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Learning Experience Plan

Yr 2

Duration Focus
60 mins

Implementation Curriculum


ACARA: Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections (ACMNA033)

Prior knowledge:
LMQ1 - What does the
learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge & interests including diagnosis of previous learning experiences)

Are familiar with the terminology whole, half, quarter however may not know the meaning
Use some terminology in real life experiences
Have had to show a half of something as equal parts
Understand sharing involves equal parts

Learning outcomes/standards:
Knowledge & understanding:

LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be?




One half of a shape or item is two equal parts

Quarters of a shape or item is four equal parts of the whole
Eighths of a shape or item is eight equal parts

Use a range of methods to represent quarters, halves and eighths of a

shape, collection or quantity.

DoL1 Focus Classroom Climate: Respond positively to students incorrect responses

or lack of response
Fractions may be a new terminology for students or they may have become
familiar with the terminology however have made misconceptions about the
meaning. The symbols for fractions may be new for most students. Therefore,
a positive attitude must be portrayed for students to feel comfortable to
Classroom tasks: Understand and be clear about tasks
Students will be asked to participate in new and unfamiliar activities therefore
the need for clarity when explaining the tasks is essential.

DoL5 Focus Create a culture in the classroom and the school that encourages the
development and use of the habits of mind: Perseverance
Integrate the habits of mind into the daily routines and activities of the
classroom. To assist learners to develop productive habits of mind does
not require major classroom changes but, reinforcement of particular
habits using routine and activities can be used to engage habits in critical
thinking, Creative thinking and self-regulated thinking. Focus on
persevering on a task through to completion with students and make sure
they remain focused and look for ways to reach their goal when they are


Learning experience

Links to
Dimensions of

Adjustments for



Revise what fractions are- what is whole, half and equal parts.

Q. When have you heard the word half or quarter before? A. For
example, cutting up an apple, saying the time as in a quarter
past two, cutting up a pie. Q. What do you think it means? A.
Answers will vary.

Use magnetic fractions on the white board to revise, whole, half,

equal parts.
Introduce new terminology- quarter, eighths. Say altogether.

Q. Have you ever heard of quarter or eighths before?

Write the symbol for one quarter (1/4) and draw models. Ask
students which one is the right model (drawing) for one quarter.

Explain the answer or allow a student to explain- the top number

is the amount of equal parts that are shaded and the bottom
number is the amount of equal parts altogether.


Do the same for eighths. Ask if anyone can hear the hint in the
word eighths.

BODY Before handing out paper ask students to leave the paper as it is
while listening to instructions.
Students to fold the paper the way the LM has instructed and to

Dim 1: Classroom
Climate: Respond
positively to
responses or lack
of response to
questions asked
about what was
learnt in the
previous lessons
and prior
Dim 2: Help
students to
meaning for
vocabulary terms.
Provide students
with a direct or
indirect experience
for the new words.
Dim 1:
Understand and
be clear about
Dim 3: Use
and studentstructured tasks.
E.g. the intro is
teacher structured

Magnetic fractions
(appendix 1)
White board
A4 plain paper
25 worksheets
printed (appendix 2)
Extend students by
Use of a variety of
doing this activity
with more parts then
hands-on materials
just and 1/8. E.g.
to engage students.
Scaffold- Ensure the
use of manipulative
materials is being
effectively carried
out to enhance

explanations and
examples are clear
Eliminate any
Model more

Modify- Students
can be told more
direct instructions to

examples of fraction

listen when LM says to stop and show.

Using paper ask student to fold in half
Q. Do we have 2 equal parts? A. yes. Q how can you tell? A. By
folding it on top of the other and they are the same.
Ask students to fold in half again- but first ask what they think the
paper will look like because when folded in half the page was 2
equal parts
Q. How many equal parts do we have now? A. 4. Okay good these
are our fourths or we call them quarters.
Revise how many parts halves have, quarters and a whole.
Q. how many parts would you see if you folded the page into
Allow for students to attempt this.
Discuss activity by asking how they checked that each part was
Collect paper and introduce next activity


Discuss symbols and models for fractions- how fractions are

written. Provide examples on the board of the symbol and the
model and explain that the top part of the fraction is the
numerator and is how many parts are coloured in and the bottom
number is the denominator and is how many parts in total. Do
this more than once.

Complete page 74- Models and Symbols for fractions

Show students the page first and explain each question relating it
to what was just shown on the board and to what was learnt

the group work is

student structured.
Dim 1: Classroom
Climate: Respond
positively to
responses or lack
of response to
questions asked
about what was
learnt in the
previous lessons
and prior

help e.g. fold the

paper 4 times in half
once and in half
Extend- students
could equally fold
the paper as many
times as possible
and ask how any
parts the page is
broken into now.
What is the fraction?
Scaffold- model the
activity to the class
with the paper.

Check for
Provide clear
instructions and
explanations before
providing materials
Keep using
throughout lessons
to assist students
Chart to show
halves, quarters,
eighths (appendix

Dim 5: encourage
students to
persevere until a
task is completed

Dim 2: Create
opportunities for
students to
discover or figure
out the new
information for
themselves. By
allowing individual
activities students

Extend- provide fast

finishers with more
difficult questions to
go on with.
Modify- allocate
certain students
appropriate for their
learning level from
the worksheet.
TA to assist
students that need
more help with the

managementexplain that LM will
be looking for
students that are
doing the right thing
and working hard to
give stickers to.

Give fast finishers more questions to do once complete.

Assist students that need more help by reading the questions out
loud for them
Encourage students to draw or use materials to help them.

are able to use

problem solving
skills to figure out
the information


Revise what is whole, half and quarter. Use the chart for halves
and whole to summarise

Ask what is eighths?

How many times did you fold the paper to make quarters? How
many times for eighths? Did you have to make sure they were

Use the magnet fractions to revise models and symbols

LMQ9 Why has the learner (achieved/)not achieved the learning outcomes
(Feedback to the student & teacher about what is needed to inform future learning - what worked and what didnt. Were the knowledge & understanding & skills achieved?
Learning diagnosis including individual learning issues that need to be addressed.)

What did the learners enjoy?

What were some of the difficulties students experience when undertaking the activities?

What has been learned?

What aspects of the knowledge or skills might need revised?

What worked? What might need adjusting in the future?

Appendix 1- (google images)

Appendix 2- (Firefly Education, 2011)

Appendix 3- (google images)

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