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Section V: Budget

Using both the school media specialist and the Cobb County School District budget website
all sources of income that contribute to the media center have been included. The most current
budget available to the public is Fiscal Year 2013 media allotments. The FTE (Full Time
Equivalent) for Fiscal Year 2012 Materials allotment is as follows:

$12.40 x (FTE-269) + $5000= School Allotment

Along with the school allotment, the media center has income from school book fairs. This is
the first year the school is having a book fair twice a year. Normally a fair is done one time a
year, in the fall. Depending on how much is sold through the fair, the school gets to keep a
certain amount as profit. The school does not have any other forms of income other than grants
completed by the media specialist. She recently received a grant for headphones with
microphones. Also, sporadic donations from stakeholders are common but not completely
reliable. Grants and donations are potential sources of income for the Media Center.
With the rise of technology, media center use and reliance, and reading needs from students, it
is believed this is a sizeable budget because of the population of our school. However, there is
definitely a need for more reliable income. Most of the computers and technologies that are in
the Media Center are left over from other parts of the school and are received from grants in
different departments that are housed in the media center due to space. The library is also in need
of newer books and a larger Spanish section as well as more furniture.

Program Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2015, from

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