Lesson Plan For Clauses

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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name:
Content &Grade

Robert Beck
English 9

Unit Title:

Parts of Speech

Lesson Title:
Day of Lesson:
Duration of

Clauses Dependent and Independent Clause

Day 1
One day on clauses

Length of Class

Standard, single 55 minute period.


How can proper grammar better our writing,


and make us better thinkers and expressers of

Unit Question(s)

How do authors and writers use clauses to

Addressed in this

express their message and spread information?

Common Core /

9-10, 1-c Use words, phrases, and clauses to

State Standards:

link the major sections of the text, create

cohesion, and clarify the relationships between
claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and
evidence, and between claim(s) and


The lesson will test knowledge on many levels

Lesson Objectives:

of Blooms taxonomy. The beginning will involve

memorization of definitions. This will be

essential for the eventual goal of proficient use

of clauses. The goal of the lesson is to improve
students writing through knowledge of the
dependent and independent clauses.
Measuring how they implement knowledge
taught is essential. The final formative test of
this selection will test the students ability to use
clauses, identify and define them, identify and
define the parts of clauses and describe their
purpose. If students can do all of this
competently, (based off standard grading
scales) then why will have successfully
completed the lesson.
Materials and

This will require minimal resources. I would like

Resources needed: students to have access to computers for this

assignment. Standard items such as pencils and
paper will be required as well as some sort of
digital projector.

Students will have to of achieved all the

Knowledge and

previous common core standards.

Anticipatory Set:

The lesson will begin with pre-test of sorts.

Students will placed into groups and asked to
write their definitions of various parts of speech

onto the board. For the most part it will be

review until the clauses were introduced they
then will have to make their best guess. We will
then read out loud all of the discussions and I
will give the correct definition of the
independent and dependent clauses. I will then
tell the class our agenda for the day and begin
the lesson.
Procedures and

The lesson will follow the hunter model. It


begins with an anticipatory set. Then proceeds


to a stated objective. My stated objective goes


as follows: from this lesson students will

understand the definition of the independent
and dependent clause, what they are, what
their purpose is and how it can benefit their
writing. I will express this to my students. Then
I will directly instruct them. This direct
instruction will require a visual aid from either
the board or a premade digital slideshow. The
next step is guided practice. This is when, in
groups or alone, students will work on a laptop
and do an online quiz/game that tests their
understanding of the clauses. The game is
found at

http://www.quia.com/cb/117062.html. The
independent practice will be a worksheet done
after that we will go over at the end, covering
what we have learned.


There are numerous areas for differentiation.

This lesson will include direct lecture, group
work, individual work, visual aid, kinesthetic
learning and class discussion. The anticipatory
set will have group work and discussion. The
lecture will follow the anticipatory set and will
be aided with a visual. The students will use
computers during the guided practice and will
have the option to work with a partner. The
individual practice is written work. At the end of
the lesson their will be a class discussion with
question and answering.

Lesson Closure

At the conclusion of this lesson there will be a

and Wrap-up:

coming together. We will review what we have

just learned. The worksheet will be graded
together. Going over each question checking for
understanding as a group. This will involve

reading each question, asking students for

which answer they believe is correct and then
deciding on the correct question. This is a
formative assessment. It will be graded but is
primarily a test to see if more time will be
needed. Students will both volunteer to answer
and be questioned randomly. If they do not
know the answer when questioned I will inform
them then. This will be great reinforcement and
will complete the Hunter lesson plan cycle. We
will celebrate what we have accomplished and
understand what, as a class, we still must
Assessment of

Through the anticipatory set a pretest will be


taken. The will assess the students prior


knowledge. This will give me a baseline for

instruction. If needed instruction can be
extended. The assessments will also follow the
hunter model. There is guided practice that will
serve as a form of ungraded assessment. This
will show progress before the final formative
assessment of the lesson. The individual
practice will demonstrate if my students have
learned or if they need more time. Students

must competently answer questions such as:

which of following phrases is the dependent
clause, what is a clause, which of the following
words is the subject etc. This may sound
simple, if it is no more time will be spent on it. If
the students are found to be proficient in their
knowledge then we will progress. Standard
grading scales will be used to decide
Lesson Reflection

As this is the first attempt at this lesson know

and Revision

revisions are necessary.

Adaptations for

Students who have exceptionalities can and will

Students with

prosper in this lesson. The hunter method gives


them ample attention. As we will have guided

practice, they may be guided by an aid, another
teacher or myself. In the individual practice any
changes required by their documents will be
made. If they need simpler texts then they will
receive it. In the individual practice students
can be read to by teachers. I will gladly give
more time if needed, as well. This lesson is
easily adaptable with adaptive technology.

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