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Amiens Cathedral

By: Hilary Flores

The Amines Cathedral is not an on ordinary church. Cathedrals and churches
come in many different shapes and sizes. From stained glass windows to statues of
religious gods. To point out The Amiens Cathedral is different too. This cathedral
has a story behind it.
The Amiens Cathedral was a French Gothic architecture. The architectures
Robert De Luzarches, Thomas de Cormont, and his son Renaud de Cormont built the
cathedral. They started building the front of the cathedral. In front of it there is
three big doors on the bottom level, a gallery and a row of statues across the
middle. There was also a huge rose window. The cathedral had many feature such
as style and architecture when they were building it. But one of the most
important features of all is the stained glass windows.
Stained glass windows is one of the most important features in a cathedral
because it shows education reason. Scholastic provided an example During the
middle Ages, the church was the center of learning. The designs in the first
stained-glass windows usually depicted scenes from the Bible. This shows that
Stained glass windows were not only beautiful, but they were educational. It also
filled the inner part of the stained glass window with light and color.
To sum up, the Amiens Cathedral is different than those other churches
from its style and architecture. It was also very different because there would be
always different architectures. Like Robert de Luzarches, Thomas de Cormont and
his son Renaud de Cormont. And the different style. It was a French Gothic
architecture. And its the 19th largest church in the world.

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