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Angela Brady


Request for Proposals: Microsoft Office Training

Vitality Incorporated, a leading developer of healthy lifestyle supplements, is accepting
proposals to train their staff in using Microsoft Office programs. This training would
need to be face-to-face in Vitalitys headquarters facility located in Indiana. Training
needs to include the following programs: Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher,
SharePoint, Visio, and Word. Vitality would appreciate budgets that stay within the
$100,000 estimate. Proposals should be 10 pages or less. Multiple submissions from the
same company will be accepted. The deadline for all submissions is Monday, March 3,

Vitality needs to get all of its employees trained in Microsoft Office programs so that the
company can further utilize its computer tools and skills. Knowledge of Microsoft Office
programs such as Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, SharePoint, and Word will help
employees mainstream communication within the company as well as enhance the
quality of presentations and other materials sent to vendors and the public at large.

The main objectives Vitality wants to cover are as follows:
1. Provide face-to-face instruction.
2. Instruct all employees in the utilization of Microsoft Office programs such as
Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, SharePoint, and Word.
3. Instruct marketing department employees in Microsoft Office programs that are
more specialized such as Publisher and Visio in addition to the programs
mentioned above.
4. Instruction must done in sessions to accommodate the 300 employees of Vitality
and to keep the disruption of normal business flow to a minimum.

The deadline for all proposals is Monday, March 3, 2014. Any submissions received
after this date will not be considered. On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Vitality will begin
evaluating each proposal and may request additional information and/or interviews.
These requests will be sent via e-mail. When the selection process is complete the
company whose proposal is chosen will be contacted by e-mail no later than Monday,

Angela Brady


March 24, 2014. The company then has until Monday, March 31, 2014 to respond. If the
company does not respond or declines Vitalitys offer, Vitality will contact another
company on Tuesday, April, 1, 2014. All submissions will receive a response by Monday,
April 7, 2014.
Proposal Deadline: March 3, 2014
First Contact: March 24, 2014
Decision Deadline: March 31, 2014
Second Contact: April 1, 2014
Contact Deadline: April 7, 2014

The ideal budget for training would be under $100,000. However, proposals that exceed
this amount will not be disqualified. All proposals that have clearly justified budgets will
be considered. Vitality takes into consideration the quality of services provided, as well
as the cost. All budgets should include transportation, lodging, training materials, as well
as any other expenses that are typical of this type of training program or that are specific
to the companys training program.

Vitality requests that all proposals include the qualifications of both the company and the
individuals who will be responsible for training. Vitality is looking for the following
specific qualifications:
Microsoft Office Certification
Five or more years of experience instructing in Microsoft Office programs
Three or more years of experience with face-to-face instruction

Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated by a board of Vitality management. They will be evaluated
according to a point scale with a total of 100 points possible. The following table is the
point scale with specific criteria that will be evaluated.


Points Possible

Angela Brady


Budget is clearly justified, itemized, and meets the

financial needs of Vitality


Quality of sample instruction materials included


Qualifications set forth are met


Proposal includes reliable references that Vitality is

able to contact
The company has qualified staff to instruct about 300
of Vitalitys staff
Proposal is logical, clear, and well organized


Format for Proposals

All proposals need to be submitted via e-mail to
Proposals should be no longer than 10 pages and should include samples of instructional
materials such as handouts and visual presentations. Companies may submit more than
one proposal if appropriate. Vitality encourages creativity and problem solving. If a
company feels that there is a better way to conduct training than that which has been
described in this request for proposals Vitality will consider it.

Contact Information
For more information concerning proposals please contact:
Melissa Benson
President of Vitality Incorporated
1548 N. Jefferson St.
Hollyfield, IN 34751

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