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Dirceu dos Santos

Discipline: Scientific Studies

Unit: _Science and humanity__
Grade level: ___7_____
Length of lesson: __4 lessons_-_2 weeks____
50mn each lesson
Stage 1 Desired Results

The objective of this unit is to awaken students to have a critical attitude toward the
implications of science and technology in human lifestyle. It also aims to make students
aware about the importance of the perseverance and rigor in observation of phenomena,
in the register of relevant information and in the measurement processes. The
responsibility in handling materials and chemical reagents, taking into account the rules
of lab safety, is another student attitude which is intended in this unit. Throughout the
lessons students are required to work in peer groups in order to develop critical thinking
and respect for others opinion. All activities are made in a way to awaken students
passion for scientific activity and research.

Content Standard:
Scientific Studies

Explain the meaning of the term "science";

Distinguish between scientific knowledge and common sense;

Identify different branches of science and fields of study;

Identify aspects of everyday life that reflect the influence of science and

Discuss the importance of sciences, particularly physics and chemistry, in

everyday life;

Recognize scientific discoveries and techniques developed along the years;

Discuss some aspects of science evolution, particularly physics and chemistry;

Describe facts of everyday life which is due to the advances in the fields of
physics and chemistry;

Recognize the importance of observation and experimentation in order to enhance

scientific knowledge;

Dirceu dos Santos

Describe some lab materials and basic standards of hygiene and safety along
experimental work;

Apply rules of personal safety along experimental activities;

Perform correctly measurements of different physical quantities and show these

quantities expressed in IS units.

Understanding (s)/goals

Essential Question(s):

How did science emerge?

Students will understand:

That science appeared because of

What are the effects of the invented

the human curiosity;


That there are many branches of


science and that each one of them




How to perform a safe lab experiment?

study a certain issue;

That is crucial to know the safety

rules, instruments and lab materials
before performing experiments;

That, scientific attitude requires the





observation of phenomena, in the

register of relevant information and
in the measurement processes.
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:

Explain how science appeared;

Recognize that physics and chemistry are two different branches of science;

Handle correctly chemical reagents and laboratory equipment;

Identify materials commonly used in laboratories;

Interprets the main safety signs labeled in certain chemicals and laboratory

Dirceu dos Santos

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s):

Other Evidence:

Students will:

Written Assignments (Individual),

Read texts on highlighting the


relevant aspects and implications of

Discussion (Whole Class)


Teacher observations (formative)

chemistry at the life of humanity -

Group discussions (formative)

textbooks, Internet, etc.;

End of unit assessment (summative)

Oral presentation

Perform activities with audio-visual

documentary, news, movie, etc.,

addressing the themes of science
and technology;







science, especially physics and

support - eg presentation of a


Elaborate schemes showing the

interconnections of Chemistry and
Physics in the different fields of
human activity.
Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:

Lesson Plan #1
Grade 7: Scientific Studies: Introduction to science

Explain the meaning of the term "science";

Distinguish between scientific knowledge and common sense;

Dirceu dos Santos

Identify different branches of science and fields of study;


Students will watch a short movie/documentary and they will be asked to make
question about their curiosity related to everything they watched.

Students will work in peer groups


Students will be able to:

Talk about science and refer to scientific knowledge;

Identify branches of science that study a certain issue.



Computer, projector

Student scientific studies books

Blackboard and chalk


Teacher will provide a 5 minute video/documentary that shows many natural and
scientific events in the world (the video/documentary will be projected in the

Teacher will ask students about their curiosity. Students will talk about what they
saw and also ask questions about the documentary (8mn);

Teacher will introduce the concept of science and talk about the diversity of the
issues in science (12mn);

Teacher will introduce some branches of science and explain that each one of
them concerns to a certain issue (5mn);

In pairs students will use their scientific studies book to see examples of curiosity
and separate them into groups in order to discover what branch of science
concerns to each group of curiosity (10mn);

Class discussion will follow activity and students will share personal observations

Teacher will finish the lesson by analyzing each group work and then he will ask
students to do a homework related to the lesson (5mn).

Dirceu dos Santos


Students will have their peer group work looked at by the teacher and the teacher
will provide feedback;

Their participation on class discussion will be graded by the teacher;

Teacher will use observations of the class while they work in peers discussion.

Lesson Plan #2

Identify aspects of everyday life that reflect the influence of science and

Discuss the importance of sciences, particularly physics and chemistry, in

everyday life;

Recognize scientific discoveries and techniques developed along the years;

Discuss some aspects of science evolution, particularly physics and chemistry;

Describe facts of everyday life which is due to the advances in the fields of
physics and chemistry.


Students will watch a 5 minutes video/documentary related to science and


Students will work in peer groups to discuss about technologies effects to


Students will comment each group work.


Students will be able to:

Discuss and understand that the development of technologies has brought benefits
as much as damages to the humanity;

Relate physics and chemistry.

Dirceu dos Santos



Computer, projector

Student scientific studies books

Blackboard and chalk


Teacher takes 5 minute to review the preview lesson by summarizing and doing
some questions;

Teacher will provide a 5 minute video/documentary that shows natural evolutions

and also catastrophes due to scientific inventions;

Teacher will ask students about their viewpoint. Students will talk about what
they saw and also ask questions about the documentary (10mn);

The teacher will introduce the concept of physics and chemistry (10mn);

Students will break into groups to discuss and write about the video/documentary
and then each group will rotate and comment each groups viewpoint (10mn);

Class discussion will follow activity

and students will share personal

observations (5mn);

Teacher will finish the lesson by analyzing each group viewpoint and then he will
ask students to do a homework related to the lesson (5mn).


Teacher will collect group work results of the discussion to assess students work
and write feedback;

Group discussion will allow teacher feedback on the students understanding.

Lesson Plan #3

Describe some lab materials and basic standards of hygiene and safety along
experimental work;

Dirceu dos Santos


Students will work in peer groups


Students will be able to:

Recognize lab materials and chemical reagents;


Computer, projector

Students worksheets

Blackboard and chalk


Teacher takes 10 minute to review the preview lesson by summarizing and also
checking students homework;

Students will break into groups;

Teacher will provide 2 lists for each group work. A list of lab materials and
another one with chemical reagents. The lists will show materials and chemical
reagents pictures and their utilities;

(Using computer and projector) Teacher will introduce students to the lab safety
rules by showing common materials and symbols usually labeled in chemical
reagents containers (20mn);

Students group works will fill the worksheet with the name of the materials and
also by labeling each chemical reagent with symbols (15mn);

Teacher will finish the lesson by analyzing each group work and then he will ask
students to do a homework related to the lesson (5mn).


Teacher will collect group work results to assess students work and write

Dirceu dos Santos

Lesson Plan #4

Recognize the importance of observation and experimentation in order to enhance

scientific knowledge;

Apply rules of personal safety along experimental activities;

Perform correctly measurements of different physical quantities and show these

quantities expressed in International System (IS) units.


Students will work in peer groups;

Students will handle lab materials and perform easy lab experiments.


Students will be able to:

Recognize lab materials and chemical reagents;

Perform correctly measurements of different physical quantities and show these

quantities expressed in IS units;

Conduct a lab experiment applying lab safety rules.


Students worksheets;

Lab materials (thermometer, beaker, dropper pipet, spoon and digital balance) and
reagents (Water, salt, olive oil and sand).


Teacher takes 10 minute to review the preview lesson by summarizing and

checking students homework;

Students will break into groups;

Teacher will provide lab materials and reagents (all of them are labeled) for each
group work;

Before starting the experiments teacher will ask students about the care they must

Dirceu dos Santos

take with the reagents (5mn);

Students will be requested to use spoon to take salt and sand and then weighs
them. They also will be requested to use thermometer to measure the temperature
of the water and the olive oil. They should express the results of the
measurements in International System (IS) units. (20mn);

Students will also measure the volume of water using the beaker. They will be
requested to mix some reagents and use dropper pipet to drop liquids (10mn);

Teacher will ask each group work to register all data;

Teacher will finish the lesson by analyzing each group (5mn).


Teacher will observe group work to assess students work;

Students worksheets will be graded.

(For the next lesson students will be asked about the results of their measurements,
without using their worksheet, in order to make them aware about the importance of
the register of the data)

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