Kwomack - Resume - Online

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National Technical Institute of the Deaf at RIT in Rochester, NY
Bachelor of Science, summa cum laude, ASL-English Interpretation, May 2014
Minor: Language Science
Selection of relevant coursework:
Mental Health Interpreting
Community Interpreting

Healthcare Interpreting
Interpreting Frozen Texts

Linguistics of ASL
Advanced French II, III

Freelance Interpreter (May 2014 present): Independent contractor providing interpreting services
through several local agencies for a variety of settings on college campuses and in the community;
including college courses, 1-on-1 meetings, business and staff meetings, medical appointments, workplace
trainings and seminars, and group meetings.
Apprentice Interpreter (Jan. May 2015): With support from a mentor and colleagues in the Dept. of Access
Services at NTID/RIT, interpreting in a variety of post-secondary settings including specialized/technical
courses, student activities, and staff activities.
Practicum and Seminar I & II (Aug. Dec. 2013): Interpreting in a variety of opportunities through the
ASLIE program, including: group interactions, education/classroom settings, and performance settings.
(Jan. May 2014): Internship at Strong Hospital, observing professional staff interpreters and interpreting
with supervision. Interpreted and observed in a variety of clinical settings including staff meetings,
emergency settings, and 1-on-1 consultative appointments.
Research Assistant (Aug. 2013 Aug. 2014): Working on a proof-of-concept study examining strengths and
weaknesses of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in STEM fields. Responsibilities included:
developing experiment methodology and materials, recruiting participants, running experiments, data
management, and data analysis and reporting.
Workshop Coordinator (Aug. 2012 Aug. 2013): Developing pedagogical materials; coordinating
participants and logistics; and leading several tutorials for a workshop on computer science and linguistics
topics for RIT students.
Linguistics Research Assistant (Oct. 2011 Aug. 2014): Member of the Human-Centric Multi-Modal
Modeling Lab at RIT (at, a team studying the decision-making processes of physicians.
Responsibilities included: determining research questions; developing computational approaches to
modeling language; project write-ups and conference submissions; and collaboration. First author on three
published research papers and have presented at local and international workshops and conferences.
Professional Affiliations
RID Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
GVRRID Genesee Valley Region RID
SPIN Student/Professional Interpreter Network at RIT

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