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Learning Experience

Teaching Considerations/ Resources

Digital scales with grams, kilograms

Introduce to students that this week we will be focusing on what is mass, how to

and litres

comparing mass and how to weight different types of mass.

Balancing scales.

Ask the question what is mass? (students response; numbers, weight)

Interactive whiteboard with internet.

(Mass is the amount something weights, give an example do you think this laptop

Consider that student may have

would be heavier or light).

Now get students to find an item that is heavy around the classroom and ask students

never used scales before.

what their understanding of mass is now.

Pick up the two items one heavy and one light and ask students how they would

Adjust- Help students with by prompting

compare mass of the 2 items? (student response; ones heavy and ones light)

when asking for their meaning.

Whole class

Scaffold- Make sure there are enough

items for the students to use.

How can we measure mass? (students response- weighting it)(teacher- talk about the
balancing scales and how they show with object is heavier or lighter)

Talk to the students about the different forms of measuring mass (Teacher- g, Kg what

Extend- Give the students 2 more items

each mean and how they are represented on the scales)

for them to estimate.

Whole class

Get students to find 2 items around the classroom and bring back to the carpet

Chose 2 items for the students to estimate which is heavier by looking at the object

Write down the items into lighter heavier columns (Appendix 1)

Then teacher to use the balancing scale to find out the answer

Mark answers in book



Recap on students meaning on what is mass and how do you know what is heavier.

Play interactive game - (Appendix 2)


Interactive whiteboard with internet.

Have students refresh their memory by playing a maths warm up game


Play -

Balancing scales.

lighter.asp (Appendix 3)

A range of different objects that are


Explain the maths worksheet (Appendix 4)

First find 6 items each and take back to your desk in pairs estimate which one you

Consider that some students might

think will be heavier and what will be lighter and draw a picture of the object in the box

not handle the task of choosing

Get students to weight the 2 items on the balancing scales to determine which is

objects to weight themselves.

heavier/lighter and then and draw the correct item into the box.

able to be weighted.

Adjust- Have a teacher aid help with the

pairs struggling.

Recap on how they estimate that an item is lighter than the other (students by
looking, using our hand to see which feels heavy)

Scaffold- Have concert materials around

the room.
Extend- Have extension students work

buy themselves or with a lower achiever.



Interactive whiteboard with internet.


Talk to students about what are grams and kilograms (teacher they are form of

Cereal box, chips and flour packet

measure- use real life example on cereal box, chips and flour packet to show)

Scale that measure grams and

Whole class- talk to student about how to operate the scale and how to read what is
shown on the scales.

Get student to find objects around the room and bring to the carpet

Get the students to estimate the weight by using the example to help them find an
answer Write down the item and estimation of how much they think is weights in


A range of different objects that are

able to be weighted.

Consider that the scales could not be

on zero when

their book (Appendix 5)

Modify- Have TA work with students buy

Then weight the items using scales and write down the correct weight, see how close

prompting with questions.

they were to their estimations.


Scaffold- Have concert materials around

Students to play a refresher game

the room and make sure scales are in


working order.

(Appendix 6)
Extend- Have students estimate by just


Refresh on how to estimate (teacher-look at the size of the object, use your prior

looking at the item.



Look at weights that weight 100kg and tones use pictures as a reference.


As a class first draw up a record table in maths book (appendix 7)

Then walk around the school looking at different objects and as a class estimate the
weight of the objects (objects such as car, bus, water tank, wheelie bin)

(appendix 7)

Pictures of animals and object that

way over 100kg (appendix 8)

Consider some students need to

Research what is an average weight of the items.

process the difference between g, kg

Now get students to estimate the weight of the pictures shown (animals and objects

and tone.

over 100kg) (appendix 8)

Then research the average weight of the animal or object as a class.

Adjust- Give students real examples

to relate to



Record table in maths book

Discuss students findings with the class

Ask students if they can think of any other animals or object that might weight over

of what you are going to look at


through the school.

Scaffold- Make sure you have a list

Extend- Have students explain to


you how they estimate the mass.

Items around the room

Re look at each form of mass g, kg and tones from real life example

Ascending graphs

Show student how to create a ascending graph where they will show their findings.

Pictures of items



Around the room have objects ranged from grams, kilograms and tones, pictures of
object that are 100kgs and tones

Consider student might find different

weights for the picture provided

Get the student to walk around the classroom and find 6 object/pictures and estimate
the weight

And create an ascending graph ranging the objects from lights to heaviest with the

a group with TA, give ideas of how to

weight estimation underneath the object

Then have students weight items in the room and write correct mass

And have students look up the correct weight of the picture by looking at the picture
reference sheet (Appendix 9)


Lightest to heaviest game

Play - (appendix 10)

Scaffold- Have the resource around

the room ready for the lesson

Mark your estimations


Adjust- Have lower students work as

Extend- Have students research the

average weight of the picture

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