Digestive System

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The Digestive

Table 5 Period 3

The Mouth and Esophagus

The mouth is responsible for ready to be digested
The mouth also contains teeth and saliva which helps
break down the foods
The Esophagus is attached to the throat and stomach
The Esophagus is muscles that allow you to swallow
On the top of the Esophagus is the Upper Esophageal
Sphincter (UES) that we control during
swallowing, burping, vomiting, etc. to
keep anything from going in the windpipe.

The Liver
The liver plays an active role in digestion
with its production of bile
Bile is a mixture of water, bile salts,
cholesterol, and the pigment bilirubin
Emulsifies fat

Gall Bladder
Stores and concentrates bile made from the
Releases bile into the duodenum to help
absorb and digest fats

Secretes digestive enzymes
into the duodenum
These enzymes break down
protein, fats, and
Makes insulin, secreting it into

The Small Intestine

Basic Facts
Part of the GI (Gastro Intestinal) tract following
the stomach and before the Large Intestine.
Composed of a duodenum, jejunum, and
Receives bile juice and pancreatic juice
through the pancreatic duct, controlled by the
sphincter of Oddi.
The primary function of the small intestine is
the absorption of nutrients and minerals found
in food.

Average length in an adult human male is 22 ft 8 in.
Average length in an adult human female is 23 ft 4
It is approximately 2.53 cm in diameter.
Divided into Duodenum, Jejunum, and the Ileum.

Basic facts
The last section of the large intestine.
The rectum is responsible for releasing feces.
Its followed by the anus.

The Large Intestine = Colon

Basic Facts .

The large intestine , also called the colon or the large

bowel, is the last part of the digestive system in
vertebrae, Water is absorbed here and the remaining
waste material is stored as feces before being removed
by defecation.
Grays anatomy explains the large intestine a a mixture of the cecum, colon,
rectum , and anal canal.

The opening at the end of the alimentary canal
through which solid waste matter leaves the
it is used for defection (which is the releaase of

Receives partially digested food
(chyme) from the stomach
Chemical digestion of chyme
Prepares for absorption in the small
Surrounds head of pancreas
Secretions neutralize stomach acid

Midsection of small intestine that
connects Duodenum and Ileum.
Contains Plicae Circulares & Villi
that help increase surface area.
This is where absorption happens
(sugars, amino acids, and fatty
If it is struck by blunt force then
one will vomit.

Final section of small intestine.
Also contains villi. (absorbs leftovers).
Connects to Large Intestine at Ileocecal



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