gr6 Statsunit Project 2015 Final

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Grade 6 Statistics Unit Assessment


Where do carrots grow best?

Part 1. Work with your group to collect continuous numerical data by measuring
length, circumference, diameter and mass of carrots from your region, either
Arusha, Dar, Iring, Morogoro, or Tanga.
Enter the data into your groups google doc.
Place your groups data into the spreadsheet.
- Find mean, median, mode and range of the data sets using the spreadsheet
- Choose and construct appropriate graphs for each data set.
- Write a conclusion from the data under each graph.
Transfer your finished work to a Word document, name: it : your name 1 your class
your region carrot data eg. Charlotte1 6A Arusha carrot data
Part 2. As an expert on your regions carrots, join together with experts from the
other regions to compare the carrots from Arusha, Dar, Iringa, Morogoro and Tanga.
- Compare the mean, median, mode and range of the carrots from different
- Choose and construct appropriate graphs for each data set.
- Write a conclusion from the data under each graph.
Transfer this finished work to a Word document, name: it : your name 2 your class
your region carrot data eg. Charlotte2 6C Arusha carrot data
Task Checklist
Part 1. One Region
Data for weight, length, width and circumference organized into tables
with headings and units
Measures of central tendency for each data set (Weight, length, width,
At least one graph for each data set (title, labels and correct scale on
At least 1 Hand drawn
At least 1 Using technology
Conclusion written for each data set. (Weight, length, width,
At least one graph comparing two variables with a written conclusion
All organized neatly in a Word document
Part 2. All 5 Regions
Statistics for all 5 regions organized into tables with headings and units
Measures of central tendency for all regions carrots
Graphs for each variable
Hand drawn
Using technology
Conclusion written for each graph


All organized neatly into a Word document with correct file name
You will email me three documents:
2 word documents (Part 1 and Part 2)
the excel spreadsheet showing all your tables and math.

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