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Daily Lesson Plan Writing

Teacher: Miss. Wyrick

Overall lesson topic/title: Adding sensory details to writing.
Content GLCEs and Common Core State Standards for this lesson:
W.PR.05.03 Draft focused ideas using linguistic structures and textual features needed to
clearly communicate information composting coherent, mechanically sound paragraphs when
writing compositions.
W.PS.05.01 Exhibit personal style and voice to enhance the written message in both narrative
and informational writing.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.3.B Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description, and
pacing, to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.3.D Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to
convey experiences and events precisely.
Objective: Students will know how to add the 5 sensory details to their personal narrative drafts.
They will practice adding these details to their writing to make their writing come more alive
for their readers.
Materials & supplies needed:
Writing workshop packets (Sticky notes, highlighters, and pencils)
Large pieces of paper for group work
Lined paper for each student
Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event
Introduction to the lesson

(What will I say to help children understand the purpose

of the lesson? How will I help them make connections to prior lessons or experiences? How
will I motivate them to become engaged in the lesson?) (_ minutes)

I will ask students if they know about the 5 senses. We will

then list them on the board. I will then explain, In writing we
should add sensory details because it helps the reader
experience the moment with you.
I will then do a short reading with no sensory details and then
do it again with sensory details. The students will then decide
which one is better reading sounds better. We will discuss why
one reading sounds better than the other and what
characteristics distinguishes one reading from the other.
I will then model how to make the anchor chart that each group
will also make. (10 minutes)

How this lesson is

differentiated for your
Focal Students based on
information gained from
the preassessment/science talk?
Students are grouped
based off their reading
and writing MAP scores.
This will allow the
students to talk with other
students on there level. It
will also allow me to
know which group will
need more assistance than
other groups.
During the group work I
will be circulating around

OUTLINE of activities during the lesson (Include details about how I will begin
and end each activity; what discussion questions I will use; How will key ideas be expressed? What
kinds of specific activities or tasks will I engage them in? How ALL students will be engaged all of the
time? How I will help children understand behavior expectations during the lesson; when/how I will
distribute supplies and materials) Identify each activity and the estimated time for each.

We will start with a group activity where they will get into
their Daily 5 groups. I will pass out the job cards to different
students in each group: recorder, supplies manager, task
manager, and presenter. The supplies manager will get the
different colored cups, the markers, and the large pieces of
The groups will then draw up an anchor chart for the 5 sensory
details. Each student will contribute to the anchor chart by
writing at least 3 ideas on sticky notes and giving them to the
recorder to write down on the anchor chart.
(I will monitor progress in each group based off the cup colors
I see, and which groups I help while circulating the classroom)
(15 minutes)
I will then announce that it will be time to wrap up and groups
should present their findings to another group. (The presenter
will present this information.) (5 minutes)
I will then go over again what sensory details we want to add
right now into our writing and how it will make our writing
better. I will add one idea from each group and from each
category to my own anchor chart in front of the class. (5 10
The students will then go into individual work time. The
students will then do a quick write and try to add the 5 sensory
details into their writing. (15 20 minutes)

to each group and

answering questions. I
will particularly be saying
with my lowest two
groups to assist them
when they need it.
I will also assign students
in each group a job either
recorder, supplies
manager, task manager,
and presenter. I will be
able to pick which
students is which in each
group based on each
students skill level.

Closure for the lesson (How will I bring closure to the lesson and help children reflect
on their experiences? How will I help them make connections to prior lessons and experiences or
prepare for future experiences? How will I include metacognition [How do you know that?
questions]in the closure task? What kind of feedback do I want from them at this time?) (___ minutes)

I will announce when the time is up and writing should be

done for the day. I will tell the students to make a pile in
front of the class of their writings and that we will revisit
these writings in the future. At the end of the quick write I
will have the students do a thumbs up, thumbs down
assessment about sensory details. I will also ask a few
students to share with the group why sensory details are
important to add to a writing piece. (5 10 minutes)

Formative assessment Required (How will I gauge the students learning as I implement Differentiation during
the lesson plan and once the lesson is completed? Specifically, what will I look for that will accurately tell
me the students learned what I intended? How will I use what I am learning to inform my next lesson?)


During the lesson I will be able to go around to each group

and see what they put on their groups sensory details charts.
This will be good information to collect so I know which
students still need help understanding the sensory details
concept and which can move on.
I will also collect their writing drafts to look over that night.
This will tell me which students can use the sensory detail
concepts correctly and which still need help.

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