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Vinokuroff 1

Katherine Vinokuroff
Mrs. Jennifer Redmond
English 10
Oct. 15, 2014

Characteristics of an Epic from the Odyssey

1. Media res- The Odyssey starts after the Battle of Troy, on the journey back, when Odysseus
is almost home already.

2. Epic simile- He himself rocked, from side to side, as a cook turns a sausage, big with blood
and fat, at a scorching blaze(compares Odysseuss rage to a cooking sausage) (Homer, 20)

3. Epic catalogue- Catalogue of dead heroes and women in Nekuia. (Great Narrative Works:
A Guide to Literary terms.)

4. Descent to the underworld- Odysseus travels to the underworld in book 11 (Shmoop

Editorial Team)

Vinokuroff 3

5. Address to the host- Come, friend, and give me something; for you seem to be no lowly man
among the Greeks, but their most noble lord-indeed a chief. So you should offer more than
others can-Id make you famous then in endless lands. I, too, was once a man of means; my
house was rich; I often gave to vagabonds, whoever they might be, who came in need
(Homer, p. 351). In Homers time people were very hospitable, and it was considered that
punishment or wrath of the gods would incur if would did not show hospitality. (Cory,
Biggs, Melissa, Joseph, Mollie, Bennet, Dustin, Manning, Jonas, and Schrodt Value of


Hayes, Amy. The Epic and the Odyssey, 9 Oct. 2014. Web. 15 Oct. 2014

Np. English 230: Great Narrative Works: A Guide to Literary terms. 9 Aug.
2000. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

Shmoop Editorial Team. "The Odyssey." . Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008.
Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

Cory, Biggs, Melissa, Joseph, Mollie, Bennet, Dustin, Manning, Jonas, and Schrodt. Value of
Hospitality, Nd. Web. 15 Oct. 2014

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