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Scavenger Hunt for Fosters

8:30-9:00 a.m. Arrival
9:10 9:30 a.m. Introduction
9:40-9:45 a.m. - Divide into groups
9:50 a.m. Start Scavenger Hunt
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lunch
12:40 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Shelter building
1:40 p.m. 1:50 p.m. Outro/ Reflection upon team building

Detailed Description of Activities

Introduction / ice breaker game Group ball pass have the
group make a large circle and hand one child a foam ball and tell
them to call out another fellow classmate/ friend and throw the
ball to them. That child then calls out someone else from the
group and throws the ball to them until everyone has had a turn
with a ball, all the while you keep handing the first child a new
foam ball to pass to the child they called out earlier.
Divide the group in to at least 4-5 equal teams or however
many are necessary to form equal teams
Start Scavenger hunt Challenge 1 Hula Hoop Pass Have
the teams form straight lines holding hands with one another. The
team task is to pass the Hula Hoop down the line without letting
go of one another. Once it reaches the last person must then

return the Hula Hoop back to the beginning of the line without
letting go of one another. Upon completion each team will be
rewarded a compass and their first clue
Challenge 2- Minefield Using the objects from the
icebreaker and challenge 1 scatter objects in a confined area no
larger than 10 yards by 20 yards. Make sure the playing field is
covered enough to provide sufficient challenge but not
impossible. Place a blindfold on every member of the team except
one. Have each team member form a line behind the person
without the blindfold. The goal of this game is to get each team
across the minefield without hitting an object. If the team does so
the will be penalized by the discretion of the person in charge of
them game ex. (Everyone on the team loses the use of the left
leg). Upon completion each team will be rewarded 7 pieces of
rope that are 3 feet in length.

Challenge 3 Keep the ball up Using a beach ball have the

teams start hitting the ball into the air with the only rules of
keeping it off the ground and the cannot move their legs. Each
team must keep the ball of the ground and hit a total of 30 hits
consecutively. If ball touches the ground the team must restart
from a count of 0. Upon completion each team shall be rewarded
a tarp.

Challenge 4 Dont drop the egg- Give each team member a

spoon and 1 egg each (prefer boiled eggs) each team member
must place the spoon in their mouth and balance the egg on the
spoon. The teams must then cross over an obstacle course while
balancing the egg. If egg is dropped the team must then start
over. Upon completion the team shall be rewarded 10 zip ties to
each team
Challenge 5-Chocolate River- each will require a stack of 5
paper discs. Each team must then use the rubber discs as
stepping stones to get across the playing field. Each disc can only
have a maximum of two hands or two feet on it at all times.
Meanwhile the collegiate caretakers will fill the role as (sharks).
Sharks can lie to the teams in an attempt to steal their discs. The
sharks cant use physical force to take the discs. If a team leaves
a disc on the ground in an attempt to step on it and they do not
have a hand or foot on it, it becomes free game for the sharks to
steal. Sharks can also stand in the way of the teams as an

Ball Pass
Hula Hoop Pass

Item Units:
(4) Foam Balls
(1) Hula Hoop
(12) Bandanas

Cost per Unit:


Number of Units:

Keep the Ball Up

Hot Chocolate River
Captains Coming
Dont Drop the Egg

(1) x 100 Rope

(1) 48 Beach Ball
(50) Paper Plates
---------------------------(100) Plastic Teaspoons
(12) Eggs



Scavenger Hunt
Pick 5 landmarks that will be easy to relate to and set each
challenge course next to the landmark. Then use riddles or hidden
phrases to describe the different landmarks. The goal is for each
team to find the landmarks to start each challenge course.

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