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Sean Riggs


Sustainability Council Plans Events for Earth Week

CARROLLTON, Ga. (April 6, 2015) Plans to enhance student involvement in Earth
Week, April 4-16, are underway on the campus of the University of West Georgia. The
UWG Center for Sustainability was created in 2014 as a branch of the sustainability
council in efforts to make UWG one of the most recognized sustainable campuses in
Georgia in the upcoming years. The Center hopes to create campus-wide initiatives
towards going green and to increase student involvement in its activities based around
earth week and in the future.
Skyler Edmonds, a Senior Environmental Studies major at UWG, is anticipating the
chance to work with the center for sustainability on these initiatives. The more people
we have that are knowledgeable of the events and the movement, the better. We need
to be a conscious campus and lessen our footprint, stated Edmonds ahead of earth
week. We need as many people informed as possible.
Earth Week on campus is from April 4-16, but the enthusiasm should be carried over
into the upcoming school year. Activities to promote healthy campus and community life
include a nature walk, tree plantings, vegetable plantings, and recycling events. Earth
week culminates on April 16 with the Sustainability Expo at the amphitheater at
Adamson Square in downtown Carrollton. The expo is the pinnacle event of the Center
for Sustainability, and will include members of the Carrollton and UWG communities
along with leaders in the field of sustainable living.
For more information and a full schedule on any of the campus-wide earth week events,
visit For volunteering information, contact Hannes Gerhardt,
the director of sustainability at UWG, at For social media, feel
free to search #UWGgogreen for updates, information about the events, and how to
get involved.

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