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Social Studies / Reading Cross Curricular Thematic Unit

Alexis ONeal

The Civil Rights Movement - - 4/5th grade

Unit-Long Activities:
Read The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 by Christopher Paul
Curtis (Historical Fiction chapter book)
-1) Students will be able to identify at least 4 historical figures
who influenced the Civil Rights Movement.
Read Story: Our Children Can Soar picture book- KWL
chart based on historical figures in the book using Post-Its
Primary Documents (news articles, JFK letters)
Audio (I Have a Dream speech)
Primary Document Spotlight: Jackie Robinson (read letters,
press conference reports)o * * Have students make connections to modern-day
athletes and celebrities who take a stand for
something. **

2) Students will be able to evaluate the cause of 3 major

events in the Civil Rights Movement
Primary source: read through law summaries, court room
records (Jim Crow, Brown v. Board, etc)
(paraphrase by chunking sections for better

Primary Document: Petitions signed and filed presents

more than two dozen legislative and county court petitions
that were filed in southern states between the American
Revolution and the Civil War. Tens of thousands of
southerners petitioned their legislatures for redress of
grievances during this time. These petitions show the
complex nature of race and slavery.

Art Gallery Walk (look at photographs, paintings, collages

through virtual field trip:
Listen to anti-segregation radio broadcasts from south
o Have students write letters of response to these
broadcasts (split class into pro segregation
listeners and anti segregation listeners)

3) Students will be able to analyze the short and long term

effects of the Civil Rights Movement on American society
o Listen to Cant Turn Me Round by the Roots (song)discuss its meaning, consider it was written in modern
o Read Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges
o Watch video: Racism, School Desegregation Laws
and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States
by TheFilmArchives
o Analyze timeline 1960-1969, highlighting major events.
o Ask students to track the rise and fall of the
movement. Can they make connections between any of
them? How might one have caused another?
o Journal: Think about times you have felt left out and times
youve been included. Why do you think this happened? Do
you think society has conquered racism?
Teacher Observations
Student Journals
Check progress in filling out KWL historical figure chart as unit
Segregation Letters: look for evidence based on learning and
understanding (not just a shallow letter)
Guided Notes for video
-create a commercial to gain support for the movementexplain why the movement is happening, what the protestors
want, what challenges they are facing, and why listeners
should join the movement

-Choose a historical figure from the C.R.M or one meaningful

event from the movement. Write a poem or a song that
summarizes the person/event, and explains how it changed the
-You are a news reporter. Choose 3 main events from the
C.R.M. and pretend you are reporting live from the scene. Tell
the audience who is involved, what has happened, why it
happened, where, etc. (written like a newspaper or recorded
on video like news broadcast)
-Write a letter to your choice Civil Rights leader. Fill them in on
what society is like today. Do you think they would be happy if
they were still alive? Why or why not? Explain and give at least
3 reasons to prove it!.

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