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1.Q The rate of evaporation decreases with

a) increase of temperature b) increase of humidity
c) increase in wind speed d) increase of surface area
2.Q Gases can be liquefied by
a) increase in pressure b)decreasing in temperature
c) increase in temperature d) none of these
3.Q Evaporation always causes
a) solidification b) liquification
c) cooling
d) none of these
4.Q The process of conversion of solid state to gaseous state directly is called__________
a) sublimation b) heating c) boiling d) melting
5.Q Perfume kept at one corner of the room can be smelt at another corner due to :
a) sublimation b) evaporation c) diffusion d) drying
6.Q Water changes into water vapour below its boiling point in which of the following
a) melting b) freezing c) evaporation d) boiling
7.Q Rate of diffusion is the fastest in
a) solids b) gases c) liquid d) all of these
8.Q Which of the following has minimum space between the particles
a) solid b) gas c) liquid d) none of these
9.Q To liquefy a gas which of the following condition is required
a) high temperature, high pressure
b) low temperature, low pressure
c) low temperature, high pressure
d) high temperature, low pressure
10.Q Which of the following is not matter
a) water b) blood c) atom d) humidity
11.Q At hills boiling point of liquids
a) decreases b) increases c) constant d) both a & b
12.Q Which of the following is not the property of the particles
a) The particles are very small
b) The particles have space in between them
c) The particles are stationary in state
d) The particles have force of attraction
Fill in the blanks :
The process of ___________causes cooling.
Liquids have________ but dont have____________.
Solid CO2 is called____________.
Evaporation of liquid at room temperature leads to_________________effect.
_____________exists in all state of matters

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