
to your scheduled session by September 30th. When you receive your invitation, please use AESOP to schedule a

substitute to cover your classes. Thank you in advance for you flexibility and effort.
UMN/ RHS Partnership Update (Jehanne Beaton)
This fall we have entered our fourth year of partnership with the University of Minnesota teacher licensure programs.
If you think youre seeing a lot of young, aspiring teachers floating around Roosevelt, your eyes are not deceiving you!
We have two practicum students working with social studies teachers, Ahmed Amin and Dan Dymoke. Then we have 23
(a larger number than weve ever had!) DirecTrack (undergraduate) students from the UMN doing their service learning
hours in multiple classrooms across the school! Thanks goes to all of the teachers who have opened their doors to these
young people: Anne Canney, Katie Carter, Robyn Cook, Bronwyn Collins, Adrian Davis, Adam Farrell, Kristin (Barbieri)
Jensen, Colin Kilbane, Holly Kvinge, Nicole Lamb, Peg Mahon, Rebecca Oberg, Barb Pederson, Kim Pickens, Molly
Sheehan, Jaci Smolund, Nick Wilson, Jacki Winsek!
We are also hosting pre-service teachers from Augsburg and MCTC - Thank you Nicole Lamb, Lesli Asher, Stephanie
Feakes-Young, and Emily Braudt!
We hosted a co-teaching training on September 10 for MPS cooperating teacher/ teacher candidate pairs and had nearly
thirty people in attendance, most from MPS but also from Brooklyn Center. Well be hosting another session - possibly
two! - in December/January for those of you who plan to host teacher candidates in the spring.
Finally, for the third year running, the UMN Math Initial Licensure Program has kicked off its fall methods course at
Roosevelt. The entire math ILP cohort shows up at 7 am to discuss the latest and greatest methods for teaching
secondary mathematics, and then they head into RHS math classes to see these methods put into action by our fantastic
math department!
Thanks to everyone for continuing to build and strengthen our partnership with teacher education and development!
Great for our school and great for our profession!
Arts at Roosevelt (Candida Gonzalez)
This week you should start seeing posters going up for the upcoming Roosevelt Arts Crawl on Friday, October 10th from
7:00-9:00 pm. The Arts Crawl will feature all manner of arts (dance, improv, visual art, music) from students at Roosevelt
and our feeder schools. We are encouraging community to make a night of it- look starting Monday for flyers offering $5
off your tab at Northbound Smokehouse and Parkway Pizza the night of the event.
We would love if teachers encouraged students to attend- perhaps attach a homework or extra credit assignment to
attending. Possible assignment:
Pick a piece of artwork or performance from the night and write a reflection. Describe the work- what did you
see/hear? How did it make you feel? What did it remind you of? How did it connect to the world (locally or
Questions? Email Candida Gonzalez or visit her in Room 100.
Family Liaison Update (Cristine Patlan)
Good to Great school:
On Friday we hosted a junior who has a sister who is a freshman here. Her sister is having a good experience
and now the junior sister is interested in attending.
Middle schools chomping at the bit to come and see high school in action. We hope to see all of our AREA B
schools in our building.
At our Bagels with Mr. Bradley event for parents one shared that after his visit to RHS he was sold on coming
here rather than where his friends said he should go. The visits make a difference:).
Hosting a Latino Family Night on Thursday Oct. 2nd, come and practice your Spanish and meet families if youd

Media Update:
Teachers, please use my services and the media center when you are doing information-oriented projects! Id
love to teach a mini-lesson or just be another adult in the media center helping students find resources. Or, if
youre looking for a resource you dont have (or wish existed, but youre not sure), ask me about it.
On the combined media center front, Wellstone will be slowly moving in during the next month. We are still
formulating exactly what the arrangement will be in terms of time and space, but they will be moving books
into one side of the media center.
Thanks to all of you who call before you send students down. The media center has been running smoothly.
1Activities Fair during Lunch
2Latino Parent Night
89th Grade Mixed Blood Theatre/Anti-violence Performance
9Senior Parent Night
10Roosevelt Arts Crawl
14Parent/Teacher Conferences (4-8 p.m.)
15Parent/Teacher Conferences (8 amNoon)
15-16-17Student Release Days
28Get Ready Family Event
28Fall Music Concert
30Fall Music Concert
30First Quarter Ends
31Record Keeping DayRelease Day for Students
Athletics (Dennis Stockmo)
The Hall of Fame banquet is this Saturday!!!!
Great week for athletics and academics:
The weight room is almost complete!! We now have a state of the art facility. Coach Eugene has done a GREAT job!!! If
you have not had a chance, go down to the north gym and see for yourself Roosevelt is hosting a double homecoming
with Henry and Edison on October 10th (football)
Highs and lows,
Girls soccer defeated fridley 1-0, boys soccer defeated edison by the score of 2-0, boys soccer lost to Mhaha Academy 32, girl soccer lost to Edison 2-0.
Upcoming events:


Jv FB @ Washburn 4:30

Adapted soccer @ Rosemount 4:30

C squad FB@ RHS vs. Washburn 4:30

Volleyball @ FAIR 7:00

Girls soccer @ spectrun 4:15

Girls soccer @ Henry 5:00

Boys soccer vs. Cristo Rey @ RHS 7:00

Boys soccer @ Henry 7:00

State high school league meeting fall meeting

10:00 - 11:30



volleyball vs. SW @ RHS 7:00

Adapted Soccer @ RHS 4:30

Girls soccer vs. cristo rey @ RHS 7:00

volleyball @ Washburn 7:00

boys soccer vs. SW @ RHS 7:00

football vs. Henry @ RHS 3:30

Park Board Football 9:00 - 4:00

Girls soccer @ Prairie Seeds 4:30

General Announcements
Need an Interpreter? MPS teachers now have access to services over the phone 24/7/365. For instructions, please go to
the building shared drive in the ELL dept. folder under Resources.
Comic Relief!

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