Volunteer Letter With Tips 2014

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Volunteering at the Fair

When should I show up?

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your shift.
Traffic can get backed up and the fairgrounds can be
crowded, especially on the weekends. If you are coming in on
a weekend or during rush hour, you may want to allow up to
an hour for parking.

What should I wear?

The Farm Bureau has T-Shirts at the fairgrounds for each
volunteer. Plan to change into the shirt when you arrive at the
building. (There are restrooms close by.) This shirt is yours to
wear and to keep!

What will I do?

Volunteers may be assigned to one of these duties:
- Help with the Ag Cab Lab Combine
- Hand out quizzes and prizes
- Greet fairgoers with literature
- Take felfies (pictures with farmers that are
uploaded to social media websites) with fairgoers
- Answer Quiz Question #4 and stamp quizzes

What if someone asks me about my farm?

Here are some sample Questions and Answers:

4. Meet a FARMER
Find a Farm Bureau volunteer in a blue
shirt and ask them about their farm.
Farmers Stamp:


Remember 60% of
Minnesotans have never met
a farmer. This is YOUR
chance to make a difference!

Q: Im supposed to ask you about your farm?

A: On my farm we raise 70 cows. It is a partnership between my dad and uncle. We also raise pigs
and enough crops to feed all of our animals. My main duty on the farm is record management and
milking. We milk twice a day, every 12 hours and it takes us about 1.5 hours each time.
Q: "What do you do on your farm?"
A: We raise corn and soybeans. Typically we plant in April and harvest in September and are
continuously checking for healthy growth throughout the summer to ensure your product is safe when
we harvest it.
Q: "Your farm sounds like a BIG farm..."
A: The reason we care for what seems like a large number of animals is because we had a lot of
family members that wanted to come back to the farm and work together. If we hadn't grown, I
wouldn't be able to work alongside my brothers and sisters if the farm stayed the same size as my
fathers. It just wouldn't support all of us."
Q: "Do you use antibiotics and pesticides?"
A: My first priority is to care for our animals and land to make sure they are in proper health and
comfortable. I'm also not just the farmer, but the consumer. Whatever I grow
and raise on my farm needs to be safe for my family and yours.
Q: "What's a typical day like?"
A: Tailor this to your day! Emphasize how you CARE for the land and
animals, reassuring the consumer that their food is safe!

For additional questions or more information, contact

Katie Seppelt at mfbfstatefair@yahoo.com or call 651-768-2120.

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