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Chart Journal Club Name: ____Julia Pierre_____________

Reading: Developing Vocab through Strategic Conversa?on
Author: Barbara Wasik, Charlene Iannone Campbell
Date: 4/16
Complete the following chart, based upon the ve most salient Key Concepts in the reading for you.

Key Concept

List the key concepts discussed in the

ar2cle, one concept per for.


What informa2on will help you remember this concept?

- Vocabulary is one of the most difficult skills to teach

Vocabulary development plays a
critical role in young childrens
learning to read and success in school

- in preschool providing opportunities to talk and use meaningful

language can develop vocabulary

- teachers must employ strategic explicit vocabulary conversations

with students

- you must use wait time about three seconds

Vocabulary skills for children and
relation to statistics

1. Come from linguistic adults

2. preschool language skills are related to reading competence at
the end of first and second grade
3. It can also predict reading in later elementary grades
4. It is also related to math and science scores
5. Poverty exposes children to a limited number of vocal words (5
times less than middle class)

Memory clue

Draw a visual that

will help you
remember this key
concept. (NOT

Strategies for teachers

How adults can use this

Explicit definitions of words can

increase vocabulary learning

Preschoolers need to do the talking = stop the 2% and less statistic

only 5 minutes for 1st graders as well.
Children need repeated and meaningful expose to words
Need to hear the word repeatingly and then connect it to what they
already know
third they learn from conversing with adults
Adults give children meaningful feedback on their remarks and
scaffold their linguistic and cognitive development
-High quality conversations during free play and book reading were
linked to gains in childrens language production and
-presented in a meaningful context or theme
-best learned when integrated around a story or concept
Explanations of the functions of words as well as pictures and props
-these need to be provided more than once
-children learn through multiple meaningful exposures within
meaningful contexts
-ask open ended questions so children cannot answer yes or no only
read alouds, center time and morning message allow places for new

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