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Lesson Plan 1

Key Learning Area:

Date: Week 3

Time: Start

Lesson Topic:
Land - First Touch of Land and meditation

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
ES1 Outcomes; class discussion and activities on What is Place?; class discussion and activities on features of different places; natural and built features of
places; rules for outdoor learning.
Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the
syllabus reference number AND write
out in full.

GE1-1 Examines
features of places and
the ways in which
people interact with
and care for places

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote syllabus
numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum Content Strands may be
used as headings.

Strategies which will be used to
assess learners attainment of
learning outcomes. Should be linked
to each learning indicator

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

Develop knowledge and understanding of interactions

between people, places and environments
Develop knowledge of natural, managed and
constructed features of a place

Any safety issues to be considered:

Hazards playground bindis, sharp sticks

Observe students
participation during the
Analyse Ss reflection
responses in Nature

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
Students Nature Journals, pencil
Appropriate clothing for outdoor learning
Meditation Script (Appendix 3.1)

Lesson Content /
Indicators of
Learning (What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to
your Indicators of Learning.
Outdoor learning rules


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what
students (Ss) will do.

Resources and Organisation:


T explains to Ss that they are going to go outside to the playground for

this afternoon lesson. T reminds Ss of their rules for outdoor learning.
For example:
1. Stay together
2. Stand inside the boundaries
3. Stay away from danger
4. Work as a team on a task
5. No picking, pulling or pocketing
6. Listen for a signal
7. Dress for the weather


T asks Ss to go outside to their bags put their hats on and line up in

two lines.
First Touch of Land



Ss gather class iPads.

Depending on weather Ss may bring
appropriate clothing.
Ss line up in two lines with their hats

T guides Ss to an natural area in the playground.

T asks Ss to take off their shoes (if safe). Give SS time to feel the
different surfaces underfoot.
T asks Ss to close their eyes and listen to the sounds around them,
both natural and human made sounds. Allow time for Ss to listen.
T asks Ss to share a sound that they hear.
T says Now I want you to try and block out the man made sounds,
place your hands by your side, feel the grass under them and now be

T to ensure outdoor area is safe for Ss

to take off their shoes.

T to introduce meditation to Ss For the next five minutes you are

going to lay or sit quietly and practice a breathing meditation
T asks Ss to gently close their eyes again. This will help calm your
mind and prevent distractions.
Complete a small meditation exercise so the children can relax and
be more aware of the different sounds.
Now Ss are relaxed asks them to spend some time again listening to
the sounds of this place.
Again give the Ss the opportunity to share the sounds they can hear.
T asks Ss to begin to slowly move their fingers and toes, making small

See Appendix 3.1

T to ensure Ss are calm and settled to

listen to their surroundings.
Praise Ss sitting or laying still, staying
calm and closing their eyes.

movements in small places. Begin making larger movements, even

stretching. Then asks Ss when they are ready, open your eyes
Praise Ss for participating calmly.
Students can record sounds and take pictures with an iPad. Ss could
take 5 pictures then pass iPad onto the next person
T then instructs Ss to walk calmly and quietly back to the classroom.
As they walk back to the classroom the T to encourage the Ss to be
aware of the different scents around them.
Student Reflection


Some sounds may be difficult to hear

than other, so encourage students to
use their animal ears (by cupping their
hands behind their ears and turning to
face a sound they want to hear) to
hear the softer sounds.

Ss then record in their Nature Journals: Assessment

What did they hear?; What do they think made the sound? What did
they see? What did they feel?
Can the students describe the parts of the environment?

Individual Reflections
Written and Illustrated

T select Ss to share with the class their findings.

Class discussion
T to praise Ss for their participation
and feedback.

Lesson Plan 2
Key Learning Area:

Date: Week 3

Time: Start

Lesson Topic:
Land - How Nowra Got its Name: Black Cockatoo

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
ES1 Outcomes; class discussion and activities on What is Place?; class discussion and activities on features of different places; natural and built features of
places; rules for outdoor learning.
Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the
syllabus reference number AND write
out in full.

GE1-1 Examines features of

places and the ways in which
people interact with and care for

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote syllabus
numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum Content Strands may be
used as headings.
By the end of this lesson, the students will:

Any safety issues to be considered:

Strategies which will be used to
assess learners attainment of
learning outcomes. Should be linked
to each learning indicator

Develop knowledge and understanding of interactions between people,

places and environments
Explore local links people have with places and the special connection
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people maintain with Country/Place
Identify locations and features of places, definition of places described by
different groups of people

Observe students
participation during the
Anecdotal analyses of Ss

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
Dreaming Story How Nowra Got Its Name
Natural materials sticks, leaves, stones, sand, grass and flowers etc

Lesson Content /
Indicators of
Learning (What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to
your Indicators of Learning.
Outdoor Learning Rules


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what
students (Ss) will do.

Resources and Organisation:


T explains to Ss that they are going to go outside to the playground for

this afternoon lesson. T reminds Ss of their rules for outdoor learning.
For example:
1. Stay together
2. Stand inside the boundaries
3. Stay away from danger
4. Work as a team on a task
5. No picking, pulling or pocketing
6. Listen for a signal
7. Dress for the weather


T asks Ss to go outside to their bags put their hats on and line up in

two lines.
Yarning Circle

Significance of Land to Aboriginal



Sit in Circle
T instructs Ss to form a circle (Ss may hold hand whilst standing to
make circle). Then Ss sit down and listen to T for next instruction.
T says I have asked you to sit in a circle for a special reason today.
Traditionally Aboriginal people used circles to show respect and learn
as Elders passed on Dreaming stories and important lessons.
T ask Ss Put your hand up, if they can tell them when they may sit in
a circle and why?
Ss put up their hands and T selects Ss to share answers. Ss may
respond with campfire to tell stories; at a table to eat; or to play a
game with their friends.
T may add that sitting in a circle they can see everyones face and
that is showing respect to each other.
T may say to Ss
Land means different things to non-Indigenous and Aboriginal people.
Aboriginal people have a spiritual, physical, social and cultural
connection to Land. The land and water is important to Aboriginal
culture. Land is our Mother. We are connected to the land through the

Ss gather class iPads.

Depending on weather Ss may bring
appropriate clothing.
Ss line up in two lines with their hats
Ss sit in circle. T

Dreaming Story

How Nowra Got its Name

T says I am going to now share with you the Dreaming story of How
Nowra Got Its Name: The Black Cockatoo. This story is of the Yuin
Have Ss repeat the word Yuin as the name of nation for the local
Aboriginal people.

Appendix 4.1

T continues to say Aboriginal people use plants, animals and

other natural materials from the Australian environment,
showing a distinct relationship to place.
T tells the story of How Nowra Got its Name.
Bird Nest
T instructs Ss to create a next for the Black Cockatoo using natural
materials found in the playground. Ss take photos of their creations
with iPads to use later in a writing activity.

Creative Activity

Reflection and Feedback


Ss reflect on todays lesson.

T guide class discussion:
Do they think being outside has enhanced their learning today? Could
they have learnt this inside the classroom?
What materials did you use?
What did you enjoy about todays lesson?
What did you find challenging in todays lesson?
Did they like sitting in a circle?

Ss may work independently or in small

groups. T to walk around to different
individuals or groups to observe and
listen to the conversations. What are
the Ss considering in building their
Ss and T sit in circle
Class discussion

Lesson Plan 3
Key Learning Area:

Date: Week 4

Time: Start

Lesson Topic:

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
ES1 Outcomes; class discussion and activities on What is Place?; class discussion and activities on features of different places; natural and built features of
places; rules for outdoor learning.
Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the
syllabus reference number AND write
out in full.

GE1-1 Examines features of

places and the ways in which
people interact with and care for

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote syllabus
numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum Content Strands may be
used as headings.

Strategies which will be used to
assess learners attainment of
learning outcomes. Should be linked
to each learning indicator

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

Any safety issues to be considered:


Develop knowledge and understanding of the nature of geography across a

range of scales
Develop knowledge and understanding of interactions between people,
places and environments
Collect and record geographical data and information for example by
observing school location

Observe students
participation during the
Analyse students photos
and responses

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
Text - Would You Rather be a Tadpole by Bonnie Worth
SmartBoard or InterWhite Board
Online Mind Map
Investigation Questions

Lesson Content /
Indicators of
Learning (What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to
your Indicators of Learning.
What is water and how it is linked to
people, land and animals?


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what
students (Ss) will do.

Resources and Organisation:


Read Story Would You Rather be a Tadpole by Bonnie Worth

Calm Ss and ready them for todays

Class Discussion
T asks Ss Where do you see water?; What can water look like in our
environment?; How does water change?; Where do you see clean
water?; Where do you see dirty water?; and How does water get
Jointly construct a mind map about the use of water. If available use
online mind map building stie: www.
Ss may include different uses of water by people and animals.

Class discussion

See Appendix 4.2

T introduces main activity for todays lesson

Investigate water in the school


Outdoor Learning Experience

T explains to Ss that they are going to go outside to the playground for
this afternoon lesson.
T say during this lesson you are going to investigate the school
playground. Give Ss worksheet with questions of what they need to
investigate. Read through worksheet together.
Investigate school playground:
o Where does water come from?
o Where does water go?
o Where does water collect?
o Where is water used?
o Take photos of your answers to these questions.
T asks Ss to form groups of 2 or 3. T to ensure no Ss is left out of a

T reminds Ss of their rules for outdoor

learning. For example:
1. Stay together
2. Stand inside the boundaries
3. Stay away from danger
4. Work as a team on a task
5. No picking, pulling or pocketing
6. Listen for a signal
7. Dress for the weather
See Appendix 4.3
T asks Ss to go outside to their bags
put their hats on and line up in two
lines. T walks Ss to area and allows
Ss to explore playground. T to
supervise Ss as they disperse and
Ss may use ShowMe App to present
their photos.

Reflection and Feedback


Ss and T return to class to view photos together on the interwhite or

smartboard and students discuss their photos.

Slideshow of photos from iPads and

Ss discuss their photos.

Lesson Plan 4
Key Learning Area:

Date: Week 4

Time: Start

Lesson Topic:
Water Tiddalick the Frog

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
ES1 Outcomes; class discussion and activities on What is Place?; class discussion and activities on features of different places; natural and built features of
places; rules for outdoor learning.
Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the
syllabus reference number AND write
out in full.

GE1-1 Examines features of

places and the ways in which
people interact with and care for
GE1-2 Uses geographical tools
and skills to communicate
geographical information.

Any safety issues to be considered:

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote syllabus
numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum Content Strands may be
used as headings.

Strategies which will be used to
assess learners attainment of
learning outcomes. Should be linked
to each learning indicator

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

Have knowledge and understand local links people have with places and the
special connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples maintain
with Country/Place
Have knowledge of daily and seasonal weather patterns of place
Develop location and features of places, definition of places described by
different groups of people

Observe students
participation during the
Involvement and
engagement in class
Analyse students responses

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
YouTube video Tiddalick
Smartboard or Interwrite Board

Lesson Content /
Indicators of
Learning (What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to
your Indicators of Learning.
How is water linked to Aboriginal
people, animals and plants?


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what
students (Ss) will do.

Resources and Organisation:


T says In todays lesson we are going to think about water and how
Aboriginal people, animals and plants use water.


Firstly T asks Ss to turn to their thinking partner and discuss how

water is used by plants and animals.
Allow time for Ss to discuss ideas. T select Ss to share their ideas.
Ss may say that animals and plants use water to: survive; live in; food;
drink; bath; plants use it to make food; and absorbed by roots.
What is Aboriginal Dreaming?

Dreaming Story


T then asks Ss to think about What is Aboriginal Dreaming? Ss turn to

their thinking partner and discuss their ideas.
Allow time for Ss to discuss ideas. T select Ss to share their ideas.

Aboriginal Dreaming is about the
stories and how everything in their
lives is tied together.
Dreaming stories pass on important
knowledge, cultural values and belief
systems to later generations. Through
song, dance, painting and storytelling
which express the dreaming stories,
Aborigines have maintained a link with
the Dreaming from ancient times to
today, creating a rich cultural heritage.

Tiddalick the Frog

Ss watch short YouTube video Tiddalick

YouTube Video Tiddalick

SmartBoard or InterwriteBoard

T says to Ss Aboriginal stories, like many traditional stories, often

have a message or moral ( a lesson for us). T asks Ss Do you think
Tiddalick, has a moral?
Ss explain their answers
T says to Ss This is an Australian Aboriginal story. Aboriginal stories
were often told to explain important events or happenings in nature.
T asks the Ss can you imagine why this story was told?; what event
in nature do you think it describes or explains?

Class discussion

Ss explain their answers

T asks Ss what makes this story Australian?
Ss explain their answers
Creative Activity

Reflection and Feedback



Role play
Students in groups reenact the story of Tiddalick the Frog.

Students perform their plays for the class

T to ensure each Ss is part of a group.

T to rotate around groups to ensure
they are on tasks.
Ss should show good audience

Lesson Plan 5
Key Learning Area:

Date: Term 3
Week 5
Lesson Topic:
Local Nature Walk (bush track, river/creek, nature reserve)
Bens Walk Nowra

Time: Start 9.15am

Finish 2.00pm

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
ES1 Outcomes; class discussion and activities on What is Place?; class discussion and activities on features of different places; natural and built features of
places; rules for outdoor learning.
Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the
syllabus reference number AND write
out in full.

GE1-1 Examines features of

places and the ways in which
people interact with and care for
GE1-2 Uses geographical tools
and skills to communicate
geographical information.

Any safety issues to be considered:

Risk Assessment completed

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote syllabus
numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum Content Strands may be
used as headings.

Strategies which will be used to
assess learners attainment of
learning outcomes. Should be linked
to each learning indicator

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

Use maps to locate places and neighbouring places

Construct a labeled map
Use spatial technologies such as Google Earth to explore the local area,
region and state
Present findings in a range of communication forms

Observe students
participation during the
Analyse Ss maps
Analyse Ss responses in
their Nature Journal

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
Ss bring lunch, munch and crunch, recess and bottle of water
Smartboard or Interwrite Board
Natural environment and materials
Student list and emergency contacts, phone with school number

Lesson Content /
Indicators of
Learning (What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to
your Indicators of Learning.


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what
students (Ss) will do.

Resources and Organisation:


Introduction May be completed the day before field trip.


Display Aboriginal Map

Discuss different parts of the map, languages etc
Students identify where our school is in the Yuin Nation and identify
neighboring language groups and tribes


Aboriginal Australia

Display the Australian map

(Map) (informaiton)
Discuss the similarities and differences of both maps

Australian Map
Australian, New South Wales (NSW),
Shoalhaven, Nowra

Dicuss how our school is located in Australia, state of New South

Wales, Region of Shoalhaven, town of Nowra etc

Bens Walking Track

Bens Walk Preperation

Show children the local map and image from Google maps of Bens
Walk. Point out where we will walk. Start, Showground, acroos creek
to depot farm for activities.,150.5915167,16z
Discuss with the children their predictions of what type of
environment, flora and fauna might be at Bens Walk.


Bens Walk Activities:


Before Begin Walk

Establish safety rules and remind students of outdoor learning rules.
T to ensure any support officers or parents understand what will be
happening at Bens Walk and expectations of Ss.

Munch and Crunch

Student walk on pathway from School
to Showground in 2 lines.
Teacher at the front with Support
Officer at the back and parents helpers

Bens Walk Activities

1. Establish boundaries for working space walk and set boundaries
with the class. Once boundaries are established play statues with
the teacher in the centre, the children beginning on the boundary
and creeping in. May repeat with children as the leaders.

Recess as soon as you arrive.

Scavenger Hunt

2. Scavenger Hunt give students 10 minutes to find 10 interesting

natural materials. Students share their findings in small groups
before returning their objects.
3. Mapping the area students use natural materials to re create the
route they have travelled. Use their knowledge of Google maps
as background knowledge. Students photograph maps.
4. Listening to sounds and identifying different sounds activity.

Mapping of Area
Listening to Sounds

natural materials

Return to School

5 mins

Reflection questions:
How are people connected to this place?

Class discussion

Assessment: Students record thinking in Nature Journals and write

sentences to match. Ss may use iPad app ShowMe to share their

Nature Journals
iPads Apps. Show Me

Appendix 3.1

Script for Children
Please make sure your eyes are closed softly, as if you were getting ready to fall asleep. But please do not fall asleep. Keep your eyes closed,
but do not go to sleep. Stay awake and listen to my voice.
Make sure not to move. Feel your body remaining still and calm.
Feel your body becoming light, so light it begins to float up off the ground.
Begin to soar into the sky where it is warm and beautiful. The sky is blue and full of white, puffy clouds. Birds are singing, and the sunshine is
warm and golden.
Now imagine your favorite place. Take a moment to imagine that place. Imagine what it looks like. Imagine what it smells like. Are there any
other people there or are you by yourself? Continue soaring through the beautiful, blue sky to your favorite place. Fly overhead and see this
place from the sky. Look down upon it. Enjoy seeing it from so high above.
Now fly past your favorite place and see a rainbow in the distance. Begin to soar through the sky toward the rainbow. The rainbow is beautiful,
full of so many colors, so bright and playful. Fly straight into the rainbow and grab your favorite colors in your hand.
Continue to soar through the sky, finding a colorful kite flying nearby. Chase the kite and follow it as it travels on its own path through the sky.
Allow the kite to continue on its way, as you continue on your way.
Find a large, leafy tree and begin to descend from the sky to land safely and softly on the tree branches. The tree is strong and supports you.
Enjoy swinging from the trees branches and climbing down its trunk.
The grass at the base of the tree is green and soft. It is a restful place. The tree offers shade, and the grass offers comfort.
Lie down on the grass and relax under the shade of the tree.
Feel completely relaxed and still. Listen to the birds singing overhead. Feel the warm breeze on your cheeks. Allow time for students to listen
to their surroundings.
Now begin to slowly move your fingers and toes, making small movements in small places. Begin making larger movements, even stretching.
When you are ready, open your eyes.

Appendix 4.1
How Nowra Got Its Name: Black Cockatoo

A long time ago there were lots of white cockatoos in this place. Crowds of cockatoos would fly around together
shrieking and squawking.
Near the river there was a small mountain. One day it began to shake, and belched out huge clouds of black smoke.
A big flock of white cockatoos, curious about this strange event, flew through the ash and smoke.
When they came through the other side they felt very strange. As they looked back at one another they realised they
had changed colour, from snowy white to glossy black.
They were so surprised to see that they had changed colour they started squawking Na Wa, Na Wa.
The word Nowra means black cockatoo.

Appendix 4.2
Water Mindmap

Appendix 4.3
Investigate water in the school playground

Investigate school playground:

1.Where does water come from?
2.Where does water go?
3.Where does water collect?
4.Where is water used?
Take photos of your answers to these questions.

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