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A. Put the most suitable sound from the following list into each sentence.

drone, gasp, yell, chant, moan, snort, scream, whimper, boo, cheer
a) I heard the SCREAM. of a terrified woman.
b) He gave a tired ..MOAN.. of pain.
c) The Queens arrival was met with an enthusiastic CHEER from the crowd.
d) The referee made another unpopular decision and the crowd began to BOO
e) When demonstrators march through the streets, they often CHANT political
f) He gave a GASP of surprise when he found the shower was ice- cold.
g) The taxi- driver gave a SNORT.. of contempt at the small tip.
h) He used to DRONE on monotonously and some of his listeners went to sleep
listening to him.
i) The little baby began to WHIMPER. weakly.
j) I had to YELL. at the top of my voice to make him hear me above the noise.
B. Instructions as in Exercise A.
pop, sizzle, thud, hiss, blare, tinkle, clink, swish, toll, chime
a) The great bell began to TOLL... sadly, solemnly, rhythmically.
b) Some clocks CHIME.. every hour.
c) Tiny bells TINKLE in the wind.
d) The heavy object fell to the ground with a THUD..
e) I love to hear the SIZZLE.. of eggs and bacon frying in the pan.
f) The peace and quiet was shattered when someones radio began to BLARE.. out.
g) I heard a HISS. from the tyre and knew I had a puncture.
h) His sword stroke missed me by half an inch and I heard a SWISH as it passed my
i) The ice- cube dropped into the empty glass with a CLINK
j) The cork finally came out of the battle of champagne with a loud POP.
C. Instructions as in Exercise A.
plop, boom, squelch, murmur, chirrup, hoot, rattle, squeak, rumble, click
a) I heard a SQUELCH... as he put his foot into the deep, wet mud.
b) The small stone dropped into the water with a quiet PLOP.
c) The heavy old metal cart began to SQUEAK. over the stony road.
d) I heard a loud RATTTLE.. as the cannon fired.
e) There is no more joyous sound then the CHIRRUP..of bird- song.
f) I can hear a HOOT Something in your car needs oiling.
g) I heard the RUMBLE. of rolling thunder in the distance.
h) There was a small CLICK as he closed the car- door.
i) The impatient motorist began to BOOM at the slow car in front.
j) From my house you can hear the gentle MURMUR of a stream.
D. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same.

Example: After trying twice, Ivan broke the record when he tried the third time.
Ivan broke the record at the third attempt.
1. The meeting will probably be cancelled PROBABILITY
In all probability,the meeting will be cancelled.
2. Considering your position, we wont press charges.
Under these circumstances, we wont press charges.
3. Eventually you will be able to walk quite normally. TIME
In time you will be able to walk quite normally..
4. The students are living temporarily in a caravan.
For the time being the students are living in a caravan.
5. I intend to discover the truth somehow or other. WAY
In one way or another I intend to discover the
6. The soldiers entered the castle while it was dark.
Under the cover of darkness the soldiers entered the
7. Speaking for my colleagues, I would like to thank you.
On behalf of my colleagues, i would like to thank you
8. I thought you had accepted.
I was under the impression you had accepted..
9. Everyone was exhausted apart from Sally. EXCEPTION
With the expection of Sally, everyone was exhausted.

10. Most people think Nigel is the best racing driver in the world.
Nigel is considered by most people to be the best racing driver in the
11. Janet came first, which surprised nobody.
Nobody was surprised as Janet came
12. We haven't seen one another for a long time. AGO
We stopped seeing one another a long time ago
E. Choose the most suitable word or phrase.
1. It was very good of you to help Dave with his homework. A) for B) to C) with D) of
2. Nothing out of the ordinary ever happens here. A) from B) out of C) about
D) within
3. After running up the stairs, I was quite out of breath. A) out of B) from C) without d)
4. Gerry isnt fat. on the contrary, he is quite skinny.
A) In any case
B) In practice
C) By rights
D) On the contrary
5. When I enquired about the times of trains, I was given a timetable..
A) schedule
B) programme
C) itinerary
D) timetable
6. From an early age, Wolfgang had a/an passion for music. A) interest B) passion C) tendency D)

7. Were very busy this week. Can you workovertime..

A) extra time
B) supplementary time

D) double time

F. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given.
1. When Jean made up for the play she was UNRECOGNIZABLE..
2. I thought the test was INCOMPARABLY easy, actually.

3. The pain became UNENDURABLE. during the night so I called the doctor.
4. Professor Smith has joined the company in an ADVISABLE .. capacity.
5. Mr. Maxdell stated that the ALLEGATIONS against him were unfounded.
6. Little Jimmy has been a bit TROUBLESOME. today.
7. You cannot enter the country without the REQUESTED. documents.
8. The fuel CONSUMPTION. of this car is rather high.
9. A list of INCOMING.. events will be posted on the noticeboard.
10. Janet had to WITHDRAW.. from the team because of injury.

G. Put ONE word in each space.

Very few popular spectator sports today remain amateur in (1) ANY. sense. In the past, even
in cases 2) WHERE.. payments to players where(?) and athletes was forbidden, many
sports tolerated 3) WHAT. became known as shamateurism. This 4)
MEANT that payments were made in the 5) FORM.. of expenses, or
in some extreme cases, simply made illegally. More 6) RECENTLY. sport has
become, in effect, a branch of the entertainment and advertising industry, and the top performers in
sports 7) SUCH as golf, tennis, football and track athletics can expect to become very
rich. 8) MONEY in itself worries some people. Where is the old Olympic ideal, they say,
and hasnt the urge to win been transformed into mere greed for money? But 9THE fact is that sport has
become more and more professional in the wider sense, 10)NOT
only requiring total dedication from aspiring champions, 11) BUT also requiring
expensive facilities, training and medical advice. 12) IT.. is just no longer possible 13)
TO combine a career in sport with a career elsewhere. And besides, many would argue that
top champions deserve large prizes. After all, 14) WHY.. shouldnt they be adequately
rewarded for reaching the top of their profession? Perhaps most criticism is levelled 15)
ON two abuses: 16) EITHER.. taking of performance- enhancing drugs, and the sheer lack
of entertainment in many team games ,
17) .........OR.............. the need to win has effectively stifled
all sense of flair. Both, 18) IN a sense, are forms of cheating, and both are difficult to
define. 19) FOR every banned substance, there is another legal one which can also be
said to be a drug; and where is the dividing line 20) BETWEEN negative tactics and
clever strategy?
H. C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given.
1. If we don't leave now, we won't catch the train.
We'd better leave now or well miss the train.
2. Everyone was shocked by the success of the novel.
The success of the novel was a shock to everyone.
3. It's entirely your own fault that you failed the exam.
You have no one to blame but yourself for failing.. the exam.
4. It's unfortunate that the construction of the building will not be finished as originally planned. longer

The construction of the building will no longer be finished as originally planned which is.. unfortunate.
5. If you work late tonight, you'll be tired tomorrow.
The more you work tonight, the more tired you'll be tomorrow.
I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.
Speed kills. But it is not only the speed at which people drive 1) ....THAT.............. is the problem: the
speed of
the music they are listening to also has a hand 2) ....IN................ their fate. An Israeli researcher says
drivers who listen to 3) .....FAST................. music in their cars may have more than twice as many
accidents as those listening to slower tracks. 4) WITH the car now the place where people
most often listen to music, the research is worrying. 5) IF. previous studies 6)
.........HAVE............ established a link between loud music and dangerous driving, it is clear now that too
fast 7) A tempo may have a negative impact on the driver's behavior. So what should
drivers do? They should be aware 'of the tempo effect and choose slower pieces of music - or turn down
the volume so they are 8) ......LESS......... distracted. Very little research has been carried 9)
.............OUT.......... into how people's lifestyles affect their driving behavior; we need more of 10)
ATTENTION..... into the effects of distractions in cars.

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