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The 12 Verb Tenses fos Present an Tale pizza [eat pizza | wl eat pizza Yesterday. everyday. tomorrow, sid seVi40 Se il +40 was eating pizza Lam eating pizza | willbe eating pizza when you arrived, right now, ‘when you arrive, + yaaa’ + ng +0 Se e+ Ming +0 8+ ull 4 Mn) +0 Thad eaten all ofthe pizza have eaten all of the pizza. 1 will have eaten all ofthe pizza when you arived, by the time you ative, Sead 1,40 Se hava +40 Seiltan Vi r0 Thad been eating pizza have been eating pizza | will have been eating pizza ford hows when you arived, for 2 hows, ‘for 2 hows when you arive, 5+ hades Vr) +0 4 havetastean + (Hing) +0 8+ wile bee's Mr) +0 Legend: $= Sujet O= Objet Ve Verb (Vs =present/ Vs = past / V = pat partcipe) Tense FirstPerson Second Person Third Person Simple Singular late Youate HelShelt ate Plural Weate Youste They ate Continuous Singular | vas eating You were eating He was eating Piura ‘We were eating You were eating ‘They were eating Porfect Singular I had eaten You had eaten He had eaten Piura ‘We had eaten You had eaten ‘Thay had eaten Perfect Continuous Singular | had been eating You had been eating He had been eating Piura ‘We had been eating, You had been eating ‘They had been esting The 12/Ve Reflexive len Pronouns yesterday. keyeryHay. me my _tgmomina, | myjelf To incicate a past hab lexpreyotatits br geryew truth] | TyoRticate|an ayuirscondticyoutself action already camy fo indigage au a jghasn'f taken glace it Gan be used with or sou pear eee | ea is 3" person i (female) | vcr BBrea spon bis her hers hertelf it it its | (not used) | _itspit I was eating pil 4%; I ing pi Twill, ing pit oe our | out Pf ourstves when you arriy (plural) ‘ight fow. whes you dri Teindicate uncom: To ingicate actin going on || To indicate}stat wil be aoa on action of the at H@4ime of sneaky, YOWFscmd time YA urselves {with or without time To indicate temporary acten || Toindicate planned future To indicate persistnt the ro: their theirs | themselves cof tha past fit continuously, forever, ef) ‘With a habitual action ver, ‘especialy to indicate ’ stubbom habit Thad eaten all of I have eaten all of the I will have eaten all of the pizza when pizza. the pizza by you arrived. the time you arrive. To indicate a completed action ot | To indicate past action which | To incicate an action that will be the past that happened before isnot detined by atime of ‘completa before anather evant another event took place ‘eccurenes. takes place. “Toincicate an action which started inthe past and has ‘continued up until now. Thad been eating pizza | I have been eating pizza | 1 will have been eating for 2 hours when you for 2 hours. pizza for 2 hours arrived. when you arrive. “oindicate an action nthe past | Toindicate an action which | Ta incicate an action that wilhave that began botore a certain point | started at some point in the past | happenad for some tne and ‘wll inthe past and continued — | and may or mayrnot be complete, | net be complete yet ata certain up unt that ime. point in the future.

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