Weekly Plan - Fractions

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Learning Experience

What is a fraction? A fraction is part of something. Fractions can be
shown by models which contain equal parts.
e.g. a part or whole of something
Discuss what whole is and what equal parts are.
Use magnetic fraction on the white board to show whole and equal parts
e.g. one whole, half , thirds, quarters (appendix 1).
Look at images on power point of pictures such as a whole cake, half
cake etc. (appendix 2)
Talk about terminology of fractions
Ask students what they think it is e.g. A whole cake or part of a cake?
Discuss times when they might need to know words like whole, half, part.
E.g. sharing a pizza or cake. Cutting paper in half or quarters
Introduce equal parts by looking at images of halves (appendix 3)
Ask students if they think the images are whole or halves
Discuss symbols and models for fractions- how fractions are written.
Show the fraction and the picture fraction for that is half shaded
Explain to students that the top number is the number of shaded parts
and the bottom number is the number of parts altogether
Show several examples on the board and allow students the opportunity
to come up and shade a shape to make a fraction
Allow other students to work out the fraction
Repeat this for thirds, quarters etc.
Explain the work sheet students will complete (appendix 4)
Students colour the part of each shape shown by the fraction
Students work individually on the worksheet
Once completed have students come up and show their answers on the
IWB by shading the parts of the shape

Teaching Considerations/resources
Be clear and provide the easiest

If unavailable use paper and stick to the

Scaffold- Provide realistic pictures.
Consider students may be unaware of
terminology in relation to fractions e.g
quarter, eighths, half, equal, parts, whole,
Respond positively to students lack of

Modify- allocate certain students with

simple fraction questions from the
worksheet and provide extra assistance
e.g. TA.
Extend- Provide fast finishers with more
difficult fractions to complete.


Revise what fractions are- what is whole, half and equal parts.
Use magnetic fractions on the white board to revise, whole, half, equal
Introduce new terminology- quarter, eighths. Say altogether
Ask students if they have ever heard of these words before.
Write the symbol for one quarter (1/4) and draw models. Ask students
which on is the right model for one quarter.
Explain the answer or allow a student to explain- the top number is the
amount of equal parts that are shaded and the bottom number is the
amount of equal parts altogether.
Do the same for eighths. Ask is anyone can hear the hint in the word
Before handing out paper ask students to leave the paper as it is while
listening to instructions.
Ask students to fold paper to show equal parts for whole and half.
Instruct students to open the page up once they have folded it. Ask how
many parts they now see on the page.
Ask how many times you will need to fold the paper to make quarters.
Fold the paper to show quarters.
Ask students to unfold the paper and see how may equal parts they have
Ask how many times they might need to fold the paper to show eighths.
Do this and see if they were correct.
Ask how students checked if they had equal parts.
Discuss symbols and models for fractions- how fractions are written.
Do examples on the board.
Complete page 74- Models and Symbols for fractions (appendix 5)
Assist students that need more help by reading the questions out loud for
Encourage students to draw or use materials to help them.
Revise what is whole, half and quarter
What is eighths
How many times did you fold the paper to make quarters? How many

Provide clarity of knowledge for the task


Extend students by doing this activity with

more parts then just and 1/8. E.g. 3/8.

Provide minimal distractions when giving

out instructions and explaining the task.
Scaffold- Ensure the use of manipulative
materials is being effectively carried out
to enhance understanding.

Extend- provide fast finishers with more

difficult questions to go on with.
Modify- allocate certain students
questions appropriate for their learning
level from the worksheet.
TA to assist students that need more help
with the questions.
Ensure the summary of activities and
learning from this activity is clear and
effective to provide clarity.


Revise what fractions are
What is a whole, halves, quarter, eighths- how many parts?
Use the magnetic fractions on the white board and ask students to come
up and identify what they are.
What do the parts need to be? equal
Use an orange to cut halves, quarter, eighths
Show the class the orange and first ask what the fraction name for it is
now before it gets cut.
Ask the class what to do to make halves. E.g. am I going to cut it up this
end to make halves? Why not?
Once the orange is cut in half ask what to do to make quarters? How
many pieces are in quarters? Show four equal pieces
Do the same for eighths
Small group rotation activities in similar ability groups. Rotate every 10
Match up game- using cards that show the fraction symbol and the
fraction words students take turns to match up the cards that they have
with the card that means the same e.g. one quarter with . Each student
gets 8 cards and have match with the remaining cards that are laid out.

Fraction bingo- each student will have a laminated playing card each
with random fractions displayed as the symbol, the word or a model. TA
will call out the word of the fraction and students need to cross out the
matching symbol, word or model.

Whole class revision needs to be clear

and using the same concepts and
terminology as taught previously.
Acknowledge and accommodate for
different learning abilities- ensure a
student is capable of answering the
question before coming up.
Ensure all students are able to see.
Scaffold- Involve the class to make the
activity not teacher-centred.

Scaffold- Allocate groups depending on

similar abilities and ensuring that all
students are able to be challenged as
well as meet the understandings.
Extend- provide fast finishers with more
than one go or follow up challenge
Modify- provide extra assistance to
certain groups by a TA

Page 2- Students can work together as a group to help each other to

answer the questions on the worksheet.

Melvins fraction gameStudents go on computer each or ipad or share and take turns to answer
the questions. Ask students to read the instructions before playing or
allow a TA or helper to explain and monitor.
Explain page 2 of worksheet

Respond positively to students incorrect


Revise what fractions are- what are halves, quarters and eighths
Draw fractions on the board and choose people to come and draw the
model of the fraction any way that they like.
Discuss sharing- what is sharing?
When have you been asked to share something equally?
Fractions can be used to show equal groups. What is it called when you
share a collection of objects into two equal groups? We call each group
one half.
Show students on the board using magnetic counters or drawing, sharing
from a whole to halves, quarters and eighths.
Students use counters to share between two.
Ask how many groups of counters
Do the same for thirds.
Then quarters and see if students are able to share into eighths.
*pair students depending on learning level (higher with lower) to share
counters and telling a sharing story to go with it. The other partner must
say what fraction the counters were divided into.
Students to then explain how they have done it to their partner.
Swap over
Discuss students finding with the class- was it easy or hard
Challenge questions- write on the board a fraction or draw a model of a
fraction and students have to quickly write the fraction for the model or
draw the model for the fraction depending on what is written on the board.
Provide or ask students the correct answers to clarify.

Discuss what was learnt so far before

introducing fractions as division.
Ensure the link between fractions and
sharing equally is seen and sharing is not
made out to be a completely new
Scaffold- Relate this to what the class has
been doing already with halves e.g.
cutting the orange.
Scaffold- Use a variety of tools and
materials to engage students.
Modify- Ensure students are explaining
and clarifying what they have done to
provide their partner with an
understanding. Provide extra assistance
with TA.
Extend- Ask students to help others with
their stories or show others their own.

Encourage students to attempt all

challenge questions.
Look for understanding from answers.


Revise fractions- whole, half, thirds, quarter, eighths
Use magnetic models on board to show- ask students to answer
questions e.g. what model shows one quarter?
Introduce and revise fraction symbols
Discuss the denominator and numerator- the numerator is the amount of

Provide clear explanations and positive

responses to lack of answers or incorrect

shaded parts and the denominator is the number of parts altogether (say
altogether and point out the parts)
Split the class into two groups ask what the fraction is.
Ask students to match up the models with the fraction symbols on the
board once provided. The LM will choose the group that say their
nominated sound as a buzzer first.
The group that gets the answer right will get a point.
Explain the worksheet on page 75 Models and symbols for fractions
(appendix 6)
Start at question 2 (the first question on the page)
Students are to solve the riddle by writing the fraction symbol for each
fraction model shown.
Students then write the letter that matches each correct answer in the
Problem solving- part of a fraction
Look at a model for different fractions
Ask students what they see when they look at the model
Ask what the model is
Come up with many ways to look at the model e.g. three fifths or three
over five
Explain to students that people look at fractions in different ways.

Monitor students individual work.

Stop and provide a visual explanation for
the whole class if a misunderstanding is
Modify- allocate appropriate questions for
learning level and allow extra assistance
from TA.
Extend- Provide further questions for fast
finishers (the problem solving questions
on the bottom of page)
Encourage students to think outside the
Provide clear models.


Appendix 1- (google images)

Appendix 2- (google images)

Appendix 3- (google images)

Appendix 4- (google images)

Appendix 5- http://pbskids.org/cyberchase/math-games/melvins-make-match/

Appendix 6 ( Firefly Education, 2011)

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