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Transpersonal Caring and

the Psychological Wellbeing of Older Adults

By: Leigh Anne Koonmen, Gail Luskin, Lashonda
Martin, and Karen Wiekierak

Over 20% of adults age 60 and over suffer from a
mental or neurological disorder
Mental health plays a large role in the elderlys ability to
maintain their physical health and well-being.
In turn, poor physical health such as chronic diseases
and disabilities can impact their mental health

Vulnerable Population
Older Adult = 65+ years
Older Adults Unprecedented Growth:
- Longer life spans
- Aging baby boomers (2011)
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014)

Vulnerable Population
Current Population: 36 Million
Will double to 72 million during the next 25 years.
o 1 out of 5 Americans
By 2050: 89 million
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2013)

Racial and Ethnic Diversity - Dramatic Shift

Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2013)

Cultural Descriptors Impacting Health

High risk for developing chronic illnesses and related

disabilities including:
o Diabetes mellitus
o Arthritis
o Congestive heart failure
o Stroke
o Cancer
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014)

Cultural Descriptors Impacting Health

Impacts 9 of the 10 leading causes of death including:
Heart disease
Alzheimers disease
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014)

Psychological Health Risk Factors

Social isolation
Stress and coping with changes
Abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) and Neglect
Financial exploitation

Statistics r/t Population and Health Risk

Percentage of people aged 65 or older
reporting clinically relevant symptoms of
depression was 12% for men and 19% for
women in 2006.
-Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics,

Literature Reviews
Older Adults and Hearing Help-Seeking Behaviors Saunders, Chisolm, and Wallhagen (2012)
Identification of Environmental Supports for Healthy
Eating in Older Adults - Sylvie, Jiang, and Cohen (2014)
In the Best Interest of the (Adult) Child: Ideas About
Kinship Care of Older Adults - Jennings, Perry, and
Valeriani (2014)

Risk Assessment for the Elderly

Tobacco avoidance
Injury prevention
Stress and mental health issues
Oral and skin care

Jean Watson
Moral ideal of nursing = caring
Holistic care of mind, body,
spirit, and nature
Physical, psychological, and
psychosocial needs
Disease results from

Transpersonal Caring Theory

Major elements:
A) 10 carative factors
B) The transpersonal caring relationship
C) The caring occasion/moment

10 Carative Factors
1.Humanistic-altruistic system of value
2.Instill faith and hope; honor others
3.Sensitivity to self and others
4.Develop helping & trusting, human care relationship
5.Promote & accept expression of positive and negative feelings
6.Use creative problem-solving methods in the caring process
7.Share transpersonal teaching-learning to address needs & comprehension styles
8.Create a supportive, protective, &/or corrective mental, physical, societal, &
spiritual environment
9.Human needs assistance - physical, emotional, and spiritual
10.Be open to existential-phenomenological-spiritual forces & allow miracles to enter

Transpersonal Caring Relationship

Higher level of caring
o Protect, enhance, and preserve the patients
dignity, humanity, wholeness, and inner harmony
o Be engaged and conscious of yourself and the
o Connect/establish a relationship to promote
comfort, health, and healing

Caring Occasion/Moment
encounters between
nurse and patient
Meaningful, authentic,
and intentional

Plan of Action and Implementation

Creating environments and living conditions supportive of
healthy lifestyles
Providing necessary resources to meet basic needs
Ensuring environment is beneficial to security and freedom
Providing social support and health programs for both
elderly and caregivers
Educating on older adult violence and maltreatment
Creating community development programs
Having prompt recognition and treatment of ailments

Settings for Activity

Assisted living facilities
Community nutrition sites
Health and social programs within the
Church or other faith based meeting areas

Services Provided by Mecosta County

Homemaker Aide
Specialized Respite
Senior Meals Program
Outreach & Assistance
Disaster Coordination
Senior Home
Maintenance Program

Equipment Loan Closet

Assistance Program
Information & Referral
Living Wills & Durable
Power of Attorney for
Health Care
Resource Guide & List

Healthy People 2020

10-year nationwide health-promotion and disease-prevention goals

Healthy People 2020

Identify health improvement
Increase public awareness
Provide objectives & goals
Engage other sectors
Identify research, evaluation,
& data collection needs

Healthy People 2020 & the Elderly

1. Improve the health, function, & quality of life of older adults
2. Reduce the morbidity & costs associated with & maintain or enhance the
quality of life for persons with dementia including Alzheimers disease
3. Promote the health & well-being of people with disabilities
4. Reduce the prevalence & severity of disorders of hearing and balance;
smell and taste; and voice, speech, and language
5. Prevent illness & disability related to arthritis and other rheumatic
conditions, osteoporosis, & chronic back conditions.
6. Improve mental health through prevention & by ensuring access to
appropriate, quality mental health services.

Mental health is essential to overall health and wellbeing, especially in older adults
It must be recognized and treated with the same
urgency as physical health

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). The state of aging and health in america. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Association of Chronic Disease Directors. (2009). The state of mental
health and aging in america. Addressing depression in older adults: Selected evidence-based programs. Issue Brief 2. Atlanta, GA:
National Association of Chronic Disease Directors. Retrieved from []
Childrens, Womens, and Seniors Health Branch. (2004). Social isolation among seniors: An emerging issue. British Columbia. British
Ministry of Health. Retreived from
Currey, R. (2008). Ageism in health care: Time for a change. Aging Well. 1(1). P. 16.
Jennings, T., Perry, T. E., & Valeriani, J. (2014). In the best interest of the (adult) child: Ideas about kinship care of older adults. Journal Of
Family Social Work, 17(1), 37-50. doi:10.1080/10522158.2013.865289
Maville, J. A., & Huerta, C. G. (2013). Health promotion in nursing (3rd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.
Mecosta County Michigan (2003). In-home support services. Retrieved from:

References continued
Saunders, G. H., Chisolm, T. H., & Wallhagen, M. I. (2012). Older adults and hearing help-seeking behaviors. American
Journal Of Audiology, 21(2), 331-337. doi:10.1044/1059-0889(2012/12-0028)
Segerstrom, S. (2014). Affect and self-related health: A dynamic approach with older adults.
Health Psychology. 33(7). P. 720-728.
Sylvie, A. K., Jiang, Q., & Cohen, N. (2013). Identification of environmental supports for healthy eating in older adults. Journal
Of Nutrition In Gerontology & Geriatrics, 32(2), 161-174. doi:10.1080/21551197.2013.779621
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014). Retrieved from
Wagner, A.L. (2010). Core concepts of jean watsons theory of human caring/caring science. Watson Caring Science Institute & international
caritas consortium. Retrieved from []
World Health Organization (2013). Mental health and older adults. Retrieved from []
World Health Organization. (2003). The social determinants of health: The solid facts. (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

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