5 Dover (ST Margaret's) Scout Group: May 2015 in The Scout Hut

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5th Dover (St Margarets) Scout Group

Dear Members
The Annual General Meeting of the Group Council (in Scouting terms, that means every one
with an interest in the Group) will be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday, 12th May 2015 in the Scout
This is a breaking of tradition as it is a not a section meeting night, but they are still welcome to
attend as a members of the Group Council especially if they wish to present their section Annual
With the increased numbers, all sections require the support of more adult Leaders and Helpers.
The Agenda is attached.
May I draw your attention to item 6. Treasurers Report and Recommendations which are as
This year unfortunately it has become inevitable that an increase in the weekly subscription and
ancillary payments will have to rise. There has been no significant rise for a number of years.
The Treasurers recommended proposal is to raise weekly Subscriptions by 50p to 2.50
Refreshments will be provided to enable you to have an informal chat with the Leaders and
The future of Scouting in St Margarets is in your hands, please make every effort to attend.
If you have any queries about the above or any other Scouting matter please do not hesitate to
contact me or the Section Leaders.
Yours in Scouting

Alec Clayson
Group Scout Leader.
E-mail alecclayson@talktalk.net
01304 372927

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