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Hamad Waheed

S. Thomas
UWRT 1102

Final Reflection

If I were to successfully teach this class the first thing I would

do is emphasize the importance of reflection throughout the
semester. Not only is that extremely helpful to me, it also allows a
different perspective when looking back at oneself. I remember
reading somewhere that when we recall a memory, we are actually
remembering the last time we remembered that memory, and not
the memory itself. Its Ironic, right? I guess thats part of the
unknown psychological benefit of reflection. I would also incorporate
grammar into the curriculum. I notice a lot of teachers dont give it a
second thought, and although we have worked on in throughout
high school, its still something that needs improvement. At least
thats the case with myself.
Dear Mr. Zusak, I thoroughly enjoyed the book thief. Along
with additional insight regarding the holocaust, the book thief also
allowed me to look at the application of knowledge, or written

knowledge at least, in a new light. It is interesting to see the

significance of literacy in such a horrifying time period. I guess it
highlights intelligence, which is single handedly the core aspect of
humanity. This characteristic sets apart the people from the
animals, a characteristic Im sure Hitler didnt acquire. All in all, I am
grateful for the unique viewpoint this book gave me.
If I were in such a writing intensive situation, I would assume
that group interaction is a part of the process. But if that is not the
case, then I would start my objective of gathering individuals by
proposing the benefits of such a concurrence. Since the only way to
learn is by making mistakes, I would encourage going out on a limb
with writing. With anything else in life, confidence in ones work is
important, and can only benefit you. Even if the end product is
incorrect, thats the purpose of peer review, identifying your faults
and correcting them. Therefore confidence and acceptance is a
behavioral aspect that I would promote.
This may sound unconventional, but the first thing I do before
constructing a paper is nothing. I would be lying if I said I start
immediately, procrastination is my motivation. Its like Im asking
myself, am I capable of creating a Mona Lisa equivalent of an essay
in such a short period of time? and the answer is always yes. After
my premeditated and critically controversial method of motivation

has been carried out, I follow up by creating an outline. After my

outline is complete, I construct my essay in a caffeine-induced
frenzy. Once I feel it is satisfactory I give it to one of my roommates
to review. Usually the criticism is kept at a respectable level, but in
times of distress I allow them to throw any unfavorable comments
my way. The prior remark is also an incentive for motivation. I
conclude my paper by contemplating any improvements I can make.
As far as learning goes, I have learned that my purpose is to
capture my audiences attention with my inquiry, or at least
augment the ongoing conversation with my unique perspective. I
have learned that I need to always strive to improve, and gauge my
development. I have learned that in writing, you are always
learning. I have learned to be confident in my work, to go out on a
limb, and to be bold; as the experimentally earnest and
contemplative tone in my last paragraph exemplifies. I have learned
that anaphoric repetition is a useful literary device to highlight
importance, but youve probably caught on by now, right? This
course has taught me a lot, and Im sure I can apply all this in the

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