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ONE- DIMENSIONAL i MAN Studies in the Ideology of ‘Advanced Industrial Society Herbert Marcuse With a new Introduction by Douglas Kellner BEACON PRESS - BOSTON oe i 1: The New Forms of Control ‘A comfortable, smooth reasonable, democratic unfree: dom prov in adranced Industrial cviztion, a taken of dor eral progres. Indeed what cook be more rational tan the suppression of individuality in the mechanization of ‘Ress Recesay bot painful petormances; the concentric Tg invade enterprises in more eflctive, more Po- See corporations; to regulation of free competition sary onegully equipped exmomic subjects the cual: er St prerogatives and natonal sovercgntes which ime ode thet interoational organization of resources, That thi PerMnolgjal order also Solves a ola and fatllctol reanimation may bo a regrettable anal yet promising devel opment. eights and bers which wer ach tl factors In tne origin and euler stages of tata society yield 0 8 Igher stage ofthe society: they’ are Hsing thelr traditions eae Je and. content. Freodom of thought, speech, and asetnce were fost a fee enterprise, which they served {S'promote and protect—esently cried ees, designed {o Pepin an obuolescent material ad intellectual culture ty stmore productive and rational on. Once fstution, Pi ae thee sights and Ubertis shared the fate ofthe solety tforhiah they had become an integral part. The achleverent ‘anods the premises "To the dogree to which freedom from wernt, the con- cqotesubtance of al freedom, is becoming areal postbity, ‘Fe iberten which pertain to a state of lower productivity former content. Independence of thovght, Manon, and the right to polite oppostton are beng eputval of del bale eral ftfon in sotety which seer creasingly capable of satishjing the neods of the ‘Galviduals through the way in which iis organiza. Such + = One-Dimensional Mon : cll may July demand aceptance of spats snd hts fad reduce the opedton tthe Len [romotn of slkenativ polls within the stan goo ia {hs rspct, it secms to make lil dference wheter the dnceasing stisacon of eos accomplsied by an ethan Sac oa nonautortean sytem: Unor the endo fang ander of vag, non-oaforaiy wth he sys ful appears to be sctly ees, and the mae then Senta tangle conomle and pallial advantages end {heaton the smooth operation of the whol Indeed a Jest in ofr as th ness of Ife ar veld, thee sees oe no reason why the production end diebutoe Of goods and services should proce Hough te se Uwe concunenc of india bers, Fedo of enterprise was fom the bepanag ot alio- gether a Bleing, An th erty to woror to sary ‘pelle tod, nssuty, and fest fo tho vat marty of he option 1f the fll were ne lnger to [rove hinslf onthe market, a wos eames soe Me Aisapesrance of is Kind of feodom would be on of the greet achievements of evlzton, Tho technol see of mechantation and stndardeation might weve ‘naval energy nto a yet unchartod rea Sf fede beyond neressy. The very srctre of human eto would ered, the fal would be berated om te work work pon him alin Seeds ad alin poe sts, The inde would be fee to exer tondoy ‘eral that woul bo is own If the proctve appen tos could bo orga and dred toward the stdeotos of the vl nods, ts contol might wel be ented ech ‘ontrol woud ot prevent nd etonomy, but sone pose This a goat within tha capable of edvancedinda- {ol evita, de “end” of focnslgial ratory: fa Acta fat, owever, the eatery ted spre the Sp (One-Dimensional Society 5 sts ings coon and plea oes or "Elo ad expan on inborn td i, he Sel to tear’ By vats oe wy Buc temp di vector fe er rot ly eet Sed dain ny, bet a Sint Eons sondonse wep ine nuts y ye eo, Reve a eget epeton sete wks ht oly saa om of geomet {Pir enon, bet © me ra eal eatin ch any el Zrnpaible wth “ploalisn” of paris, newspaper, “coun einen Set Ere rset lf ugh power ver ab la tore tii raion Fens Me gran feed ee Ee and my Sia ured in subletting. an eating Teed tine ad ial acy a seston Ant pc mb SECT hw end oy re a ie ot cea tet ha he mang Ee Ee ) poe maps tat of bn anal ey yer gop of dvi an he Imachie the mos elective pte inet in any ety Fiera ts ace ee the politcal tend may bo revered esata the power Fabius uasap nd nae eof Sarita whew wi eco rn ee chen vowing bosmen ss season rma pote eaeporry industria evation demonstates that 1 the hw ayn m0 aaa

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