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Ø 六大皇牌酒店供選擇

Ø Includes 2 nights hotel

Ø 位於列治文著名購物及美食區 accommodation with choice of 6 hotels
Ø 包兩晚酒店及機場來回接送 Ø Includes round trip airport transfer
Ø 暢遊維多利亞市,寶翠花園,溫哥華著名煤氣 Ø Sightseeing include visit to Victoria,
Butchart Garden, Vancouver city tour
出發日期 Departure Date In / Out YVR 出發日期 Departure Date In / Out SEA*
Apr, Oct - Dec Thu/Fri
Apr - Dec 08 Daily
May - Sep Daily
*西雅圖進出來回每人加$50.00 Pickup from & return to Seattle, please add $50.00 per person.
四人房 三人房 雙人房 單人房 小童
Apr10-Apr30, Oct01-Dec 31 279 289 319 399 229
Holiday Inn Express
May01-Sep30 309 329 369 499 229

Apr10-Apr30, Oct01-Dec 31 279 289 319 409 229

Ramada Airport
May01-Sep30 299 309 349 469 229
Apr10-Apr30, Oct01-Dec 31 279 289 319 409 229
Hampton Inn
May01-Sep30 299 319 359 489 229
Apr10-Apr30, Oct01-Dec 31 289 309 339 449 229
Four Points Sheraton
May01-Sep30 319 349 409 569 229
Radisson President May01-Sep30 319 349 409 569 229
Apr10-Apr30, Oct01-Dec 31 329 349 389 539 229
Hilton YVR Airport
May01-Sep30 359 389 429 629 229
*三人及四人房均以雙人房(兩床)計算,不設加床; 小童(12 歲以下)不佔床位
Triple, Quad and Child (under 12) fare are based on sharing Twin, no extra bed
單程接送: 由酒店至加拿大廣場郵輪碼頭(或回程), 每位加$15
One way transfer from Hotel to Canada Place Cruise Pier (or vice versa) add $15 per person

1 原居地 m溫哥華/西雅圖
2 維多利亞一日遊
早上乘坐卑詩渡輪前往溫哥華島---維多 In the morning, we depart for city tour. Visit the
SEATTLE world famous Stanley Park, Gas Town – Steam
利亞市。首先參觀著名之寶翠花園,午後 Clock on Water Street, Chinatown. And then
A) 原居地飛往溫哥華,抵達後送往溫哥
繼續市區觀光,遊覽唐人街,比根山公園 transfer to Vancouver Airport / Seattle for your
和零哩碑,省議會大廈及帝后酒店。隨後 return flight.
Arrive in Vancouver Airport and transfer to hotel
乘坐卑詩渡輪返回溫哥華。 A) 從溫哥華飛往原居地之旅客, 請訂下
B)西雅圖機場接機後隨即展開西雅圖市 午2時後離開溫哥華之班機 Departure
Morning depart by Ferry Terminal to Vancouver Island –
區半日遊傍晚送往溫哥華酒店休息。( 請 Victoria. First stop at the world famous Butchart Garden Transfer to Vancouver Airport. (Please arrange
安排12時以前抵達西雅圖機場之班機) and Chinatown. Then visit Parliament Buildings, flight after 2 pm)
Arrive in Seattle, half-day city tour in Seattle and Empress Hotel, and Beacon Hill Park. Return to B) 從西雅圖飛往原居地之旅客,請訂下
transfer to Vancouver and check in hotel Vancouver by B.C. Ferry in late afternoon. 午 4 時後離開西雅圖之班機 Transfer to
(Please arrange flight arrive Seattle airport Seattle airport after city tour (Please arrange
before 12:00 noon) flight after 4 pm)

3 溫哥華 m原居地/西雅圖
VANCOUVER m HOME CITY / Please contact us
特約旅行社 for Treservations:
Y our ravelA gent
Tel 626 289 2622
CST# 2001110-40 上午前往溫哥華市觀光,包括中國城,煤
080409 YVR 3D PKG APR-DEC08.doc

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